Happy Friday!
Yesterday after work Ben came with me to return the tainted almond butter to Trader Joes.
Unfortunately, I made the rookie mistake of us shopping when we were hungry We ended up with a lot of extra goodies in the cart like these chocolate hazelnut cookies. (Note the way the box is ripped open like we’re animals.)
Fortunately (?), after eating 2 cookies after dinner I don’t think they’re life changing so I’ll leave the rest for Ben. And they are tiny for being 180 calories for 2 cookies!
This morning I did an easy 3 miler, 1 mile walk cool down. Then, I rushed home so I could hit up the story before I had to start work. It was a seltzer emergency!
Plus, many of you were skeptical about my pumpkin protein pudding recipe and demanded pumpkin cookies instead. Well, I’ll deliver. I grabbed the ingredients for easy pumpkin cookies too!
On the way home I spotted two fun license plates I thought I’d share for Fun Friday:
1. Ben’s license plate? Not really, but it fits.
2. Peace.
Breakfast of Monicans.
Ask A Monican #44
Monica from Run Eat Repeat talks about:
Fitbloggin – fit bloggers conference
1. I missed a long run on my marathon training plan. What do I do?
2. How do you stay motivated while training for a half marathon?
Attn: After daily comments that RER doesn’t open/work/allow you to see pics I am switching servers. Just a head’s up in case it’s down over the next few days! I’m working to make RER better leave your suggestions in the comment box
Question: What are you doing this weekend?
Leave your Ask a Monican questions below or email me runeatrepeat at gmail
I have a long run planned and a long nap after that.
I’ve been meaning to try those cookies! Thanks for the review! 🙂
Not sure if you’re a coconut lover, but they debuted toasted coconut chips about a week ago. I. am. in. heaven. Just thought I’d share! 😉
Ben is a coconut lover so I bought them 🙂 Good stuff!
My girlfriend led me to your site, I’m hooked! Thanks, I’ll be busy catching up on all I’ve missed up till now. Good stuff.
Cousin’s and a friend’s wedding dinner receptions, which means I need to run a bazzillion miles to work out those calories that I’m about to consume!
I just wanted to put in my two cents about long runs and boredom. I happen to also really like running, but sometimes it’s hard for me to be alone with myself for that long. Music doesn’t always do enough for me. At these times, I love audiobooks and podcasts. Audible.com has a great selection of audiobooks, and I suggest that you make selections based on the review of the actual audio performance of the book as opposed to solely on the book’s content. A narrator can make or break an audiobook. The most notable audiobooks I’ve heard are Tina Fey’s Bossypants, The Help, The Life of Pi, and I’m currently listening to Elijah Wood read Mark Twain’s Huck Finn. Oh, there’s also a compilation of Nelson Mandela’s favorite African folk tales read by various talented actors (Samuel L. Jackson, Matt Damon, Alan Rickman, and more). I also love the (free!) podcasts of This American Life and RadioLab. Fascinating 50 minute episodes on a variety of interesting topics. Good luck out there!
LOL you make us sound so demanding! GIVE US COOKIE RECIPES PLZ NOW. I thought the pudding sounded great.
It’s my birthday this weekend (Sunday) so we’re going to the thoroughbred races and out for dinner Saturday. Then I’m going to do a “long” run on Sunday of 12km because my next race is only a 10k!
Happy Birthday 🙂
A nice 10 mile run to kick off week 3 of Marathon training, and working/ doing homework for gradschool :/
best advice i ever got for training for a marathon: “it’s okay to miss a run; but, never miss a run.” AKA, try to make all your runs, but if you don’t, don’t worry about it.
Love that advice! Good luck this weekend!!!
Oh girl, you cannot go to TJ’s hungry! Recipe for disaster. It’s good though that you aren’t going to keep nibbling on the cookies just ’cause they’re there. That can be hard to do, but I’m pretty good at that, too. I always ask myself how much I enjoy something, or if it’s “worth it.” TJ’s bon bons on the other hand…WORTH IT!
what are your thoughts on minimalist running and shoes? i have been easing into a few diff pairs over the last six months and i like them!
FitBloggin this year was my first EVER blog conference and I was SO nervous beforehand, but had such a good time =) I definitely second your recommendation that people go to blog confs ESPECIALLY FitBloggin. Portland 2013, woot woot!
I’ll be long running with you for 18 miles. After a HUGE-O breakfast, I have an Ahhh….massage and the whole rest of the day to myself while hubster and friends go golfing. Can’t wait to bake up some real treats while I have the kitchen to myself …well, there is the dogs but they help clean the floor 😉
Fun weekend!
Those cookies are tiny! I’m sure 180 calories would be better spent on yogurt 😉
I enjoyed your video today as usual. I have one request…..Please make a face with your ketchup on your eggs!!!!!! Maybe I’m a weirdo but I always expect one LOL.
Will do!
Big Ben, hmm? 😉
I am hoping for a quiet weekend. We will see if that pans out…
Looking forward to the pumpkin cookie recipe!
I have a 5 mile race tomorrow! So excited! First one back after being injured (IT band) for the past 6 months!
Good luck!
I’m hooked on TJ’s! I hope I never have to move to a place without one! My new addiction from there is the Seaweed Snacks.
Not doing anything this weekend, boring!
Thank you so much for today’s Ask a Monican. I have signed up for my first marathon in January 2013. My long runs have gotten up to 14 miles, however, my left leg has been feeling a little wierd after my last few runs. I am getting married in 2 weeks so I have no idea what my training plan will look like until after that. I definatly intended to stick to my training plan, but feel like I need to take a few days off just to ensure that I don’t injure my leg further. I’ve been freaking out that I wouldn’t be ready in time for the race if I do have to skip a few runs. Your advice has made me feel so much better about my decision to skip this weeks long run and rest it up for a few days in hopes that I ll be back to normal and ready to train in a week or so and that I’ll still have enough time to build my mileage.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Yeah, better to rest and avoid injury than be forced to rest because of one.
How do you avoid injuries? Have you ever dealt with IT Band issues? I have a tri in 4 weeks and a half marathon at the beginning of December but I had to take an unplanned rest week due to pain in my hip which then traveled to my knee from my IT Band. Any tips?? Thank you!!
Great questions! I did have IT band syndrome in the past. I’ll address this soon 🙂
Could there be a worse store to hungry shop at than TJ’s? I’m lucky I don’t have one within half an hour of me or I’d be broker than I already am 🙂
Those cookies look good. At least you have the willpower to leave the rest for Ben. Even if something isn’t that good, I usually still eat it!
I have a cold and a busy weekend 🙁
We’re celebrating our 4th anniversary tonight and then I have a stagette tomorrow night. I don’t think I’ve been to the bar in three years!
Good luck on your long run.
Happy Anniversary!