Hello from Philadelphia! I’m at the Healthy Living Summit and wanted to take this time to apologize to Katy my roommate for the following…
Sorry, I will be super late to the first events because I’ll be coming in from California. You know, after a very important layover in Dallas. Important because of the DD iced coffee of course!
The Dallas airport was great! It almost didn’t feel like an airport – almost like a mall?
Sorry, I ate a very high fiber wrap on the plane ride over. Toot toot.
And a PB&J for a treat! (Because I didn’t have any “real” junk.)
Sorry I will try to get you wasted off of chia seed punch cocktails….

Sorry I ruined the first photo booth picture because I don’t know how these things work.
Sorry I tried to get you to try the empanada at the buffet because I didn’t want to test it out…

Though, I’m really glad you didn’t agree to be my guinea pig as it was full of meat and you’re a vegetarian.

Sorry it takes us 56 tries to get a good picture. I blame it on all those chia cocktails

Sorry I will drag you to eat with me at 11pm because I’m HUNGRY and can’t do apps as dinner.
Sorry I didn’t offer you any of the AMAZING rolls and cinnamon butter. The waiter said it tasted like French Toast. Yep it does.
Sorry I will sneak one of the rolls out in my purse for a pre-run snack.
Sorry after keeping you up talking about blogs, blogging and life all night my alarm will go off at 4:30am.
Yep, woke up a few hours later for a run. You can see last year’s HLS long run here.
I ran 14 miles not the 16 I planned. But, I’m okay with it.
Sorry I came back to the room and blogged instead of showering.
But thanks for rooming!
Babezilla! WOw, you look amazing. I hope I get to go to HLS one year soon!
Facebook flash application template http://ow.ly/69GLq?e=149l84
Oh Monica, I love you. So glad I’ve been stalking your blog for forever. Tha k you for coming and presenting on a very important topic.
You look great Monica! Yay 4 ur DD iced coffee! 🙂
Enjoy your time at the Healthy Living Summitt!
haha cute post! I’m sure she forgives you 🙂
This is super cute! Iced coffee is ALWAYS a must!!
And right-on about the DFW airport. I love long layovers there, because I get to explore. (I walk laps from terminal to terminal between flights.) 🙂
What a fun post! Glad you’re having a good time 🙂
Monica! You look stunning in those pictures! You are like…glowing! Have fun in Philly- it’s a great city. I’ll be moving there in 2 days to start at Temple University-so nervous!
You guys are so cute!! Best friends?! 🙂
you guys look amazing! And I want to eat all of that food. it looks so good. I also LOVE a good airport, is it weird that I want to check out the Dallas airport now?
I can’t believe you guys are in Philly and I couldn’t make it.. I still have to work! Have a great time! Were you in Reading Terminal?!?! I love it there!!
Hahaha cute post. I’m in Philly right now visiting my parents.. it’s great weather!
maybe it’s good I didn’t room with you, mrs toot toot. Just kidding, I wish I was cuddling. Toots and all.
Hah! Cute. And smelly… lots of smelly things going on there. I love both of your blogs and am sure that’s a fun room right now.
I’m sorry that when you arrived I was not fully dressed and ran to hug you anyway.
I’m sorry that I accidentally (yeah, accidentally) touched your butt while taking those 67+ pictures.
I’m sorry that I got busted picking said chia drink out of my teeth in the photo booth picture. It’s a good thing Meghann carried us on that one.
I’m sorry that when you talked about how excited you were to get 4 /12 hours of sleep, I decided to start talking about things like ad rates and analytics.
I’m sorry that because I had a cappuccino shooter while you had a salad, I was wired and tossed and turned all night.
But really, I’m not sorry. Because it has been AMAZING being your roommate.
Bhahaha <3 you ladies!
You looked fab in that dress at that cocktail party. Glad to see you made it to the East coast safe and sound. Have fun!