Sorry I didn’t post again yesterday. I was a mess. I ended up eating a bunch of crap our of fatigue and was unbelievably tired 🙁
But – I am back in good spirits today! It’s amazing what a good night’s 9 hours of rest can do for you!
First, my big announcement:
I’ve decided to become a certified personal trainer. You guys know I have been really thinking about what I should do and how I can help people. I love blogging and I am very interested in and passionate about health. I thought becoming more knowledgeable about fitness and the body would help me be a better writer and blogger.
After much research and consulting with other bloggers/trainers I’ve decided to go with the ACE PT program. I am just starting to study today, so it will be at least 12 weeks before I’m certified. My ultimate goal is to use the certificate to be a more knowledgeable writer/blogger/runner and to use the certificate on the side to work either one on one or teach classes part time. Exciting times!
In other news, my computer is giving me a really hard time today. I’ve been struggling with it all morning and it won’t play DVDs (which was my work out plan for this morning) and the interet has been going in and out. Boo. I’ve got to figure it out, so I’ll see you in a bit!
hey i’m thinking of doing this, too! which study materials did you buy?
Congrats! I have my ACE PT certification and I really love the organization 🙂
I am so excited for your certification. It’s a wonderful development in your life. Looking forward to hearing about the new things you learn.
Thats great! Good for you!
Congrats, that’s so very exciting!!! 🙂
Congrats on the decision! Sounds like it’ll make you really happy 🙂
Way to go with the personal training plan! Congrats on the commitment, I am sure you will do great!
Congratulations on the decision! Good luck with the training. 🙂
Too bad about the computer issues – happens to me all the time. Would you believe my husband, who rarely works on a computer, is usually the one to fix my problems? And to think I’m on the computer all day …
Congrats, you’ll be awesome!!
PS – maybe we can find someone to invest in us and we can move somewhere warm and open our own private studio?! 😉
WooHoo! Congrats on the big decision, I can’t wait to follow along the journey with you!! Good luck! 🙂
congrats on the decision! i can definitely see you as being very motivational to clients 🙂
That’s awesome! I’ve thought about taking that test, too! I’m looking forward to hearing about your journey! good luck!
Congratulations on your decision and good luck!
What an exciting announcement!
COngrats! Then move to Boston so you can train me! We’ll spend the whole time talking about how much cereal/chocolate we ate the night before!
Congratulations! That’s a great decision! Good luck! I hope this makes the snowy cold a little more bearable!
That is so cool! Congrats! 😀 My stepmom is ACE-certified and loves her “new” career after years of being a stay-at-home mom.
congrats!!!! it must feel great to make a decision and have a lot to look forward to with this! good luck 🙂
CONGRATS!! that is wonderful news, i’ve been reading for a while and think you would make a fantastic personal trainer.
i work with a bunch of them and most of them don’t have anywhere near as much personality as you, which is truly so important when working with people on such a personal level as their health. You will do amazing, good luck!
That’s awesome! You’ll do great!
Congratulations on becoming a personal trainer. Please let us know what you think of the ACE program. I’ve always thought about doing a personal training program and I’ll be interested to read what you think of it.
Good luck!
Great news! Sounds like a great fit for you.
Congrats! That’s a great move for you
Wish i lived near, i’d hire you in a nano second 🙂
I am first time commenter to your blog, which I have been reading for awile. Your style is amusing and keeps me entertained; which is a good thing on the job. Plus your a great motivator. When it comes to food and working out you don’t BS – love that! Congrats on your big news you will be great at it! Taking from a girl who lives in PA the snow SUCKS!!!!! I hate it as much as you do!!!
Congratulations! How exciting! 🙂
Amazing! I’m sure you’ll be great. You cheere up and inspire me, through your blog alone, so I’m sure you’ll be able to work wonders with clients, face to face!
I’ve had the same thought, I can’t wait to hear ALL about your experience!
Congrats!!! I think you will be a great personal trainer! And could for you for searching for what will make you happy- so important!
Congrats on deciding to become a personal trainer! That is one thing I would love to do maybe somewhere down the line.
Congratualtions!! I’m really excited for you, and I wish I lived in MD so that I could take one of your classes someday– I think you would be a really fun instructor 🙂
OMG OMG OMG – that is so exciting! I have thought about doing that too – not to train others but just to help myself out in the gym! I can’t wait to hear about your experience!
congrats on your big decision and knowing what you want to do!
What kind of computer do you have? Your firmware may need to be updated on your optical drive. Sometimes uninstalling the device and then restarting the computer (which lets the system ‘find’ the drive on the reboot) solves the problem. Good luck!