I don’t know how, but I managed to make bad pizza last night!
Okay, I do know how – I tried to make no-rise crust (because I didn’t have yeast) and only have whole wheat flour. It looked like normal pizza, but the crust just wasn’t good.
Served up with green bean fries and humble pie.

Pile on the Miles Check In!
Are you close to hitting your goal for this week? These POTMers are on a roll:
Note: Reader Liz is helping to organize Dash For Dreams – a 10k race in Central Park on Dec 1st. It is a fundraiser for Flying Kites, a program in Kenya that works to educate orphans. Check out that link for more info!
This morning I did Jillian’s Six week 6 Pack Level 1 again. I think I might move up to level 2 next week. Maybe. I am digging it though and kinda wish I could have done the full 6 week challenge.
I ate my eggs with oatmeal and iced coffee. But, we’re all out of milk I seriously considered stirring some yogurt into my coffee – is that the worst?
Question: What’s going on this weekend? Fun plans? Run Plans??
I didn’t tell you guys but I randomly met two ladies forming a running group the other day on a walk. The group would be training for the LA Marathon in March. Now, I am not ready to recant my story about retiring from marathons, but I am tempted to at least run with them sometimes because I need a friend.
Sorry if that came across as snotty. So not meant to be, it’s just been a rotten week.
No worries, it’s a pain but just add yourself again 🙂
sigh. yep. not there. Whatever it’s not a big deal. Thanks though.
I’ve lost my name on the POTM. I didn’t post on Saturday (which is actually the date of the POTM if you could ‘splain that to me Lucy?). Did I get kicked off for my tardiness?
No, I didn’t kick anyone out 🙂 Did you search with Cntrl + F and put your name in? Someone might have just switched the order.
Might just hafta drop off the POTM – inflamed left ankle this week…on top of a still-not-well strained right hip flexor. How much bad luck can there be? 🙁
Oh no 🙁 Your health is priority #1. Take care <3
Someone once fixed me Kahlua with some yogurt mixed in because they didn’t have any milk, and I remember it working! Then again, that person happened to be a cute guy…and I think I might have been drunk already…so who knows.
i am seriously blowing chunks with my POTM this year. ugh. im lucky if i run 10 miles a week and i havent even been logging them on the sheet! i will go ahead and blame it on my first holiday season working in big-bucks retail in NYC 🙂 i am looking into joining a charity team to get into the NYC 1/2 marathon in the spring, though!!
I am one of those displaced NYC Marathoner’s that will be showing up at the Philadelphia Marathon on Sunday morning! I’m excited and can’t wait to finally get to race after all the hard work of training. 🙂
I’m picky about my pizza, sorry that didn’t turn out so well! This weekend is my last few days of enforced rest after my marathon, so sleeping in, socializing, and just enjoying pretending to be normal for once! 🙂
BOO for bad pizza! Nothing worse than making a meal you THINK is going to be delicious and then taking a bite and realizing it’s hardly edible. ESPECIALLY pizza!!! Boooo!!!
I did Jillian’s 30 Day Shred (level 2) yesterday. Girl kicks my booty everytime. Love her.
Oh Chica! Why don’t you have a carton of almond milk stashed in your pantry?
Crazy girl.
I know! I used to, but I thought I would save money by just buying one kind this week. It was a fail.
Running 4 miles ( this is HUGE for me), then off to San Clemente for a much needed “girls overnight”! Ahhhhhhh!
4 miles is huge for anyone! Go go go!!!
Hooray for six week six pack! I’m going to do level one for the first time in a while tomorrow. We’re off to London to have a burger dinner, see Alabama Shakes and stay in a nice hotel. No biggie!
Need 3 more miles for this week which should be completed later today.
I’m pretty sure bad sex is called rape, but I’ve yet to have any bad pizza.
I’m going to try your green bean fries soon. I keep meaning to make them!
I hope to get out and do some trail running this weekend.
Oh and iced coffee is def not fun without milk. 🙁
Ha. I would like to put on record right now…you will run another 26.2 at sometime…you can’t quite the marathon…never ; )
I am going to be volunteering at Chimera III a 100 mile trail race up on Saddleback mountain. Should be fun seeing as it’s sitting up on the side of the mountain aiding runners and my shift is only 31 hours…oh and I’m hugely pregnant. What have I done?
ha! maybe 🙂
when is the race?
I have one more 8 mile run on saturday, in the rain, to finish my week out with the goal of 19 miles.
I wish I was closer to LA so I could train with a group of runners for the marathon in March. I signed up last week! My first one. I’m scared!
We have plans to attend the Marine Corps Birthday Ball this weekend in Vegas, should be a good time! This is the last week before my husband tapers for his marathon… So this is our last happy weekend until the 1st!
Turkey Trot 5k tomorrow!
My neighbor told me that they put ice cream in their coffee when they run out of milk/creamer. I tried it once and it wasn’t as good (sweet) as I thought it would be.
Hey, I am a new reader/blogger saying hi! I love that you are doing Pile on the Miles and will attempt to join! I’ve been there with the no milk issue before….I’ve actually eaten cereal with water – desperate much? 🙂
Have a good weekend!
I HAD to do six miles last night and ended up running them in rainy 45 degree weather but I pushed through and got it done somehow lol. Once I was already wet and cold I figured I could finish and get it done!
We are starting Christmas shopping this weekend!
I have birthday parties and a short race (4M) tomorrow. I plan to watch MOVIES!!! Twilight and Silver Lining Playbook. Very excited.
I’ll be bird banding this weekend. 🙂
Updated my Pile on the Miles and noticed my mileage from last week was very high! Updated it accordingly.I think someone accidentally added their information to my column.
Thats too bad about the pizza 🙁 I would have ordered one!
This weekend were having a pumpkin roll making day with my family! I can’t wait…to eat it!
Bad pizza is very unfortunate! I saw my dad put vanilla ice cream in his coffee once because he was out of milk…and I think I know where I got my sweet tooth 🙂
that is genius!
I’ll be running my second marathon this Sunday! Wish me luck!
good luck!
Sorry about the pizza!
It’s supposed to rain where I am all weekend, but I’m hoping to get in a hike! One of the rainy afternoons will be spent watching Breaking Dawn, hehe 🙂
I love Jillian’s 6W6P and I’ve actually found level 1 to be a better workout for me. Level 2 has some really detailed moves and I find myself getting more hung up on the choreography aspect of it than the actual ab-burner aspect. I stick to level 1 99% of the time, and no matter how often I do it my core is sore the next day. Love it!
checking again..any plans to announce santa to the sea winner?
Sorry! I’ll do that today 🙂
i’m cheap. i want a free race. and to dress like santa. 🙂
I’ve already passed my 20 mile goal for the week and still have a run planned for tomorrow morning and am hoping to make it longer. I did 5 miles today with 6 800m intervals and some strength in between each 800.
Beware, in my experience, level 2 of 6 week 6 pack is a great workout, but hard on my legs as opposed to my abs. My butt and thighs are always SO SORE the next day but my abs are a-ok.
Good job!
I’ll be one of the displaced nyc marathon runners running the philadelphia marathon on Sunday! While I’m going it alone with no friends or family to support me I’m happy that there will at least be strangers there cheering and not jeering=)
Good luck!!!!
I think BOTH of those statements are false!
I am on track for POTM this week, IF I get out and do my 5miler today.
The Kidless Kronicles
Yikes, that pizza is… interesting, to say the least. At least the toppings look good?
I’ve definitely put yogurt in my coffee, and it was a BAD IDEA. But who knows, maybe you’ll like it!
I’m going home to celebrate my sister’s birthday plus an early Thanksgiving!