Happy Tuesday!
On Friday I got a few messages that readers spotted me on ABC World News. No, they weren’t interviewing me for my opinion on the Zimmerman trial – this was the fluff they put to distract from things like that…
the 7 Minute Workout!
I made a video of the 7 minute workout a few weeks ago when it first came out. Since then the video has gotten almost 50K views. And last week a producer from the show messaged me to ask if they could use a clip of my video. Um, yes.
It’s just 2 seconds of me doing the sit-ups part, but I was excited about it.
This link below will take you to the complete episode. The package on the 7 minute workout is about 2/3 of the way into the show. There’s a little line in the bottom track that you can jump to.
ABC World News Tonight 7 Minute Workout Story
So my “Just the Tip” for today is actually just directed at myself.
Dear Monican, If you are going to put a video on YouTube brush your hair and put some decent clothes on. Thanks.
I need to learn from my favorite Honey Boo Boo and always bring my “A” game.
Side note: The new HBB season starts this week and I’m excited. I love ‘em. Also, I am still super obsessed with the south and want to visit them in McIntyre, GA. Shhh it’s a wig.
The Oatmeal on Running <- several people sent me this! Have you seen it?
And finally… I’ve decided I want to try and clean up my act with fashion and beauty stuff (it’s not just because of my slobbery in the video, promise. This is a long time coming).
To my credit, I did skip these super awesome Mickey Mouse leggings…
Anyway – I put out a call on twitter and wanted to ask here…
What fashion / beauty blogs do you read that can help ‘normal’ people?
Congrats on getting features on ABC!
I just wanted to let you know that we built a website to help people do and time The 7 Minute Workout here: http://www.7-min.com/
We also have an iPhone App (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/7-min-workout/id657369636?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4) which people absolutely love!
I saw that clip today! I think it was on Better CT.
Congrats on your news segment. Some people are idiots…what more can I say about that?!?!? Hells no to the Mickey leggings, good call. 🙂 You look fab as usual….healthy, fit and strong! Go Monica!
Come to Georgia!! I would totally go on a reality show celebrity stalking adventure with you. I will not however be able to help you with any fashion related business. I may help you feel more fashionable in comparison though… Georgia as whole might make you feel that way too.
Ok now I have “super star, that’s what you are” song in my head, remember I am old, if you haven’t heard it.
OH and also, I used your cut up a whole watermelon method and it was great, except when I cut into it the first time, it started cracking like crazy. I was so scared it was bad, but lo and behold the best watermelon ever!!
Ah! That comic from The Oatmeal is hilarious. Thanks for sharing =)
I love @ http://southerncurlsandpearls.blogspot.ca/
And it’s perfect if you are obsessed with all things southern. Southern girls definitely have their own style.
Congrats on making it on the news an being famous! Blogs I like are thesmallthingsblog.com and thelaurenelizabeth.com. These bloggers are sisters and post cute outfit ideas that a budget friendly along with home decor ideas. 🙂
I like http://www.alreadypretty.com … it’s fun to read, I like many of her outfits. And once a week she posts links to other blogs.
Thanks for the link!
J’s everyday fashion and Happily grey. Love love love happily grey but sometimes she’s a little too trendy for me.
Super cool! This is only the beginning… Get ready for the paparazzi and the whole shebang.
I like a blog called inhershoes for beauty tips and such (I think that’s the name. It’s one of the favorites on my computer, haha)
i only read js everyday fashion.. but its not stuff i think i would wear most of the time. but it seems pretty casual (what normal people might wear)
Hey Monica, I would try cheapchicas.com
They often show affordable options of trendy pieces and the main “cheap chica” Liliana Vasquez is on the Today Show fashion segments all the time! 🙂 Hope that helps!
Um, I haven’t checked them out yet and already love them because of the name 🙂
Haha I thought you would!
Yay for the video clip!
I’ve just looked at photos of me from the weekend, and I seem to look like I’ve been dragged through a hedge in them all, so I’m afraid I can’t help on the fashion or beauty front- but I’m enjoying the suggestions made by others! 🙂
I like jseverydayfashion.com
or just pinterest to get ideas for outfits and new color combinations
I like heartlandunderdog she’s from St. Louis (Like me) I love fashion and really want to start putting things on my blog but right now with the amount of moolah I have to stick to buying yoga pants and sports bras.
I know nothing of fashion and just make my friends that are fashionable take me to the outlet mall once every few years… congrats on the clip!
I read “What the Frock?” – she puts together whole outfits and links to where you can buy them – all cheap: http://www.what-the-frock.com/
I kinda just love the name of that 🙂
no blog suggestions just a fun aside about fashion and how i fail to meet the mark….I bought two very nice dresses from Macy’s. Thought they fit me well….then I went to the Macy’s website to see how they looked on the model basically for shoe ideas and realized the hemlines were supposed to be a boatload higher than they were on me. I even got petite sizing. So instead of looking like a sexy chick I’m guessing people thought I was a candidate for What Not To Wear.
Congrats on being on the news! hahah and I love the clip of honey boo boo — that show is one of my guilty pleasures. 🙂
That’s awesome that you were on the news!! I use pinterest for all fashion needs!
I like Putting Me Together because she’s got great style, but she’s also practical. She takes a simple outfit and shows you how to jazz it up in simple ways. She’s also good about finding a few key pieces and then showing you how to make a week worth of outfits out of it. http://www.puttingmetogether.com/2012/02/building-remixable-wardrobe-part-1.html
and her blog is http://www.kandeej.com/ She’s been blogging since 2008. She has HER OWN 🙂 style for sure, and as far as beauty…she’s a movie makeup artist. Her videos are great and her attitude is fun!
Congrats about being on TV!!
Michelle Phan too! She’s the co-founder of ipsy and has a classic style.
I could use some fashion advice as well that can help “normal” people. It’s time for a major closet clean up although I am pretty scared to do it because I think the only things that would be left are workout capris and leggings…Let me know if you find any good blogs!
That’s so awesome! Congrats on that.
I follow a few fashion and beauty bloggers. Since I’m a makeup and fashion lover.
Like j’s everyday fashion, gal meets glam, tiffany d, the budgetista, and into the gloss are some ones that are good reads.
Awesome being on the news!!! Ab work is so important to running – love the video!
Woohoo!! That’s awesome. Congrats 🙂 The only fashion blog I really read is also known as Lululemon’s We Made Too Much section.
OMG! Corrie Anne you made me actually belly laugh! Thanks! 🙂
So I don’t claim to be a fashionista but I do work in the beauty industry so if you have questions let me know! 🙂
Awesome being on the news! That’s so cool!