Finally I am back in business. I took off all week from running after the marathon Sunday. Since my left foot was bothering me I wanted to make sure I didn’t push it.
The Zero Week Plan said I could run as much as 8 miles today, but I didn’t for 2 reasons:
– I didn’t have time 🙁 since I had to get to my class
– My foot was bothering me 🙁
I did run 6.5miles. It felt so good to be running again after the hardest run of my life on Sunday (!!!) and a whole week off. I need to keep a close eye on my foot to make sure the tedonitis is not coming back though. It actually has been raining here for 2 days and God kindly stopped it so I could run 🙂
I am in class right now, so I’ve gotta go. Catch ya later!
enjoy class, man you ran 6 miles after a week off you rock, but be careful. You are only as good as your LAST recovery day!
Way to blog during class!!!