The best pictures of today don’t involve food. Well, there is one picture of me enjoying an apple at the WWII monument…
Other than that it was all about the sights! My brother, Michael, wasn’t able to visit in August when my mom and Matt came, so we did some of the same stuff. Like, the Lincoln Memorial…My bros and I…
And the view of the Washington Monument. I don’t know why, but they drained the reflection pool. It’s just not the same…I here is a Christmas Tree in front of the White House with the Washington Monument in the background.
And we enjoyed the gray, drizzly beauty of the day!
In addition to my apple, I packed carrots and a Larabar. I wasn’t hungry for them, but it had been hours since I ate so I had 2 big carrots and half the Larabar around 2-3ish?
My fam and I were super hangry on the way home so we called in a pizza order and swung by on the way home. I had 2 pieces of tomato and mushroom pizza. I am normally a “sweets” girl, but I’m a sucker for pizza every time 🙂
And made a BIG salad to fill me up the rest of the way 🙂
Now I am full, but we ate kinda early. I am going to stick to sipping tea for the rest of the night. I am committed to stopping my nighttime eating habit!
Intuitive Eating – I think I am over thinking it (ironic, no?). Since I have realized that I don’t know when I’m hungry, I am so worried about “Should I eat now?” “Am I hungry??” “Should I be hungry???” All of this worry is NOT helping the cause of getting me to I.E. Lame. Super lame, Monica.
So, I’m gonna try and chill out a bit – I know my signals: shaking & getting irritable (okay, that’s any time). I’m going to be sensitive to paying attention to those signs and my belly and not worry so much about it. I’m so worried about eating “weird” in front of the blog that I’m not just being me 🙁 My eating habits might be a little off as I figure this out, but I’m going to be really true to my body while I figure this all out. Thanks for understanding.
Two years ago today Ben and I were in Costa Rica on a gorgeous holiday adventure. It was the best Thanksgiving ever! Stay tuned for a recap tomorrow 🙂
Love D.C.! Everytime I go, though, the reflecting pool is empty. 🙁
I hope the weather clear up in DC today ! (it’s still foggy now :-()
I have the same feeling as you….kind of afraid posting the eats that looks really weired or looks “ugly”…but after blogging for 1 month, I realized that I am blogging for myself , to encourage myself to take a healthy lifestyle. So I want to be true to my blog. We are not chef, but we are good at balance our body. That’s why these blogs are so interesting 🙂
happy thanksgiving!
sounds like a blast with your fam! i think you are right about the IE thing..we all over think it. I feel like going with the flow and taking it day by day is the best decision..but I dont always do a good job w. that either
Girl, I have the SAME issues with IE — I never know when I’m hungry! I know when I’m totally starving (the lightheadedness/dizziness), but I can’t figure out the early warning signs. :-/
I’m also terrified of just listening to what my body wants, because I think all my body wants is to curl up on the couch, eat peanut butter and get nice and round. I think your strategy of chilling out and going with the flow is the best one! Good luck!
That pizza looks beyond good. I would have a hard time saying no to it.
I overthink IE too. I think that’s why it’s taking me so damn long to “get it”.
The weirder the better, sister.
Aww. So glad you enjoyed having your family in. Your pictures make me miss D.C. The husband and I spent the first few days of our honeymoon in D.C. and we had a blast!
It’s so cool you can show your families those sights. When they come to Providence I can show them… my whole foods.
I really need to work on being more intuitive with my eating also. I tend to go by “times” and where I am. I also will often be RAVENOUS by dinner time and then overeat!
Good idea to pay attention to your bodies signals more! I am going to do that too 🙂