Hello! How’s your weekend going? Mine is great!
Yesterday I spent some quality time with the perros and my lil brother. It was great – I’ve missed them a lot.
I got Bailey a squeaker beer bottle because I think it’s funny.
My lil brother and I walked the dogs and had dinner. I am soaking up all this time before he becomes way too cool for me.
I also did some research for a twitter party coming this Wednesday. Please stay tuned because I want you to come.
Then, ended the night with fro-yo on the couch. This made my night. Party animal.
And this morning I woke up to a nice walk and egg quesadilla.
25 Days of Fitness Sunday
Today’s 25 days of fitness is all about checking your water intake. Aim for half your body weight in ounces and/or check your pee. Everyone’s needs are different so figure out what works for your body to keep you hydrated and feeling good.
Question: Do you drink enough water?
“Enough” means a good amount for YOUR body and activity level.
Colleen says
I’m good with water when I’m at work – I keep my Nalgene by my desk and refilling it is a great excuse to get up, move around, and clear my head. If I’m working from home or it’s the weekend, I have a much harder time remembering. I always start with good intentions by filling a water bottle to bring with me on errands, but I get caught up and forget to drink or don’t bother to refill. Problem!
Sue says
Probably way too much H2O but not to the point of overhydrating; plus it’s good for me since I work in an air-conditioned office and workout in the mornings.
Now tell me that the Twitter party involves PB…else I might not come! 😛
runeatrepeat says
Awwww, it involves adult beverages which are just as good!
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties says
I think I am (usually) a water drinking champ! at least during the week. On the weekends I always forget! I guess sitting at a desk all day M-F makes it easier to remember to drink? Gotta work on that 🙂
Daisy @ Fit Wanderlust Runner says
I try to keep on top of my water intake. Today though I was busy at work so I definitely didn’t drink enough. I did have some cheesecake though…that made my day! 🙂
Sarah @ KS Runner says
Water is something I focus on alot. I know that the days I don’t get enough I feel lethargic and my skin feels really dry. It’s harder to want to consume much water when its cold outside though!
runeatrepeat says
True! I drink a lot more in the summer, it’s so much easier.
Becky @ Ok, so here's the plan says
I am really good about getting enough water…about 4 days a week. That’s enough, right? 😉
Sally @ sweat out the small stuff says
I don’t come close to drinking enough water. It’s an ongoing battle. I must be either chronically dehydrated or my body needs just 8-12 ounces a day.
Amy H. @ Run with Perseverance says
I’m normally really good about getting the right amount of water in each day. Unfortunately, since I’m pregnant, that means peeing almost every hour. #pregnancyproblems
Alisha @ Real Girl Running says
I really don’t drink enough water. Something I am continually trying to work on! I have been trying to pay closer attention to my signs of being dehydrated, like tiredness and lightheadedness.
Brenda @ Don't Lose The Trail says
I definitely don’t think I have been drinking enough water lately; one of my major focuses this week leading up to my race Saturday is maintaining my level of hydration.
By the way, the ads that autoplay blaring sound from the top of your page are really unpleasant.
Losing Lindy says
is that shirt from Costco? I have the magenta one and it is my favorite..for a small price
runeatrepeat says
YES! I went back and bought the magenta one too. I love it.
Losing Lindy says
it is currently my fav shirt, I bought my nieces each color for Christmas (they each get one color)
Linda @ TheFitty says
Hah! Thanks for making my day with that last one. 🙂