Hey! I just wanted to say hi and check in with everyone as we socially distance, isolate, stay at home and try to avoid getting the Coronavirus.
Just because we’re isolating doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends and connect, right?
We have A LOT to catch up on – um, I was staying in an extended stay when I heard I was supposed to shelter in place at home!! And I kinda freaked out, grabbed my stuff and ran (okay drove) to my parents.
But this post isn’t about me (as opposed to 95% of the content on Run Eat Repeat). So we’ll talk about that another time.
Today I want to share a few links and resources. Please pass this on to anyone that might find it helpful. Scroll down for info on if you can run or exercise during the COVID19 outbreak and other health information sites…

Can you run during the Coronavirus Outbreak and ‘Shelter in Place’ order??
I found an article that answers that exact question. I’m going to quote it below, normally I’d paraphrase and link to the site but given the important health implications of this topic – I’m sharing it verbatum. It’s from NPR.org – you can read more here.
People who go outside to exercise are sometimes shamed on TV and on social media for risky behavior. Is it okay to go outside for a walk, run or bike ride?
The White House coronavirus guidelines for the 15-day period that started Monday advise avoiding “discretionary travel, shopping trips and social visits,” as well as “social gatherings in groups of more than 10 people.” But outdoor exercise is not on the list.
So unless local guidelines instruct otherwise, fresh air and outdoor exercise are allowed – though it’s important to keep some distance between yourself and others. The coronavirus is thought to spread primarily through close contact between people – within about six feet.
The primary mode of transmission is through respiratory droplets.
There is better airflow outside than in confined spaces. That air flow outside reduces the risk of one person transmitting the virus to another through droplets in the air, says Albert Ko, the Yale epidemiologist. “So if you’re going out and you’re hiking or biking or running and you’re not within, say, six feet or 10 feet of another person, I would consider that a healthy, safe practice.”
Ko also points to the significant mental health issues that can be caused or exacerbated when people are cooped up.
“My personal feeling is that if people are practicing sound respiratory hygiene, sound hand hygiene, they’re distancing themselves physically from others outside, and you’re exercising and walking in the park — I think that’s actually a good public health practice.”
Coronavirus General Information Resources
World Health Organization (WHO) – Latest info on the Coronavirus, staying healthy and more
Center for Disease Control (CDC) – Coronavirus prevention & government’s guidelines to stay healthy

Coronavirus Special Resources
If you want to help from home – consider donating to an organization working to serve those impacted by COVID19. You can donate money online to local or national groups. There are a few organizations that caught my attention and I’d like to share…
Note – if you or someone you know is able to help others or needs help themselves, please pass it on.
Domestic violence victims isolated with their abusers – I’ve read several articles speculating that domestic violence and child abuse will rise during the quarantine.
If you would like to learn more check out – The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). Learn how you can help others, donate or get help yourself.
Or consider making a donation to a local domestic violence shelter.
Many small local non-profits depend on fundraisers and other events – but all those important fundraisers have been cancelled due to COVID19 so they may be missing out on much needed funds AND getting more calls for help at the same time.
National Shelters and Resources:
The Hotline – National Domestic Violence Hotline
Domestic Shelters.org can help you locate a local shelter
Su Casa – domestic violence shelter with info on donations and services they provide
Local Resources:
Many areas have local, smaller shelters providing services to victims of domestic violence. Check your area for their phone number or website for more information on how you can help or get help.
NYC 24-Hour Hotline for Domestic Violence Survivors: 800-621-HOPE (4673)
Friends and Family – How to help someone in an abusive relationship
Futures Without Violence – site with a lot of links and info on this topic
Important Tip:
Safety Alert: Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are afraid your internet usage might be monitored, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or TTY 1−800−787−3224.
You’re on my lil running and healthy living website – RunEatRepeat.com – which isn’t about abuse but if you prefer to erase this site from your memory = go to therapy? Or if you’d like to erase it from your browser history you can do the following (below). Which can also be done for other websites.
If you’re concerned about your browser history…
- Erase your browser history after visiting any website you don’t want someone to see.
- Go into ‘incognito mode’ in your browser BEFORE searching for any sites you don’t want on your history.
CoronaVirus Articles:
Coronavirus and Women’s Rights via The Atlantic
How to help victims of domestic violence via In Style

Running and Coronavirus
If you’re here for updates and tips on RUNNING during the Coronavirus outbreak check out there posts:
Race Cancelled due to COVID19? Here’s what to do…
Running During the Coronavirus Outbreak – Tips for Runners

Follow @RunEatRepeat for more running, eating and life updates!
This post is property of RunEatRepeat.com
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