Hello! Are you ready for a new year? I’m kinda reflecting on 2014 today…

This morning I did a little bit of strength and running. Vegas made it hard for me, but I think that means he just feels like I should have a rest day

I am watching my lil brother today and tomorrow so I made sure to properly raid my parent’s fridge when I went over. I’m currently obsessed with their fancy coffees and coffee creamers. I can’t stop – even if I don’t need/want caffeine!

The evening included Cold Stone. It’s been forever since I’ve been there! I got a mint chip/chocolate chip/roasted almond combo. I have officially decided ALL Mint n Chip ice cream should include nuts. Done. Who should I write a letter to? Who can make this happen? Ben? or Jerry?

Now I’m just over here sipping hot tea and trying to warm up before my run!

Question: What’s your favorite ice cream? Ice cream topping?
Me: Mint n Chip about 60% of the time. I also like pistachio, taro, butter pecan… okay, I like ALL. And granola is usually my favorite topping.
Rum n Raisin, Mint Choc, Double Choc, so many…
Oh well, basically all flavours they have! Hardly one to turn down an ice cream or sorbet in whatever flavour.
Chocolate chip cookie dough all the way! You can have nuts added to mint ice cream everywhere, but make sure they leave them out of my cookie dough ice cream! I really don’t like nuts in my desserts!
oooh I haven’t had coldstone in forever, either! I do love some mint chocolate chip ice cream. My fav at coldstone is cake batter- SO GOOD!
Mint chocolate chip all the way, not sure about the nuts in it though!
LOVE Italian Sweet Cream Coffee Creamer!!! I thought I’d died and gone to Heaven when that one appeared. 🙂
I’m weird and don’t like getting too fancy. I prefer vanilla with crushed oreos, banana, and whipped cream on top.
I did like the blue bunny red velvet ice cream though…and went through the whole container by myself..oops.
Mint chocolate chip for the win! Although I’ve never been known to turn down ice cream of any kind…..
My favorite depends on my mood, but I guess more often than not I like to go for something that tastes like delicious sweet cream. Sometimes I am in the mood for chocolate or coffee or peanut butter, but a creamy one is usually my default.
I don’t like too many crunchy things in my ice cream. That being said, I do love pistachio ice cream, and most fruity ice creams. Chocolate gets too sweet after a while.
I love ice cream, and for toppings, I think anything crunchy is good — usually some crushed up Reese’s or other chocolate candy. Hope you have a great Monday! 🙂
Impossible to answer! I love making ice cream and make a mean dark, dark, chocolate gelato. At coldstone I keep it simple – sweet cream ice cream with brownie. Mmmmmm, brownies.
Salted Caramel Vanilla topped with Reeses Peanut Butter Minis. Nothing in this World taste this good. It should be a crime. Or maybe not, cause I’d be in jail on the reg, haha.
I’ve always been a Tin Roof Sundae kinda girl. The chocolate, the salty peanuts. Yummy!
I’m kind of obsessed with cookies ‘n cream lately. Can’t get enough! I almost had a break down when I thought I had a container in the freezer and didn’t. My mom actually brought me some over at 10 pm so I could get my fix. Moms are the best!
My favourite flavour for anything is always going to be peppermint. 🙂 So I say mint chocolate like you!
Cookie dough with heath mixed in
There used to be one called white lightning but I haven’t seen it for years!! It was dark chocolate with thick strips of peppermint goodness swirled through it. It was like a York peppermint patty. I like all toppings but mostly hot fudge or chocolate sauce. What is taro?
Vanilla chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream. I might just put whipped cream on it. It’s fro yo that I put a ton of toppings on. Reese’s pieces and walnuts and chocolate chips are my holy trinity for that. 🙂
I have never been to Cold Stone, but I would have to say my favorite ice cream is Rocky Road.
I love Cold Stone! Especially a sundae in the chocolate covered waffle bowl, that’s the best part.
Believe it or not I am not a fan of ice cream. I am more of a frozen yogurt type of girl. Ice cream has never really appealed to me.
Hmmm favourite icecream is a hard one! I like vanilla with flavours … so vanilla with a strawberry or caramel sauce. I also love hazelnut or pistachio flavours … throw in a little chocolate too, and you’re on to a winner!