I carb-loaded with a massive burrito last night.
We tried to fix my bangs yesterday and they just got worse. Heather is a stylist, so it’s not like I was doing it myself, but they are beyond repair. Guess I have to wait it out!
Sorry, I thought this pic was hilarious.
I wasn’t even hungry after all those M&Ms, but didn’t want to skip dinner. This weekend’s eating schedule is totally “off”.

I got a coupon for Krispy Kreme’s seasonal donut the other day. Unfortunately, Ben threw it away. Fortunately, I scrounged up $1.35 and bought it full price. It’s a Chocolate Peppermint Bark donut. I don’t even like peppermint bark, but this was delicious! It’s not too peppermint-y, just the right touch.
I ate half for dessert and the other half is probably smashed to the bottom of my purse now.

My legs still feel tired from yesterday’s “antics”, but I’m going to do this race for fun and just enjoy the course and people. I mean, it’s Vegas – what happens here stays here so if ever a time to have a tragic race it’s now. Kidding. Actually, just racing is good for my psyche as I get overly-nervous every time.
I have my training plan for my next full ready to go – with some new tweaks to my eats for an added bonus too! Since that starts Monday I am very happy to be out there for a good time one more time before I get serious.
See you in a bit possibly a long while!
i’m a peppermint fan, gosh i love it.
good luck with the race & your bangs will grow out.
i think your bangs look great.
I think your bangs are adorable!
Your last couple of posts make me want to meet you in Vegas and drink Tequila.
No worries, bangs are tricky but they always grow out.
Hope it’s going well/ went well!
I like your bangs…but I understand how you feel. I am in the process of letting mine grow out.
I hope your race was great! I just set a PR for my 1/2. Glad you’re already looking forward to your next run.
Congrats on your PR!!!
I think your bangs look good! I’m debating whether or not to get them. It just seems like a pain to have to pin them back to run…maybe?
Good luck today!!!! Whoooo!
I always have some kind of bang and just pin them when I run.
Have a great race!
I’ll be thinking about you (and that donut) today. Have a blast running it! I really wish I could be there.
Good luck in the race! I want that donut – chocolate and peppermint – yes please.
haha .. me too. yikes.
Don’t worry, you still look totally cute 🙂 The bangs aren’t *that* bad.
Also, now i really want a burrito. That looks delicious.
Thanks 🙂