Hey, how’d your Monday go?
Some days I am rushing to make dinner before an evening shift at work, but today I had all the time in the world so I roasted! Anyone else think roasting takes a long time? I need to plan days in advance if I’m going to roast something for a meal. If not I will put it in the oven and go eat something else while I’m waiting, then eat whatever was cooking. True.
Sarah from Blue Eyed Barbie nominated me for the “Tell Me About Yourself Award” I know, the name is so clever it blows my mind. Anyways, I am supposed to tell you 7 things about myself. This is going to be hard since I’m already an over-sharer. Lucky for you I’ll keep it clean (this time).
1. I am not very nostalgic about race stuff. Some people hold on to their race bibs. I washed and dried mine on accident and laughed about it. (I’m also not very smart.)
2. Ben refers to me as a Honey Badger on a weekly basis. I take this as a compliment.
3. I’ve had the same best friend since 1st grade. We have nothing in common, but she gets me vodka.
4. I have a minor in Political Science and enjoy keeping up on politics. I also wish I could share my political beliefs here, but think too many people hear your view on one issue and judge.
5. I live to eat, not eat to live. I LOVE food. I LOVE eating. I used to hum to myself and dance when I got fed as a baby. Sometimes I still do actually…
6. I LOVE having inside jokes with my friends. It’s probably because I’m dedicated to fitness. Or maybe it’s because I’m not Paris Hilton and this isn’t Las Vegas… never-mind.
7. One time I ate a whole pumpkin pie in 24 hours. That might be this 24 hours we’re currently living…
Now I’m supposed to pass this on to other bloggers – I’m inviting anyone who wants to play – Share 7 Things about yourself (here or on your site)!
thanks for share!
I totally do a “happy dance” when I eat great food. Glad I am not the only one.
This is such a fun post! I am definitely going to take this idea and run with it for my next blog post. I know how you feel about the politics thing. Sometimes I would like to make a public service announcement or disclaimer that just because we don’t all agree on politics, religion or nutrition, doesn’t mean we can’t respect other views and be friends. And following that I’d freely express myself and be free from judgement, arguing and hurt feelings… sigh, in a perfect world.
I’ve had the same best friend since 1st grade, too! We’ve never not been best friends–even now, going to college 12 hours from each other.
I had the best laugh visualizing you humming and dancing while you eat. My mom told me that I used to scream between bites as a baby because I didn’t think she was shoveling it in fast enough. Unfortunately, I still have a bad habit of “hoovering” my food. Ah, well. It sure tastes good for the 1.2 seconds it’s in my mouth!
Ha! Too fun Monica. LMAO.
Love all the grub. Especially, p-i-e. I always need pie. There are songs about pies.
Folks will think of the weirdest “7 Things” … mark my word.
P.S. Why does that bear have a banana caught in his zipper?
I’m a HUGE fan of the great wall of chocolate at P.F. Changs. YUMMMMM
Great post! Thanks for sharing and that HUGE piece of chocolate cake looks AMAZING!
I just did mine, inspired by yours. http://msselinawang.tumblr.com/post/12848811256/7-random-things-about-me
Not at all funny, like yours.
I have the same roasting issues as you.. I mean, who really wants to wait 40 minutes for the veggies to be done when in that time you could have eaten a whole meal? or two? roasting takes serious planning around these parts 😉
I guess I’m late to the game, but where did the whole honey badger thing come from anyway?
1. I’ve lived in the same town for 28+ years (minus one year I lived on campus in college, 20 mins from home 🙂 )
2. I’m a control freak. It isn’t pretty.
3. I’ve had the same best friend since 8th grade, we met in home room.
4. Sometimes I’m super awkward and make it 10x worse trying not to be. LOL. I did this last week when using a groupon.
5. I love food and spend too many hours looking at food blogs/recipes/magazines each week…
6. …yet, sometimes I can’t think of anything for dinner 😉
7. I have a Liberal Arts degree – English Lit. Major, Psychology Minor…but a year before graduation, I was 2 semesters away being an Elementary Ed degree. I just could not go through with that!
*getting, not being. I was going to be a teacher, not a degree.
I’m not sure, but that honey badger thing has been around for a long time – it’s still my favorite though!
By the way, I’m not knocking the honey badger 🙂 I just wondered if I was missing something!
yay you did it!
I love inside jokes as well. Oh and the “Sarah” links to a different blog, not mine.
okay my entire office things i’m crazy because I just snorted my coffee laughing so hard at the honey badger vid…good thing I regained consciousness enough to show them…now they are laughing too…”Honey Badger don’t give a $hit, he just smacks the F&ck outta that snake” so awesome!
I did my 7 thing a while back when I was tagged by Lindsay (lindsay’s list) so here’s the link, but now I wish mine was funnier!
Ha! Love that you shared that video 🙂
I got to be the office hero… 🙂
My undergrad is in Poli Sci too. I blogged about it once when one of my favourite Canadian politicians passed away from cancer a couple of months ago (who has a favourite politician?!) because it was important for me, but I tend to stay away from talking about issues. In fact, I don’t really mention my degree to people in real life because I find I’m always expected to be an expert 🙂
the ‘sarah’ links to another blog =)
And i love inside jokes too!
My friend and I were just talking about how food and talking about food are our favorites things in life. Maybe if I could find something I love more I would lose those last 10 pounds. Such as life though!
Oh I love it! I live to eat as well. Food is such a passion of mine 🙂 Also, I used to be nostalgic – but these days I rarely even keep clothes for longer than a season! My poor children wont have many hand me downs like my Mum used to give to me 🙂 haha
i LOOOOOVE food toooo!!!! haha! and cake. omg. my favorite thing ever. so incredible you have had the same best friend for that long! wow!
I’m totally too impatient to roast veggies. I want them, but I can’t usually wait. Someday…maybe!
Pumpkin Pie might be my most favorite food ever. And that’s a big deal, because I like many foods very much. But, if there is one in the house, it doesn’t last very long! It’s perfectly acceptable to have with every meal. Or for every meal…
In any case, you eat that pie!
I did a similar post called, “blissful blogger” or something. But here’s one: I sometimes speak in a British accent in my head when I’m blogging. Yep, weird.
That is random 🙂
dude, that’s awesome
I live to eat too. Food is just too good! And I’m not huge on the race bibs either. I actually trashed my Savannah one and Peter saw me throwing it away. His eyes bugged out and asked why I wasn’t saving it. I told him I have the shirt and the medal, why do I need the clutter of a stinking piece of paper. I’m with you!
Thank you! We already have a medal and a shirt, I don’t need an extra piece of paper laying around. (Except my special Long Beach bib that is on my fridge.)
So funny because this is what my post today was going to be about! Every week I always do a “seven things Tuesday” post and since I am not running right now, I was going to do seven things about myself. So you can check out my post later 🙂
Have you seen the honey badger pistachio commercial? They are quite innovative, apparently. LOL!
I always microwave my squash to get it softish then throw it in the oven on broil to get roasty….. is that cheating?
No that’s smart, mine was under-cooked.
I was a dbl major international political economy. I do talk about it on my blog, mostly because I am *that* liberal.
I’ve done the same with a key lime pie, so don’t feel badly! I love this, I’m gonna post my 7 things on my blog now!
Ahhh roasting…it used to be a joy, but sadly has now become the bane of my existence. Since having my son I now roast most of the veggies I feed him, so I am doing this every couple of days. And yes, it takes FOREVER! And so much more planning. But knowing that I am serving him whole foods makes it all worth it. 🙂
Love those! I totally relate with the eating thing – eating is awesome!!
I can eat a box of cereal in 24 hours…sometimes less.
Pumpkin pie is..the best thing ever. I am jealous for you living life right!
The honey badger video is HILARIOUS!
I LOVE food as well! I love making it and then share it with others. 🙂
Do not worry – I too have finished a pie in a 24 hour window :/
7 things:
1. I like to read your blog but do not always comment.
2. I like to blog serious, random and fun things.
3. I love to exercise/run. Strength training is a burn I like.
4. I do not have a husband who shares the same enthusiasm regarding exercise. Do your husband share that with you?
5. I love the summer we now have here.
6 & 7: I like to read many blogs
Ben likes to be active (hike, walk) but he’s not a huge fan of running.
I wish it was summer here 🙂
I wouldn’t have guessed you were into politics. Haha, not really sure why but that just gives me one more reason to be fascinated with you my dear.
1. I once ran over a cat on my bike.
2. I then laughed so hard I fell.
3. The cat survived.
4. Dairy is not my friend.
5. I have am an early riser.
6. Play with my hair and I’m likely to do just about anything for you. (Unfortunately my kids have caught on to this and use it to their advantage).
7. I hate meat and was a full on vegetarian for 7 years.
Roasting takes forever!! I am always craving roasted veggies / potatoes but then by the time I think about making it, I’m starving and I say screw it lol
I love politics, but can see not wanting to get into it on a blog.
I am not a huge pie fan, but there is a shop near by that makes a pecan pie with duck fat that I really want to try. It sounds so gross and amazing all at once.
I totally want to eat an entire pie tonight. Luckily (or unluckily) I made myself throw away left over lemon curd and frosting from Sunday baking. I’m kicking myself now.
I also hold off, for the most part, on talking politics on my blog since I learned my lesson doing the same on FB (and thus, burning a bridge with a relative–although, it’s okay, I didn’t like her much to begin with anyway), plus, I try to live by the golden rule–if someone else’s opinion makes you mad, your opinion might do the same to them. BUT having said that, I’m not so naive to think that we can all think the same way, so I honestly don’t mind people talking politics anymore like I used to.
Don’t want to take up too much space on your comments section, so I may write 7 randoms about myself on my blog later on…:)
I am interested in politics too. Andy is a political science major too. He has is masters degree in it. We never blogged about our views though. Definitely too many judgers out there.
I love inside jokes too 🙂