I have a bit of a love hate relationship with Valentine’s Day.
On the one hand, I LOVE ‘just for the fun of it holidays’ (see: Cinco de Mayo). I love specialty candy and decorations that make a random Thursday in February extra special.
Buuuut, I also realize getting a whole box of candy on a random day in a cold winter month means I’m going to eat all of it before the end of the week.
Wait. You don’t eat all your candy by the ‘end of week deadline’?!
And because no matter how many times I say,
“Dad, please don’t get me candy this year, I’m trying to cut back on sugar…”
He will still get it for me. (Because he realizes I’m just saying that because Vday is better than Christmas morning when you’re getting See’s Candy!)
Luckily, restaurants like Applebees are creating lower cal menus so you can have your candy and eat dinner too.
Their new under 550 calorie menu sounds really good too! I love me some portobellos!
Look good? Well you’re in luck – a rep from Applebees kindly offered one RER Reader a $50 gift certificate to enjoy dinner.
To enter: Leave a comment on this post answering…
Do you have a Valentine? Plans for V day?
Open to residents of the US. Contest ends 2/12/13 at 8pm PST. I have the cert so you’ll get it right away! Please check if you live near an Applebee’s.
Spending my first Valentine’s Day with my brand new husband! Staying home and he’s going to cook me dinner:)
My Valentine is my fiance! We have been friends since 6th grade and have been together for 10.5 years (yep, really). Finally making it official in August, so it’s our last “single” Valentine’s Day. We actually don’t celebrate it since we’re still doing long distance (both in school) but I’m excited to hang out with my girlfriends! 🙂
I don’t hate it, but I have no plans.
Nothing special here. I might make something fun for the kids, but the hubs and I will probably just watch tv…no one’s gonna tell us we have to love on any certain day-we love every day! 😉
I do have a Valentine[s] – my husband, Alfred [11 yrs together, 7 married!] and my 2 year old daughter, Lillie!
We don’t typically celebrate Valentine’s Day, so we don’t have any plans other than staying in & watching a movie on a couch while we devour ice cream & cookies.
So, basically, a typical weeknight for us.
I DO have a valentine, unfortunately he is deployed and in Kuwait this year. So, I will be working and then more than likely treating myself to dinner, a bottle of wine, and maybe “Safe Haven.” Romantic, I know….
My Valentine is my hubby of 11 years. No plans yet, but we’ll see what he decides. It usually involves chocolate since he knows I think flowers are a waste of money.
Having dinner as a fam with our four kids then once the 3 youngest are in bed my husband and I are going out for dessert. We cant get too crazy and stay out late cause I have to get up at 4:30am to run 12 miles.
Oh yes big plans……forget about the candy, I am getting money! We have a date with our tax accountant…so romantic!
I am really not into valentines day at all.
i’ll be cooking dinner and spending time with a special someone. 🙂
My valentine is 300+ miles away in Chicago, so I’ll be spending Valentines day without him. I’ll probably hang out with me friends Thursday night. Go to happy hour, or something.
What a great giveaway!! My valentine is my hubby of 15 years. We just got back from an amazing 2 week trip to the Keys so we will be laying low on Thursday planning our next adventure!!
No Valentine for me, but I plan to spend it with some good friends and food! Thanks for the opportunity.
My fiancé and I are going to skip the crowds and do a post vday dinner date!
Oh 2 minutes before 8 and I’m sneaking in here. I do have a Valentine this year, hopefully my one and only forever. He’s taking me out for a swanky dinner somewhere in LA.
No plans this year, just broke up with my boyfriend who I moved across the country to be with. So its an exciting valentines day because it’s my “fresh start new and improved” valentines day
Fresh start! Get it 🙂
I have to work an event, but it’ll be fun!
My husband is my valentine, but we’re old and lame and don’t ever do anything exciting to celebrate! Maybe getting a food gift card will give us a reason to go out to dinner! 😉
The hubby and I are grilling steaks and staying in!! 🙂
I’m not a huge fan of V-day…but I am a fan of love so I celebrate regardless. 🙂 The hubs and I will just be cooking dinner together at home. Keeping it low key and romantic! 🙂
My valentine is my husband, but we don’t have plans. We have never really celebrated vday except for like the first one when we were dating…it was that awkward should I get him/her something? Then we both discussed how vday really means nothing to either of us. So, there’s that. 🙂
I will be tagging along with my boyfriend as he drives down to Charlotte for a job interview (we live in Ohio). So, mostly driving and probably a fast food dinner on Valentines day 😉
having a girls night in with sappy movies! (Ice cream and brownies may be involved 😉
Since it is the middle of the week and going to work the next day probably not going out but might have a nice dinner at home.
I do have a valentine! We haven’t celebrated the past two valentine’s days (long distance probz), but he’ll be here late Thursday night this year and the cert would make for a great V-Day reunion!
My husband’s basketball league has a game and I have a six month old so we are probably not doing too much this year.
i’m completely single and have to work, so no V-day plans for me :/
I’m planning on spending Valentine’s Day with my loving husband of 12 years and beautiful daughter!
I do have a valentine, my husband. However, we have no plans.
I do have a valentine, who I am marrying in 25 days! Sadly, I do not have any valentine’s plans, because he is away for work. If I win, I will take my best friend on a hot lady date!
My hubby is my valentine! This is the first year we’re both gainfully employed since we got married so I’m hoping we really get to celebrate this year!
I share a birthday with Valentine’s Day, so typically my husband and I celebrate the weekend before or after for my birthday so it doesn’t get forgotten….so, we don’t have any “plans” per se…just to be together 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!!
My husband and 2 kiddos! Applebees is a perfect place to take the kids!
My hubby is my Valentine! I think we are going super low-key this year and getting Hibachi takeout with lots of white sauce!
I have night class- how unromantic is that?
My boyfriend is my Valentine and I bought him SO many boxes of Girl Scout cookies for his present. I’m pretty excited to steal them.
I have a Valentine but we’ll probably stay home and eat in.
Yum! That chicken with Parmesan looks super yummy!! I would love to take my hubby to Applebee’s! Let me wear the pants and plan date night! Take charge ladies!
My boyfriend is my valentine! I’m not sure what we’re doing yet other than sushi 🙂
My boyfriend is my Valentine! We are making dinner at home! 🙂
My Valentine is my husband 🙂 He’s cooking me dinner this year, and I’ll probably get a scary movie from Redbox and watch it with him (I hate scary movies, but he always wants to go see them with me!)
I have a valentine, my wonderful husband! No plans yet but I’m sure we’ll figure it out!
I’ll be studying lol
Yes, I have a Valentine, I’d better after being married nearly 33 years. 🙂
My husband actually remembered to make reservations at a restaurant for Vday–a bit late so he had to call around to find somewhere that we could eat earlier than 9 p.m. I expect we’ll also get in a workout that day to balance out the food intake reasonably well. Haven’t tried the new under 550 menu at Applebee’s, most of their stuff is so high in both calories and sodium that we rarely go there any more. I’d love a chance to give them another try!
My husband is my Valentine. We will probably celebrate on Saturday because it will be more relaxing than trying to go out on Thursday.
Love your blog!
I have to teach a class that night. But, my husband and I are exchanging gifts under $20 and then this weekend we are going to make a nice meal together.
My plan on V-day is to work-out at the gym and then work all day!
My hubby is my Valentine and we will go out to dinner probably Friday or Saturday, since we both work M-F, and its no fun going out to dinner if you have to go to work the next day!
I do have a valentine! and we are getting a couples massage on Wednesday and then I will be making a special dinner at home on Valentines day 🙂
My husband is my valentine ;D we typically celebrate our anniversary on 2/19 and just roll valentines into it…. We haven’t made plans yet but something awesome will be decided!
I will cook a special dinner for my husband for Valentine’s Day but he will have to wait until the weekend. I am too tired to cook elaborate meals during the work week.
I love Applebee’s! My single friends and I were already planning on going together for our little “galentine’s day”!
Vday = chocolate! Oh yeah, and my fiancé 🙂
Spending it with my 4 loves: husband, son, daughter, dog (listed in order of when they came into my life….. Its all about pigging out on chocolate fondue for dinner, and yes I mean that is dinner, kids get a kick that chocolate is the actual meal 🙂
My hubby is away again (the military has taken 14 of the last 15 Valentine’s Days away from us), so I’m going to spend the evening with a bottle of wine and cuddling with my dog. We all know that she loves me best!
No valentine for me… I’m a busy medical resident and on call…love to treat myself to a dinner out over the weekend!
No plans for valentines day (or should I say singles awareness day?)
No plans….maybe hubby will surprise me.
Just hanging out in my PJ’S watching trash tv 🙂
I do have a Valentine and, actually, we are going out to celebrate tonight. Tuesday’s are our ‘date night’. I love Applebees, btw!!
My hubby is my Valentine! We are going out for sushi 🙂 We have an Applebee’s 15 minutes away! Would love to win.
Spending my V-day with my Jack Russell and a bottle of wine.
No Valentine but I’m taking the day off from work to relax.
I have the best valentine — my husband! 🙂
I have a valentine and we are going to cook dinner at home together 🙂
Unfortunately my v-day plans include laying low and prepping for my reconstruction surgery on Friday morning. I had my double mastectomy on Oct. 22 and Friday is reconstruction day! While I am excited to have another step behind me, I’m bummed that the hubby and I can’t go all out for love day.
My hubbs is my valentine. We’ll be in Scuba certification class that night, but we’re doing a steak dinner this weekend.
Dinner at home with the boyfriend and daughter, both requested a shrimp dinner.
Sadly, the hubs has to work on V day….so I guess it’s me, myself, and a glass of wine the size of my face.
My valentine is my husband 🙂 we’re just staying in and having a movie night probably.
thanks for the chance!
No valentine this year! Going line dancing at a country bar with a couple of my girlfriends!
We don’t have any plans for Thursday – but I hope to go out on the Weekend. Thank you.
Do I have a valentine? No. Do I have a boyfriend? Yes. Can you already tell I hate Valentines day? hahaha
My boyfriend is my Valentine and our tradition is I cook him dinner while he spoils me with flowers, candy and gifts even though I tell him every year DON’T get me anything! haha so I guess men don’t listen right?
My husband and I are going out tonight since we’re busy on Thursday
I love applebee’s half off appetizers! We have plans to stay in, but with a gift card we would go out!
My boyfriend has planned a surprise dinner for us for Valentine’s Day (all I know is that it is 25 minutes away and involves all locally grown food!). I’m also planning to give kid Valentine’s to everyone in my office – like what you do in grade school. Cards will be accompanied by a piece of chocolate. 🙂
I love Valentine’s day, even when I’m single. It’s a great time to recognize the people you love not just the people you’re dating 🙂
My Valentine is planning a surprise for me, so I am not sure what we are doing yet…should be interesting!
For Valentine’s Day this year I would like to spend the day withy family a New Years’s resolution I made for 2013. Being away for college, I plan on going out with my sisters to a restaurany to give my parents a day off on this day.
I do have a couple of sweet valentine’s. My hubby of 12 years and my 2 little boys :). We don’t have any real plans for the day other than making sure my oldest son’s valentines are ready for his school party on Fri.
Don’t be jealous…but my husband and I are going to a science museum and then we have a date with Bruce Willis. 😉
At the end of the week, I’m beyond exhausted (lame), so we’re hoping to celebrate over the weekend!
We are staying home and making one of our favorite (unhealthy) meals… lobster tails, shrimp, mushroom and caramelized onion risotto (baked)
We’re going to postpone until the 15th and have a fun dinner with friends!
I do have a valentine. We are going to eat pancakes for dinner and maybe drink some wine after that. So it’s a pretty standard Thursday.
My boyfriend and I will be doing a nice dinner on Friday!
(we also love Applebees!!)
I have a valentine and as of right now we don’t have any plans. Hopefully he can be home early from work so we can order a pizza and get dessert!
My Valentine is my hubby, but we are celebrating late and not fussy because I have Boot Camp class from 7-8:15. Late dinner at home and some champagne and we are good to go!
I have a Valentine and we’ll exchange gifts. His better be damn good because he got me a CARD last year. That’s it. I bought him gifts and baked a Valentine’s Day treat. Felt like the biggest tool.
I plan on eating lots of chocolate!
I am cooking dinner for my boyfriend and he is making me breakfast on the day of. I hope he doesn’t get me any candy my Girl Scout cookies just came in today and I’ve got more than enough sugar!
I do have a Valentine; several actually (3 boys, 4 cats, 1 dog and oh, yea my hubbie). LOL!
Our plans this year have been dampen by my husband’s grandmother’s death; the funeral is on 02/14. Boo!
We will celebrate Valentines over the weekend.
I do have a Valentine, the hubby of course. We have no plans so far, but I will off work early and think I will have dinner ready and take him to a movie. Unless I have an Applebee’s gift card then we will go out to dinner and see a movie. Would be a much nicer night that way : )
I do have a Valentine! For the past four years we’ve gone to a BW3s lol but there IS an applebees n the same plaza;)
I haven’t been to Applebee’s in forev. I was supposed to make dinner for my Valentine, but he might be working late. Reality tv and chocolate here I come!
I have a great Valentine, my husband, but I don’t have plans.
No Valentine, No Plans 🙁 The blahs are mounting as well as the dove chocolate wrappers!
I might make heart shaped pancakes for my toddler but no real plans.
I want to add that after Chelsea welch- the Applebee’s waitress got fired wrongfully – and then how applebees pr failed -I don’t think I could support a franchise just yet.
I have the same love/hate relationship with Valentine’s day. My husband and I will be going to a nice resturant without the kids. I usually make up a valentine basket for my kids and make a yummy treat for dessert.
No plans here for Valentines Day. My hubby went back home across the country to be there for his mother while she had heart surgery. He was suppossed to come back tomorrow but storm Nemo postponed the surgery and he ended up having to stay another week 🙁 Hopefully we will get a chance to go out sometime next week when he is back.
Those Applebee 550 calorie meals look more yummy then the regular calorie laden meals too!
Love when restaurants feature calorie counts! Makes healthy choices so much easier.
Vday staying home with husbo & baby boy! Perfect night:)
Spending the evening with my husband and cute toddler! I’ll be letting the husband take over bath time, and we’ll pick up some sushi and redbox for when the little one goes to bed.
Just going out with friends
This is kind of perfect, we are planning on going to Applebees 🙂 The one by us is doing a special dinner that includes a bottle of wine 🙂 Um yes 🙂
My husband and I are going out on Friday night instead.
We will be doing what we do every year… I make dinner and dessert. I give my husband and son a card and a few sweet treats.
Plans for v-day include margherita pizza and my fiance! Aaaaannnd probably some lazy TV watching:)
Do you have a Valentine? Plans for V day?
I’m going to VEGAS!! Hubby and I leave tomorrow for an extended weekend in Vegas. We plan on seeing some shows, walking the strip, shopping, and spending some quality time together (that we’ve been missing out on – dang RUNNING!!)
My valentine is my hubby of 20 years:) We don’t usually celebrate Valentine’s Day. Yesterday was National Peppermint Patty Day, he surprised me with my favorite, giant York Peppermint Patty:) Pretty sweet<3
My Valentine is my sweet husband of almost 11 years! We don’t have any official plans yet (we tend to be last minute types) but maybe he’ll surprise me with something? 🙂
Valentine’s Day can be such a loaded holiday. Should you be sad if you are single or happy with all the love in the world? Was this holiday created to generate chocolate sales or to remind everyone to stop and appreciate those that they love?
Personally, I choose the path of love. Even as a single lady I love Valentine’s Day! It gives me a chance to take a look around and tell all those people in my life who I truly love, that I love them. As such, I am going out with all of my amazing, strong, independent friends and we are going to celebrate together, with a few drinks, some good food, and a lot of great stories. I am in NYC, so I hope to find a good hidden location, with a calm atmosphere.
My general plan is just to appreciate those around, so LOVE to you all!
Valentines Day will be celebrated by working out with my hubby then ordering Chinese (not so healthy!) followed by strawberries drizzled with DARK CHOCOLATE! 🙂
I’m going to have my fair share of dark chocolate on Valentine’s day, for sure!
I’m lucky enough to have more than one Valentine – my husband and awesome two kiddos! I plan to make heart shaped pizza with veggies for dinner and play some Wii with my special family! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I do have a Valentine – my hubby of 10 years. But we’re lame and probably won’t do anything or go anywhere. Unless I win this gift certificate, that is!
Quick 5 mile run and getting pumped for the Little Rock Marathon in a few weeks!!!
I have a Valentine, but we will be celebrating it late (over the weekend). Nothing crazy is planned. We stopped going the usual chocolates and flowers a couple years ago.
My Valentine is my husband of 44 years, Jeff. I will be making him a special dinner at home that day. However, we’ve been wanting to try those new Applebee’s new dishes. Then we’d have 2 celebrations!
No special plans here-but that’s okay.
My sweet bf is my valentine…this is our first V-Day together! Not sure what our plans our…it’s a “surprise”. 🙂
my boyfriend Matt is my Valentine! no plans for actual Valentine’s day because we will be in separate cities, but we usually do a nice dinner somewhere 🙂
My husband is my valentine (and my dog :)). Our birthdays are both 6 days from Valentine’s day so get a little overloaded with celebrating so we always cook a nice dinner at home and open some good wine.
This is a great giveaway! Yes I do have a Valentine…unfortunately he travels during the week for work, so Valentine’s Day he will be gone. BUT, we do have plans for Friday night!
No plans on the actual day, but we’ll probably do something on the weekend. I’m planning on making chocolate dipped strawberries for my hubby though – doubt that he has even thought about it. 🙂
I am going to dinner with my man!
dinner with all my other single girls! this would help us out 🙂
No plans just reading blogs at night-hope I win!
Sadly, for the 25th year in a row, I have no valentine. 🙁 one of these years, I’ll find one!
Go out Vday and snag someone else that’s single 🙂 I’ll be your wing woman!
Making heart-shaped pancakes for my kids <3
My mother in law is flying in the night before, so will be spending the evening with her and my husband – takeout, wine, and cards
For the first time ever, yes, I do have plans! Always been single/working/far from my boyfriend on Feb 14 – excited to have a real valentine this year!
Girl! As someone who worked at (multiple) Applebees thru highschool and college – proceed w/caution when eating there! They put lots of *questionable* ingredients in their food (and I’m not talking the HLB snobbery) and their sanitation is a whole nother bag of… yuck.
No Valentine for me but I will be spending it with friends. 🙂
I haven’t been to Applebee’s in forever. No big Valentine’s Day plans for me. I teach water aerobics on Thursdays so I will probably teach my class and maybe indulge in some chocolate 🙂
DH is my Valentine, and we’re going to make a special VDay dinner (duck, bok choy, & German chocolate cake) together and then watch a mushy movie.
My hubby will be my Valentine! But we have no plans. 🙁
For Vday I’ve got a special menu planned out to make for the hubster. Parmesan Chicken, salad, garlic bread, chocolate covered strawberries and oreo brownies. Whoo! I think I gained weight just typing that…
My husband is my valentine. My brother-in-law is coming in to town and staying with us on Valentines Day, so we are celebrating on Wednesday with dinner out somewhere 🙂
Love this!! My valentine is this great guy I just met, can’t wait until Thursday 🙂 our plans our pretty low key (trying to be budget friendly) maybe take in and a movie. Thanks agian for the chance!
V-day is the same as any other day at our house! With kids, schoolwork and all that great stuff maybe we can fit in a movie, and some good snacks when they all go to bed!!
My valentine and I are still undecided about what restaurant we will going to on thursday. Applebees would be a great option because its less than a mile from my house!
My husband and I decided to forgo the whole out to eat song and dance this year. Usually we make reservations for somewhere nice but we are over the V-Day hoopla and decided to just have a night in with pizza from our favorite spot and make chocolate covered strawberries together. Wine will most definitely be involved and will cost 1/3 of what a bottle out would 🙂
Those options all look delicious! My boyfriend and I are going to stay in and cook together to celebrate Valentine’s day 🙂
My boyfriend is my valentine but unfortunately we are long distance 🙁 so I will be having a lot of wine while skyping this Valentine’s day!!
Yay I just ate off their light menu this past wkend!!! My husband is my Valentine and he surprises me wih a different type of date each V-Day!
My husband has an MMA fight this Saturday so I’m hoping he brings me home a Valentine’s win!
Making some chocolate chip banana bread!
I have to work on Valentines (if I can kick this laryngitis!) and unfortunately my boyfriend is sick too and can’t drive 4 hours to come see me :(- so I definitly deserve free food!
I definitely have a valentine — my husband! We’re either planning to go skiing for the day or to a movie, which is special for us because we NEVER go to the movies!
Technically, I have a valentine (my bf) but we don’t celebrate the day specifically so no real plans.
My hubby is my Valentine. He is taking me to lunch with some friends to celebrate, then we will have a special dinner at home with the kids that night.
My husband is my valentine, but we don’t normally celebrate. I’m one of those people who can’t stand that we have to have a special holiday to tell people we love them. I’d take him to Applebee’s tho if I happen to win. On Friday.
Spending Vday-day with dinner at home with my boyfriend, then continuing the celebration of love this weekend in big bear.
No Valentine this year! I’m thinking it’s just going to be me and my running shoes at the gym!
Going to celebrate with my husband and my seven year old daughter by going out to dinner.
My husband/Valentine and I will be spending V-day night with our pooches. We are going to cook a new recipe and cuddle on the couch, watching our endless supply of DVR’d shows. Perfect night.
My boyfriend and I actually celebrated valentines day on Sunday because he is a hockey coach and has a game Thursday night. Buuuutttt…we do love to eat out!
Wow I’m surprised that Applebees has so many fans after they fired that waitress for no good reason! They are definitely blacklisted for me. I’m married but my real valentines are my BFFs, we started a new tradition of seeing Nicholas Sparks movies together – romance is so much more fun with girls!
My husband and I spend every Valentine’s day at home eating pizza and ice cream!
I’m cuddling at home with my husband and dog, we’re ordering pizza and relaxing, a perfect Valentines!!
Yes! My husband is my Valentine and we’re having a dance party that night – just the two of us 🙂
I do have my husband for my valentine….we don’t really do anything because its during the week. But he loves loves loves lasagna so I made lasagna roll ups this weekend and froze them to have for dinner this week.
my husband and I stay home and make valentines for each other.
My hubby is my Valentine and I am not sure what our plans are yet!
no plans except to celebrate my lil girls 8th birthday!!!
I have no Valentine! But I think my mom feels bad for me, so we’re going out to lunch. 🙂
My husband and I will hit the gym for a date and probably cook dinner at home! Love clearance V Day candy the day after!
nope! and I plan to enjoy a nice, sweaty workout! 🙂
I’m my own valentine. I am going to get my hair colored on Valentine’s day after work. That’s my treat to myself:)
My hubby is my valentine 🙂 I will likely cook at home. We usually do a steak and shrimp cocktail and some champagne. I would love to check out the Applebees under 550 menu!
It’s my first Valentine’s with my husband and he’s cooking lobster for me at home! Lucky girl!
My fiance and I live in a town with not a whole lot of restaurant choices, but there IS an Applebees, so that might be where we end up on Valentine’s Day anyway!
My hubby is my valentine. We tried two weeks ago to get reservations at the melting pot but it was a no-go, so were cooking at home! I want carne asada tacos… well see what the surprise is- probably something fancy like lobster. oy.
My boyfriend of 10 years is taking me to Sushi Samba! Pretty fancy for us!
My husband is my valentine! We don’t do anything on Valentine’s Day, but we are doing a mini vacay this weekend at a nice hotel.
My husband is my valentine every day. I don’t buy into the valentine’s day cards, flowers, going out to dinner…I think it’s a Hallmark holiday and that we should express our love every day of the year!
My husband is my amazing Valentine. 🙂 We plan to just chill out at home on Valentine’s Day, but we’re going to a steakhouse at a later time – I’m running a Valentine’s-themed 10K this weekend!
My Valentine is my friend Tiffany and we will be spending it on a plane on the way to Salt Lake City for a mini-vacay!! 🙂
keeping it simple and healthy this year. My hubby and I are grilling out steaks!
My valentine’s day plans are pretty low-key, the bf and I are going to a local film festival and will probably go to one of those paint-it-yourself ceramic places!
I work in the food industry and this is my first V day off in 13 years. i have big plans of family time at home 🙂
My valentine is my husband of five years. We have a valentine’s tradition of grilling out for dinner. Grilling out in February in Wisconsin is a nice treat! 🙂 I also make waffle brownies. Ingenious.
Nothing special planned right now other than prepping the kids for their classroom parties.
I do have a special Valentine, actually two. My husband Bryan and my daughter Brooke. We live in NW PA and are headed to Flrodia on Valentine’s Day for a much needed vacation with warm weather and sunshine!! No clouds or snow:)
We’re doing red velvet pancakes for breakfast and a heart shaped pizza for dinner. Nothing fancy, but the kids will love it.
My Val Day plans include goin out to breakfast with my boyfriend before my friend flies in for a weekend visit! I get the best of both worlds that day: friend love and true love!
I have a love/hate relationship with menus that provide calories counts. It usually gets me to order something healthy, but sometimes you just want the mozzarella sticks and a margarita the size of your head, ya know?
That said, I still want to try these. I have a Valentine but we don’t do anything special … we’re kinda old and lame.
I’m usually not one to go to Applebees. I like to hit up the local places more, but I do appreciate when they put together healthier options.
My boyfriend is my valentine and we are just staying in and making a delicious dinner.
Another Vday is upon us, and another year that I have no Valentine. Oh well, it’s bound to happy one of these years right?!? My Vday plans consist of early morning Spin class, then 9 hours of work, and then topping the day off with Zumba after work. So exciting!
I will be getting a tattoo removal laser treatment on V day with my Valentine. Boo. But I get married next month and don’t want that silly tattoo showing!
My boyfriend is my valentine and we are goin to the spa to get massages 🙂 a pampered Valentines day 🙂
I have only tried something off the under 550 calorie menu once and it was soooo small haha! That’s what you get for ordered low calorie I suppose 🙂 It was delicious though! And those portobello’s look amazing. My husband and I have no plans. He bought me my plane ticket for Blend Retreat for Vday! 🙂 Hope you have fun plans!
My hubs is my Valentine, but I plan to spoil our daughter crazy on Thursday too. I’ll be teaching sugared up kids all day, hitting up VDay spin class, & then making our fave meal together!
We don’t have major plans this year (or any year) I just enjoy my husbands company no matter if it’s Valentines or not. Plus we have little people 🙂 So I will just give my hubby the shirts I bought him, and then we will eat chocolate while watching some random show! (once the munchkins are asleep)
My hubby is my valentine but he is a utility worker out restoring electricity from Blizzard 2013 here in New England. I’ll be spending it alone while he makes people happy with power/heat!
My husband and I don’t participate in Valentines Day. However, my kids absolutely love it! Instead of buying them candy, we are going to have a great dinner with heart shaped cheese ravioli (Costco) and strawberries with whipped cream.
My Valentine is my boyfriend James! And I don’t know our plans because he is keeping it a secret!!
my boyfriend was recently laid off from work so we will be doing Papa Johns on the couch.. still romantic.. but would love to eat out!
I do have a valentine (my husband) and we are going out on the 13th because that is our engageversary.
Heading to the ballet on Saturday!
My valentine is 70 miles away for work so I’ll probably spend my evening at the gym. Me+Sweat=<3
My hubby is my Valentine. I let him plan Valentine’s Day. 🙂 But I’m going to do a fun special dinner the next night with the kiddos too.
I’d say Valentines day is a so/so holiday. I think if you have a lot of expectations you will pretty much get screwed unless your significant other is on the same page. I always do something little for my kids and husband (boxes of Sees candy) but I’m not decorating my house or painting the walls red or anything.
No Plans, the hubs and I work part-time as EMT’s and are both scheduled that night 🙁
No plans for Valentine’s Day
That chicken looks good! I work on Valentines so my husband and I will celebrate on Saturday with dinner and a movie.
My Valentine is my hubby (and my two sons!).
I have plans to cook for them, and eat their chocolate while they’re not looking. And go have a girls weekend on Friday-Sunday!
Yes, I have a valentine of nearly 4 years. On Valentine’s day, I’ll be sitting in jury duty 🙁
I do have a valentine (my boyfriend)! But he has class on Valentine’s Day evening so we won’t get a chance to spend it together (maybe a Valentine’s Day lunch will be romantic…), so I plan to make a pint of cookies & cream my Valentine’s date 😀
No Valentine, no plans – just the way I like it. Me & my doggies. They would never break my heart.
Girl’s V-day with wine, movie, and chocolates on Wed. And on the day, my semi-new Valentine and I will have a special dinner.
My husband is my Valentine. And we will be spending it with our two beautiful children!
Yes to a valentine, no to plans. :p
VDay is all about the candy — but back to the applebees — those portions have got to be small!
My Valentine is first my husband of 43 years, then my Grandson!!
Making my husband a special dinner, oh wait, that’s every night. so no plans 🙂
My Valentine will be my son, as my hubby has to work late. We love Applebees as it is one place that is loud in general, so if our son lets out a loud noise or giggle, it is seldom even noticed!!
I do not have plans for Vday. It’s not a holiday that I love just b/c there’s all this pressure involved lol. I am a fan of chocolate though! 🙂
I do have a valentine, my fiance! 🙂 For Valentine’s Day we’re going to a beyond delicious dinner at Charley’s Steakhouse. One of my all time favorite restaurants that is well worth every time I plan to spend there. If you’re ever in Tampa or Orlando and can try it.. DO! And get the carrot cake!
I’m planning on checking out a new running group and celebrating with my running buddy after a short run. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Dinner with the boyfriend at home and getting ready to buy all the cheap Valentine’s day candy the next day 😉
Love me some Applebee’s. My two Valentines this year will be my two grandsons. I plan to spoil them rotten with candy and kisses.
For the past 19 years I’ve had the same Valentine – my husband. LOVE HIM! But we are going to have a nice dinner at home this year since we leave at the crack of dawn for Arizona Friday morning. (Arizona Half Marathon here we come.) I’m sure on Thursday we’ll still be doing last minute packing and cleaning since the house/dog sitter will be coming over.
Love me some Applebee’s as well. They are my go to “night before a race” meal place, especially if we are out of town.
No big plans for Valentine’s day…just hanging with my hubs and my two boys!
I have a valentine…but not sure what he has planned! 🙂
I have a wonderful valentine!! no set plans for us yet!
No big plans for Valentine’s Day… Just time with the hubster!
The husband and I plan to stay home, open a nice bottle of wine, and cook some fancy foods we normally dont afford 🙂
Normally my valentines plans involve consuming lots of chocolate without guilt….but my recent challenge to give up processed foods, including refined sugar, takes me out of commission this year. Im currently trying to ripen some bananas and avocado (as in watching them like a hawk on my kitchen counter and hoping they both turn perfectly ripe on thursday) so I can make some chocolate pudding with them!!!
Valentine’s Day is usually spent getting ready for my oldest daughter’s birthday which is the day after.
My valentine lives in another state right now. We will celebrate valentines day in a month or so.
I love Applebee’s! No valentine this year, but I’m sure I’ll end up doing something with some of my other single girlfriends! 🙂
My husband is my valentine. We don’t usually make Valentine’s Day plans since neither one of us is all that romantic. We do exchange mushy cards though; we’re not totally stone-hearted!
My husband and I were supposed to celebrate Valentine’s this past weekend but I got sick and our dog was hit by a car. So yeah. Not very romantic.
Yep-I have plans to make a nice dinner for my hubby and kids for Vday!
We have 3 kids aged 5 and under so maybe I’ll make them a special dessert and hopefully the hubby and I can have a nice dinner after the kids go to bed 😉
my valentine is my 22 month old son <3
i plan on spending valentine's day maybe making a valentine with my valentine or just giving him an extra snuggle and kiss that day! 🙂
My valentine is my husband 😀 I think we are going to just relax at home and finally watch ‘The Walking Dead’ once our son is asleep! Hopefully there is dessert involved too.
My valentine is out of town, womp womp. And nothing says romance like Applebee’s for one:) Stoked they have a lower cal menu though!
My valentine is my husband and we are doing dinner on Saturday night!
My valentine is my fiancé and we are going to spend the weekend in jackson hole doing some cross country skiing to celebrate!
My V-day will probably be going to the gym after work then grabbing a bit to eat at home. Nothing special 🙂
We went to a wine drinking paint class last wknd!
My valentine is my Hubs, we typically do the opposite of Romantic dinner and go get pizza or Chinese food! It is also our tradition to get the cheesiest Valentines gift we can find, I have one to many singing stuffed animals collected!
Yes I do, my loving boyfriend 🙂 and no plans as he is on call for work every Thursday. Probably stay home and make dinner….or use an Applebees gift card for some carside to go? 😉
I have a new little valentine this year, my daughter! We’d like to share the day with her, so instead of going out we will be cooking at home. I better get some chocolate though!
My husband and I are going to make dinner and enjoy it at home with our sweet little 17 month old!! 2 sweet guys in one night for me!! 🙂
My plans are to go on an am long run then go out to dinner and enjoy it!
yup – my valentine is my husband. No major plans, but we’ll celebrate this weekend! Mid-week holidays are hard to handle!
My fiance is my valentine… and we’re going to CrossFit that night. SUPER romantical.
Those dishes look amazing!
For V-Day this year my boyfriend and I are staying and making dinner.
I have a Valentine but no date plans yet… perhaps an Applebees gift certificate might change things? 🙂
I usually have a girl’s Valentine’s night. This year my boyfriend is taking me to dinner and an art gallery. I feel a bit guilty not spending time with my friends, but I’m excited for a fun evening 🙂
I’m single so I’m going to my Mom’s house to eat all her chocolate!
this is the first year i can say my husband is my valentine! (: we are going to a local organic spot that i got a livingsocial coupon for 1/2 off! i know, i’m cheap. but when you’re on a tight budget, you’re just thankful to be going out at all!
I do have a valentine, for the first time in years actually. However, I have no idea what the plans are. I refused to make them and said it was all on him. 🙂
Yes, my Valentine is my boyfriend. Nothing planned that I know of!
I love Applebees! My plan for Valentines is lots of sweets with my two men!! (hubby and baby!)
First of all I lOVE your blog. This is the first time I have left a comment though! My husband and I will be taking an elderly, lonely friend out for V-day. Not too romantic, but it feels good to spread our love to others! We will have many other nights alone.
Cindy in Nebraska
Cindy you won! Email me 🙂
I am so excited!
Valentine’s Day will be just another day in our house this year. We just got back from vacation so all I want to do is lounge at home. Sounds perfect to me!
No plans yet…probably just make dinner at home and hang out with the husband.
My sweet valentine (hubs) agreed to go see an Edward Albee play with me! I’m so so excited!
My husband is my Valentine. But we don’t have any big plans for the day, we will probably enjoy a quiet low key evening at home.
Yes, my hubby. No, not really. I pretty much despise V-Day and always have. If you love me, tell me every other day, I don’t need a special day 🙂
Hubby works out of town, so we won’t get to celebrate with dinner til the weekend!
My husband and I are going to make breakfast for dinner! Red pancakes!
The boyfriend and I are not really V-day people. Due to work we actually won’t even see each other which is sad because we also enjoy random reasons to eat.
My hubby is my Valentine but we don’t have any plans. Probably a home cooked dinner at home which is exactly what I love 🙂
BF is my Valentine. And he loves Applebee’s! So do I! Happy Valentine’s Day!
My hubby is my valentine. 🙂 We are spending the evening in with the kids, but he is making us a surprise dinner.
I feel the same way about V-day! I love all of the cute decorations with the hearts and the seasonal candy, but I hate the day itself. I would say my fiance would be my valentine, but I despise the day so much that I refuse to celebrate it, except for sending my family valentines (which I still need to do..oops!) and gorging on candy.
Stay home and snuggle
Hide and do nothing! Does that count as a plan?
The Kidless Kronicles
i have a valentine, but we’re not going anywhere. we don’t really celebrate. i got some red tulips to decorate the house this weekend, but thats about it. we may go to the melting pot on sunday for the early bird dinner because we’re old and hate crowded restaurants on v-day.
My hubby is my valentine. It is our first married one together! But we arent really going the valentine’s route this year. We have tickets to see Mumford and Sons which just so happens to be that day! SO BEYOND EXCITED!! Happy <3 day to you!
Covering for someones shift at work, but there is a potential valentine for this college student 🙂
My Valentine is my hubby! We have been together for 7 years so we don’t really make a big deal out of the holiday anymore. But we probably will use it as our excuse to go out to eat this weekend!
My valentine is my husband. This will be our 17th Valentine’s Day together! We don’t have plans on Valentine’s Day since I have to work that night at Weight Watchers. However, I enjoy eating at Applebee’s while hubby is not a fan. 😛
I am just like you, Monica. I don’t really like ” valentines day ” but I do like the specialty candy and stuff like that. It’s all cute! Soooo… since I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s day I guess I don’t have a Valentine :(. I’m so morbid.
My hubby and i will be going out friday night to a local italian restaurant to celebrate.
Pizza with the hubby and kids. 🙂
I love low-cal menu options! I will be going out to national harbor with a bunch of my single girlfriends and I can’t wait!
My husband and I will have a nice dinner at home for V-day and will go out this weekend. I have a dentist appt that morning, which really doesn’t start the day too well!
My hubby is my valentine but I have to work late on the 14th. We will just be celebrating at home with a nice dinner and bottle of wine this yr.
No big v-day plans… the Hubs and I will likely just do the norm… dinner at home, walk the dog, tv. We’re an exciting couple. 🙂
sounds delicious! i have a huge exam on friday (on the kidney!) but afterwards my boyfriend is visiting and we are testing out ski slopes in west virginia.
I have a Valentine, but we aren’t doing anything special–how boring are we?! haha 🙂
My husband and I are going to dinner on Saturday – not worth it on the actual day!
I do have a Valentine, my sweet husband of almost five years 🙂 We’re not celebrating on the day (Thursday, ugh, and we both work M-W night in addition to our day jobs, so we’re usually beat by the time Thursday rolls around!) but we’re doing an overnight trip this weekend 🙂
No plans YET, but hopefully that changes!
Do you have a Valentine? — Yes, my husband. We met on V-day and have been together ever since, so this will be 15 years together in total, married 11 of those years.
Plans for V day? — yes day date, we both work full time and have a 6 1/2 year old, so the only date time we get are taking a vacation day from work and going on a day date.
My valentines are my 2 kids. I’m planning to make them their favorite dinner (steak & mac n’ cheese) and just enjoy our time together around the dinner table.
I do have a valentine, and our plan is dinner at home and then shopping for a great camera together so we will be able to take amazing pictures during our honeymoon in Europe this summer.
I have swim practice @ 6am, work all day, and class until 9:30.. so my poor gf will be a bit neglected, but I am sure we will celebrate Friday!
My husband of four years is my Valentine! We will be staying in to cook steaks instead of fighting the crowds 🙂
Unfortunately I will be traveling on Valentines Day :(. Although my husband and I are going to take our children out to dinner Wednesday to celebrate instead.
My husband is away for work this Valentines 🙁 But I did send him a package from the kids and I! My big plans are to make some heart shaped toast and bacon for my kids, and then eat a lot of ice cream. 🙂
This is the first year my fiancé and I are actually doing something and going out to a nice dinner.
I am celebrating with my husband this weekend at a swim meet.
My boyfriend is away in Pennsylvania for work for a a month ) : Valentines Day also happens to be our 6th month anniversary…so we decided to celebrate when he gets back! Applebee’s would be an awesome way to celebrate…since I could actually pay (I’m still in nursing school and he’s entered the real world..which means i’m poor)
I know we are going to dinner at a restaurant this is known for fresh local ingredients but not sure after that. He is making it a surprise! It is our first Valentines Day together 🙂
I do have a Valentine…I think it will be low key this year but its always special. Its also Our 3 year Wedding anniversary!
I have a valentine but our plans are low key: he’s making a surprise dinner, I’m making a surprise dessert. Then movie and couch time 🙂
I do have a valentine and we are going out to dinner for sushi! We live less than 2 miles from an Applebees so this would be a perfect way to grab some dinner and try out their new menu!
Chocolate is the only sweet I can eat very slowly and savor so I eat one piece per night, if I had any other sweet (ice cream, cookies, cake) they would be gone so fast!
I do have a Valentine! And we are celebrating by staying in and celebrating by going to our local Art District this weekend!
I have two valentines – my husband and my two year old little love. We do not have plans and unless we get a free babysitter we won’t be making any special plans either.
Well its a Thursday so my boyfriend and I will do our usual run, which is fitting because working out together is one of the things that brings us closer to each other. Then we’ll probably do our usual weeknight thing….bottle of wine, delicious dinner….I know, we’re exciting!
No big plans yet, maybe hanging out with some friends?! haha
I love that restaurants are getting on board with these lower calorie options! My valentine is my husband and we haven’t made plans yet. Probably dinner with the family!
I will be carbing it up on Valentines Day getting ready for my first marathon on Saturday, which will be fun because we are making it a mini race-cation without the kids 🙂
my hubby took the day off to drive me to a dr. appt, i guess that’s romantic?
My candy generally doesn’t last the day…much less the week!
I’m teaching a parent training class and going to bootcamp! Loving myself 🙂
My valentine is my amazing husband! Plans are a night full of love- but that’s really no different than any day!
Yes I have a Valentine, my boyfriend and my dog. We’re not sure if we want to go out or not. Haven’t decided yet.
I am lucky enough to have two valentines this year, my husband of almost 5 years and my almost 2 year old son. No plans this year but my husband can be counted on for flowers and chocolates!
Oh, yum! Both of those new entrees look delish! I think we would get both and share! Nothing better than sharing …. Yep, I have a very special Valentine – actually 3! My hubs and I have been married 31 years, and I have two awesome sons. I am very lucky! 😉
bob is my valentine & plans are an @ home celebration 🙂
No big plans this year as the husband has school that night. I’m hoping for a nice card…and maybe some flowers?
No plans yet but I’m thinking a movie. No better way to wallow in my single-ness 😉
I have a podiatrist appointment on Valentines Day. haha. My boyfriend and I don’t celebrate but I do plan on getting my daughter a little something. She has all her valentines and candy ready to hand out at school too, so she’s really excited:-)
I’m celebrating V-day a little late and my bf is taking me to see Spider-Man the musical this weekend 🙂
My husband always wants Applebees but we never go for one reason or another…this would be the perfect reason to finally go!!!!
My boyfriend of 5 years is my Valentine! He’s taking me to a special dinner on Thursday. I’m excited!! 🙂
My hubby and 14 year old daughter are my Valentine’s and we always go see a sappy movie on V-day, this year we are going to see Safe Haven and probably grabbing some dinner:)
I love Valentine’s Day. My fiance is in medical school so we don’t get too spend as much time together as we would like – but we make time on Valentine’s Day for a nice dinner. Any excuse to spend time with your love is good in my book!
The boy is supposed to plan a valentines day surprise!!
My kids are my Valentines. We’re going to meet up at Starbucks after work.
I do have a Valentine. Not sure what I’m getting him yet, but I think it would be kinda nice if “I” paid for dinner this time. I won’t let him see the gift card. hahaha
My husband, 9 year old son, and Dad will be my Valentines this year. We will be in the car…driving ALL day…to Daytona Beach. On Sunday I will be running my 2nd half marathon! My first was in Key West last month. I’m all about any excuse to leave the cold in Ohio!!
I don’t have plans yet. Maybe I will go to Applebee’s 🙂
My husband! His 30th birthday is next week so we will celebrate both then.
AH! Awesome giveaway!
My husband will be out of town 🙁 We are going to celebrate on Saturday. He wants to go to a car show. I said fine if I get to pick where we go for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!!
Yes…staying in and avoiding the crowds! I’ll probably make a night dinner for my honey though.
My valentine is my husband! Our plan is to have a low key dinner at home (unless I win the gift card!) and watch a romantic chick flick!
I do indeed have a valentine, my lovely husband!
Not sure of our plans yet, but since he has the day off from work maybe he’ll take it on himself to surprise me. 🙂
My husband is my valentine. We always go to dinner….usually the day after since the day of is so busy.
Pizza and ice cream
My husband and I are going to see a play. We’ll go out to dinner on Saturday when it’s not ridiculous to get a reservation!
We will probably be going to the Chinese buffet as a family of 4. A place that’s not too busy and our kids like!
Probably something along the lines of takeout Indian food and a bottle of wine with my guy.
My husband. We normally would celebrate it on a weekend night but we decided to actually celebrate on the actual day and go to a fancy dinner! (Which is sooo not like us!)
We are going out to dinner on Friday with another couple. Looking forward to it as we haven’t been out with friends in a long time.
My husband and I are going out to dinner on Saturday. I’m feeling old and want my fancy dinner on a weekend! 😉 We’ll have a pretty normal night on Thursday.
My husband is taking me out for dinner (not sure where yet, it’s a surprise) after my 14 hour shift at the hospital 🙂
My sweetheart and I always celebrate the day after V-day to avoid crowds 🙂
My husband and I usually make homemade pizzas together on v-day!!
I just got broken up with so I dont have a valentine this year 🙁 Actually Ive never had a valentine. I dont have plans for valentines day this year anymore 🙁 O well such is life
My husband and I will go out to dinner for Valentine’s Day next weekend.
No valentine for me this year. But hopefully dinner at applebee’s. 🙂
We are going to cook up something yummy and snuggle our little ones!
The hubs and I are hitting up the special V day menu at one of our fave restaurants and then seeing the new Die Hard movie! Those Applebee’s meals sound tasty, hope I win so I can try one!
My valentine is thousands of miles away at school! But we will definitely skype 🙂
Just broke up, but not all too upset about it. Going dancing with friends instead!
My vday plans are to do a fun girls night with my single friends. We’re doing a Bachelor marathon viewing party & lots of wine, dessert, and salad to balance it all out 😛
I don’t have a valentine or any plans for thursday, sadface 🙁
Oooh! Awesome! Yes, I have a Valentine! 🙂 We’ll be celebrating our first this year! I have no idea what he has planned. All he would say is, “bring nice clothes!” I’m excited!!
I’m working valetine’s day. Which considering I don’t have a valentine is probably a good thing :).
no vday plans as of now…but we’ll see what happens. 😉 if anything, i’ll treat myself to some chocolate!
I’m having a gal-entine’s day with all my single ladies!!
We’re going for a very unromantic dinner with another couple as it was the only night we were all free!
I do have a valentine, but we don’t really have any plans.
My boyfriend and i are meeting up with a running group for some 800s and then grabbing dinner.
No Valentine and I’m fine with that; well, except for the looks of pity from coworkers. I’m going to go to a Zumba class.
I have a Valentine but we live in different countries right now 🙁 We’ll celebrate once we’re together again.
No exciting plans for valentines day, just getting cozy at home with my hubby! It’s way too cold in Michigan to want to go ANYWHERE!
My sister will be my Valentine this year. We are going to a Wine & Chocolate event that the library I work at has every year. (AKA get drunk legally at work day…)
My husband and I usually don’t exchange gifts, but I love buying candy for the kids and giving it to them in the morning. They get so excited.
I’m making breakfast for dinner with my main squeeze.
I do not have a Valentine, nor do I have plans other than working 12 hours….I just went through a divorce in October and now a break up! I am done with boys for awhile! I would love a night out with the girls!
I do have a Valentine, my husband of 16 years. However, my Vday plans don’t include him! Taking our 10 yr old son to Cirque du Soleil, which was part of his Christmas gifts 🙂
I have a valentine (my husband!) but since I’ll be working, we’re going to have to celebrate another night-oh well! less crowds!
How exciting! I’ve actually never been to AppleBee’s and didn’t know they had such healthy menu options! My boyfriend will probably spoil me with See’s candies as well, and I hope to practice some control with them. But I wouldn’t hold my breath. 😉
I have a Valentine. My hubby. We’ll be married for 15 years this year. No plans for V-day this year. He has to work. 🙁 I was bummed at first, but the bills have to get paid. LOL. I wonder if he’s trying to get out of it…jerk. JK. He normally makes up for it. 😉 Happy Valentines Day!
We’re going to a local Hawaiian style restaurant to pretend we are in Hawaii. 🙂
My Valentine works in a different city during the week, so we won’t be together on Valentine’s Day. But, we’re planning on going to the state fair this weekend to celebrate (I love the baby animal bar and requested this).
My hubs of 10 years is my valentine, he’s been the love of my life for almost 14 years 🙂 we are planning to make a fun Valentine-themed dinner for our 3-year old and 5-year old. I would love to win an Applebee’s gift card!
There are no romantic Valentines in my life, but there are lots of people I love 🙂 My Valentine’s Day plans include work, a run, and a great yoga class.
I do have a valentine. We are staying in and making dinner. He is in charge of the entree and I am making dessert 🙂
We are moving so Ill spend Valentines in an empty house, cleaning bathrooms and countertops while my husband drives the kiddos to grandmas. And who says romance is dead?
I do have a valentine, and I’m actually flying cross-country to visit him this weekend for a belated V-day celebration!
I just got married in October so I do have a valentine 🙂 and we are spending the weekend in the mountains.
P.s. seasonal candy just tastes so much better, doesnt it??
My boyfriend is my valentine! We always say this quote from Paper Hearts “Love is taking someone to Applebee’s and ordering some hot wings!” because we think it is so cute.
My boyfriend is my Valentine but he is working late so I will use the holiday as an excuse to eat candy and catch up on “girls.”
My valentine is my boyfriend. We are both college students and both have tests friday morning so we will be spending V day eating in the school cafeteria and studying for hours. 🙂
Planning to surprise the hubby with a personalized V-day gift basket filled with his favorite beers, beef jerky, candy and cookies! Probably will also make something nice for dinner.
i’m hopping a flight to florida for a run sunday! thanks for the giveaway!! 🙂
My Valentine is my husband. We are going to a movie on Saturday (Safe Haven).
dinner with my valentine in washington dc!
I am gonna celebrate my baby’s first birthday.
My hubby of almost 13 years is still my valentine! We have no plans… I work 72 hrs in the next 8 days, so we’ll celebrate next week ☺
I just started dating a guy off match so as of tonight I do, yeahhhh!!!
I’m going out to dinner with my boyfriend 🙂 I would love to check out some more of their lower calorie options!
My boyfriend and I are in college and go to schools hours apart. I think I’ll convince a roommate to be my date instead. Wine, chocolate, and girl talk sounds like a nice Valentine’s day to me!
forever alone :((( LOL jk. My valentine is visiting me in Boston from LA 😀
My valentine is my amazing fiancee. 🙂 The only plans that we have this year is to sit at home and enjoy each others company.
My husband is my valentine and has been for the past 8 years 🙂 Nothing special planned for Vday yet. Maybe a long walk!
Staying home with my boo making Georgian soup dumplings!
I have never been to Applebees but recently moved close to one. I want to try it! I love these types of restaurants.
Ah I totally have a love/hate relationship with valentine’s day. For me the issue is the spending that happens. But luckily I have a valentine so I should be grateful 🙂
Yes I have a valentines. My hubby of 8 years. We will be driving to ID on Thursday.
I love Valentine’s so I can pick out a sappy card for my husband. Our plans are usually enjoying a nice dinner together.
I’m on work travel now–but I get to fly home in time for vday dinner! Not sure what we are doing yet–but I’m all up for a light, healthy dinner with a bowl of ice cream and a movie on the couch!
I have a Valentine! His name is Duncan (Hines). I have a love/hate relationship with him because he feels so good but the next morning I’m filled with regret. Oh well ; )
Boyfriend is the valentine. We are planning to have our date this weekend to avoid the crowds, overpriced entrees and heart balloons!
I will be leaving little Valentine’s Day notes for my “Schweetie” (AKA hubby) and my three boys. It won’t be a huge expense…. just some love notes They all like little surprises, so I’m trying to think of something that expresses my love but is also easy on the pocketbook! Thank you so much!!
Hubby is my Valentine! Plans include our regular Thursday evening spin class and then heading to the casa to enjoy some shrimp cocktails and margaritas.
My valentine is my fiance! We usually get each other chocolates and go out to dinner, but this year I asked for a fruit basket to keep it healthy!
No plans with my boyfriend yet, but a lovely dinner at Applebee’s would be nice 🙂 I haven’t been there in a long time. I really like the atmosphere of the restaurant. By the way, I totally agree with the candy, it’s gone in a day or two. I’m not good at pacing myself.
My boyfriend and I are getting cupcakes from one of the local bakeries that won on Cupcake Wars and then probably having dinner at the local brewery. His and Hers activities!
We always have heart-shaped pizza for V-day!
Probably starting the day with a hill run with my run buddy
I’m babysitting this Valentine’s Day evening…the babysitters collective I work with charges once and a half for Vday! Bringin in the big buckssz.
I cook a romantic dinner at home for my husband. Restaurant getting crowed on special days so I prefer staying at home and go out another night.
My husband is my Valentine, and as far as I know we don;t have special plans.
Valentines day is my husband birthday so he refuses to celebrate anything but his birthday. He said as a kid it was all about candy and pink cookies he was kinda forgotten haha. So we will have dinner at home then Friday going out with friends for dinner and drinks
My husband is my Valentine! We have nothing planned. Most likely I will cook something special for my husband and 2 kiddos and we will give the kids their little gifts. We definitely do not make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day. I love the candy though!
Love the giveaway, not so much the holiday haha. No valentine this year, but I hope to go out with my co-workers after work to this quirky little creperie!
No plans or Valentine’s yet. But I can find someone to have dinner with me. 😉
I’m taking off Friday and spending the weekend with my best friend 🙂
We’re having family Valentines at home this year and I’m making stuffed shells!
My hubby is my Valentine. 🙂
I’m not a big fan of Applebee’s, so if I win… Make it good, Applebee’s! You’ve got one last shot!
My “valentine” is in London for the rest of the week, so I’ll be flying solo!
My Valentine and I went to a nice dinner and gambling on Saturday, as it was easier to get a sitter.
I have a valentine, he’s awesome (but we’re celebrating a day early because he has to work) and going to a comedy show. But on my actual Valentine’s Day I’m hopefully going to be getting in my second run after an injury, woo hoo! And Applebee’s does have some good lower cal options, which are great!
Kind of… Going out Saturday night.
My boyfriend who lives 8 hours away is my valentine :/
So, my v day will probably involve a lot of wine 🙂
I have a Valentine–my husband of 17 years. Been “dating” for 23 years so he’s been my Valentine for that long. 🙂 We don’t have Valentine plans, maybe we will go out for dinner on Friday.
I have class on Valentine’s night and a huge project due. How NOT romantic!
I’ll be playing 2 matches of volleyball on vday!
I have an awesome Valentine who has partnered with me to lose nearly 200lbs between the two of us. We eat at home most meals as we find it much easier to eat well. Unfortunately I will be away from home conducting an honor band on Valentines Day, but we will make up for it the next weekend on a wonderful date (maybe to Applebee’s?).
I am going out for “Gal-entine’s” day (What we single girls call it) with three of my girlfriends! We’re getting each other cards, candy and going out to dinner. It’s going to be a fun way to celebrate the holiday!
Love this phrase! Have fun 🙂
I believe my fiance is making me dinner!
I am taking it easy Thurs night before my fab V-Day weekend in ATX with the boy. Austin Marathon or bust. Boy not running, though he is an awesome photographer!
We did a valentine’s dinner this past weekend. I made homemade red beans and rice (one of his favs) and enjoyed a quiet night at home. It honestly was a perfect night.
in high school we would always go out to eat at applebee’s! now anytime i go i get hit with nostalgia. would love to win this!
My hubby rocks my Valentine socks! No plans until the weekend, though, when grandparents will be visiting for our son’s bday so FREE babysitting!
My hubby and I get to spend our first valentines day together in 4 years at a military ball! I am so excited he is home this year and can’t wait to get all dressed up! 🙂
My awesome husband is my valentine. This year I am making super and doing fondue in our crockpot. And then we are going to learn how to dance from YouTube videos 🙂
My husband and I are going to see the new Die Hard movie and are sneaking in some Chipotle burritos. Best date ever.
No Valentine here.. my bf of 3 years and I split up in November. But he was super lame anyway.. last year on V-Day I was making him a cake and he saw me and so he awkwardly went and bought flowers. Uh.. thanks?
Spending this V-Day with my single-lady friends watching a zombie comedy movie.
Plans for v-day?? Well I’m not sure what “He” has planned but I have a few nice shirts I picked up for “Him” at Nordstroms rack with my $20 gift certificate they send me in the mail. Now aren’t I a nice little wify?
My valentines are my husband and 2 year old son. I think we’re gonna hit up a local farmers market that just reopened.. They go into the evening, have local restaurants and all kinds of other vendors, as well as live music and a beer/wine garden!
Um, hi! Where do you live? I want to move there! Must be CA….
Florida, actually 🙂 It isn’t really a large space, but it is a fun place to shop local.
This year, Valentine’s Day is going to be a ladiessss’ night! Chocolate and wine. We actually don’t need a holiday as an excuse…
I’m on the road for work. Wine and cheese for dinner. Or lobster.
I’m a single lady and I love it! Going to go our to a bar with a friend 🙂
PS. That chicken and portobello dish looks so good.
My hubby is my valentine! Although we don’t do much at all I get him some candy and he buys me my favorite soda 🙂
Yum! Planning to enjoy V-Day with my hubby 🙂
Cooking for my hubby 🙂
Love this! I live in Virginia, and my Fiance’ is coming to visit me for Valentines Day from New York! I don’t know what to do for him yet! But I am so excited to see him! Long Distance is hard work!
That would be a negative, but I’m bound and determined not to be the bitter, single girl who hates V-day this year, and instead be happy for all those who have someone who loves them, even if I’m not included in that world. Isn’t that grownup and classy?? I think so.
My big plans are for the next day – all the clearance chocolate that the BF will buy me!!
I get to finally have a date night with the hubby. It will be our first night out since October! I can’t wait!
I’m bummed because my hubby is out of town for work and will be gone until Friday 🙁
Woo, this is great! Applebee’s rocks. I have plans for Valentine’s Day, but I don’t know what they are yet! Boyfriend is surprising me, so we’ll see haha
My 3 single girl friends are my Valentine’s this year. We’re hitting up Happy Hour at our favorite restaurant then going to catch a movie!
My boyfriend is my valentine but ill be spending the night with my sister who I’m helping to move. $50 to Applebee’s would be perfect for us!
My husband is my Valentine….but, unfortunately, we’ll both be working late on the day most likely. All the more reason to celebrate late!
I go out with my roommate every year & still pass out valentine’s kindergarden-style.
My plan for Valentine’s day is a girls only spin class!
This is exciting!!! I live in the middle of BFE and Applebee’s is the closest chain restaurant, just 30 short miles away! So we spend a LOT of dinner times there. I get really tired of their food, but their new lower-cal menu is actually decent. Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Valentines 🙂