Hello! How was your weekend? My weekend was full of quality time with my family and fireworks and food. Sadly, my aunt passed away very early on the fourth of July . She was my dad’s sister and watched me when I was a baby when my mom went back to work. One time she told me she used to take me to Denny’s a lot. I don’t remember it, but that might explain my deep love of pancakes.
She had cancer and was in a lot of pain, so I’m glad she’s in Heaven and at peace now. It’s just so so sad to see my family hurting. We knew it was going to be soon which is part of the reason I went to go see her on Wednesday. But you never know how fast something like this will happen and it really does help to believe she’s dancing from above watching over her family.
Since that had just happened and my mom and dad got no sleep the night before our fourth of July was super low key this year. My brother, cousin and I just sat around eating and dipping in the pool and comforting the dogs. The illegal fireworks game is crazy around here and they were going off all day.

We picked avocados and I found this funny bag in my mom’s bag drawer! I don’t know why we thought this was so funny, but I insisted on wearing it most of the day.

My dad made jalapeno poppers from scratch and cooked them up before he went to make food deliveries to my other fam. Ben was super excited about them.

All I contributed to this lil bbq was an apple pie and ice cream. I totally cheated and went the store bought route, but it was delicious heated up and served with ice cream.

And I relaxed with the Roxican

This morning Ben and I went back to our old Sunday morning tradition of walking to get coffee. We found a new to us coffee place called Kona Coffee in Lake Forest.
I saw the bullet proof sign, but that’s not my jam so I ignored it. I ordered an iced coffee and shared a piece of Paleo Banana Bread with B.

But, I made the mistake of mentioning what Bulletproof coffee was to Ben and he had to get it. He was so intrigued by this weird drink. (Bulletproof coffee is coffee blended with butter and oil.)
And yes, I tried it. And it’s not bad but it’s not great. It doesn’t have any sugar and I like my coffee sweet. It is creamy and smooth, but I just couldn’t get over the idea that it had so much fat in it after I had just enjoyed a lovely pastry that I’m sure had a fair amount of healthy fats. So yeah, wouldn’t get it myself.

What it’s like to drink Bulletproof Coffee for 2 weeks. via Fast Company
The Cult of the Bulletproof Coffee Diet via NY Times
What’s the deal with Bulletproof Coffee? via Huff Post

The rest of the day was spent trying to do a capsule wardrobe. It seriously took my entire day!! And Vegas didn’t help at all. More on that later!

Question: What was the BEST part of your weekend?
Tell me something good.
I am so sorry for your loss. I am still extremely behind over here.
I’m so sorry for your loss 🙁
I’m not sure I’d like bulletproof coffee, I need sugar and cream
So very sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Bulletproof coffee sounds interesting to say the least… I kinda feel boring now, just drinking black filtered coffee with a teaspoon of sugar…
Yeah I don’t care too much for bulletproof coffee. I usually just drink my coffee black… I even got into the oil pulling thing that was happening for a while (tablespoon of coconut oil each day, swished around the mouth and “pulled” through the teeth….) but I’m good on that. hahaha
So sorry to hear about your aunt. It is always better when they aren’t suffering anymore, but it’s so hard to see them go.
No matter how many times I try it.. I do NOT like bulletproof coffee. Too much fat for me! Glad I’m not alone 🙂
I’m sorry to hear about your aunt!
The best part of my weekend was hanging with my 3 main men-husband and 2 pups! We were doing the dog comfort thing as well as folks in the neighborhood were setting off fireworks. We laughed so hard at my one dog who hopped up on the couch for some lovin’ as he NEVER gets on the couch!
The best part of my weekend is that I got engaged!!!!!!! Ahhhh I can’t stop grinning
The best part of my weekend was running my fastest pace ever in 4-miler I did on July 4th:)
So sorry for your loss. Sending lots of hugs and mental watermelons.
Congratulations Kristin!!!
I changed hosting companies? That and ate an unreasonable amount of food all over the city.
So sorry for your loss. Sending hugs 🙂
So sorry to hear about your aunt; she’s dancing with the Savior! How amazing is that promise?! It’s the only thing that keeps us going in times of great sorrow. I hope your family is comforted by that wonderful fact! 🙂
So bulletproof coffee is definitely an acquired taste, but I think it’s more for those that follow a paleo type of diet. I may have to take a trip south to a place that offers that AND paleo banana bread. YUMMY! I put coconut oil and coconut milk in my coffee and froth it because I am too busy (lazy) in the mornings to whip out a blender just for my coffee. #getreal
Hope you have a great week Monica! Glad Ben was around for the holiday and to be here to support you and the fam at such a tough time.
Yes, God definitely has a great plan. My little brother was away at camp so my mom and dad were able to spend hours with my aunt and family without him being around too much of the heartache. And Ben is in town for me too. It’s all very sad, but I feel the Lord working.
I’m sorry to hear about your aunt.
Glad you could comfort the family including the dogs.
That pie looks amazing and who cares if it’s store bought.
My weekend highlight was hiking yesterday with my boyfriend and our dogs.
Sorry for your loss.
I tried bulletproof coffee over the weekend using the Pioneer Woman’s recipe. It was good but I did add a bit of vanilla flavoring to sweeten it up. However, it was a bad bad bad choice to drink 30 minutes prior to running.
Sorry for your loss, Monica. I’ll keep your family in my prayers.
So sorry to hear about your Aunt, Monica. Xoxo
I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt. It sounds like you all had a wonderful time surrounded by family and love.
So sorry for the loss in your family. Glad you had love and support through the holiday and made the best of it!
I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you were still able to enjoy your weekend given the sad news of her passing. I was in Venice Beach with friends. We had such a great time! We went on the roof of our friend’s apartment and say fireworks from all different sides of LA.
RIP Aunty [FYI in my culture, we typically call anyone older than ourselves, “Sister ***” or “Aunty ***” as a mark of respect].
We have something similar to Bulletproof Coffee over in Ipoh (a town in Malaysia). Similar but not exactly similar. Over in Ipoh, some coffeeshops or roasters roast the coffee beans with butter – it gives the beans a nice aroma but it’s probably not as “fattening” in taste. Trust me…you hardly get the fat/butter taste. And the coffee is great.
I am so sorry for your family’s loss, sending prayers your way <3
On another note, I keep hearing about this wardrobe capsule thing so I googled it and in about 30 seconds I was overwhelmed and said "oh hell no" I still have no real idea how to do it
I think the hard part is getting rid of all the stuff I don’t actually wear, but want to keep.
lol yeah that’s my entire closet. I almost only wear leggings and a tank but I NEED a closet full of clothes.
I’m intrigued by bulletproof coffee – it sounds both amazing and disgusting at the same time and so far I’ve been afraid to try it. The best part of my weekend was a toss up between placing 2nd in my age group in a 1/3 marathon (ran at over 9,000 feet elevation – it was incredible!) and seeing how much my son loves the fireworks. Sorry to read about your aunt, even when it’s expected, it’s no fun.
Congratulations Kim!!!