Hi! How are you? This morning I busted out my new “Be Brave” mug. I just got it at Home Goods and am very happy I found a mug with my favorite mantra on it.

Oh, and I kinda love this mug that says “Do one brave thing a day… then, run like hell”. Ha!

Bonus: *Check out this post where I talk about being brave. It’s a struggle for me, but I’m going to be scared either way – might as well try a few new things in life, right?
This morning I did five hill repeats. The first few were okay, but it got hard for the last two!

I was supposed to find a hill to run up for 1 minute and the first one I tried wasn’t long enough. So, I jogged to this longer hill one and did the workout. Done and done!

I used a new to me lil device today! I tried this Revolar Wearable Safety device – the company sent me one after I did the Runner Safety Blog Series.
It is a small device you can press when you feel like you’re in danger. You can do a yellow alert to have someone check on you or a red alert for immediate danger. When you use it the device sends a text message to your chosen contacts and lets them know you need help. Great idea not just for running but the package also suggests using it for online dating meet-ups and other social interactions.

It’s super small and I tucked it in my running belt no problem, but you can also stick it on your waistband or put it on your keychain.

I will not be putting Vegas down as one of my emergency contacts since he is always losing his iPhone…

This evening I took a walk while listening to an audiobook and got to see the most gorgeous sunset ever. No filter, just SoCal. I love it.

POTM I.O.U – I need to share the winners of last week’s POTM. I just remembered and will get on that first thing tomorrow!! I’ll email the winners so they know to send their info and don’t miss it.

Pile on the Miles Day 17
It’s Thursday, day 17 of the Pile on the Miles Challenge. What are you doing today for yourself? Make time to get in some exercise. Go go goooo!
This week’s Pile on the Miles Challenge is sponsored by Sabra. They make the BEST hummus ever. No contest. I’ve tried them all. Check out all the flavors and other products on their site Sabra here.

This week’s Pile on the Miles Challenge is sponsored by Sabra. They make the BEST hummus ever. No contest. I’ve tried them all. Check out all the flavors and other products on their site Sabra here or this Guacamole Shrimp Toast from Singer in the Kitchen.
Check in with your POTM update and you’ll be entered to WIN a $100 Amazon gift card.
Update social media with #RERMiles to share your progress and motivate others.
Open to all. Closes tomorrow at 9pm PST.
Question: What’s your POTM update for today?
Me: I did 5 miles and 5 hills.
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. POTM is sponsored by Sabra this week.
Thanks for the recipe mention!! 🙂
Rest day today. I drove to Disneyland with some of my girlfriends instead!
Core de force after work today!
Thursday was a rest day for me!
12 mile run today! Furthest distance since my marathon last month.
Yesterday was no activity for me. Found out I have a couple of stress fractures on my foot. In a boot for a few weeks. And I have to keep it elevated until the pain subsides.
I completed Couch to 5k, week 3, day 1.
Killer speed work on the treadmill!
3 miles easy.
5 miles this morning
Not going to make it to 10,000 steps. Worn out and need the extra sleep.
4 miles in the dark 60° in WI! Gotta check out the safety device sounds interesting.
Almost forgot to comment today…got a 45 min gym workout in before work today. That is all ….
I couldn’t wake up this morning so it was another off day. Set the alarm again for tomorrow!
I did 6k during lunch break
Worked out in the hotel gym this morning. A quick workout on the elliptical and then arms.
3.5 miles this morning.
This morning I ran 7.2 solo miles. Felt really great!
60 minute barre class today that left me SHAKING!! Trying to keep up with the cross training to avoid another injury 🙂
6 miles in the dark. I really need to get a better light for when I run in the evenings.
I ran four miles and did a light leg workout.
I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill then did arms. I ran my fastest mile on the treadmill today!!! It was just under 9 minutes, which is still slow to most people but for me, it’s fast!
Took my dogs for a hike. It was very frustrating because we ran 5 miles in the bluffs on Sunday, but today I could barely walk 2.5 miles. I hope this cold is gone ASAP.
35 minutes of yoga!
I did 5 miles too! No hills though, just treadmill at 6am
5 miles today brings me to 15 out of 25. I was going to try to do 5 days 5 miles each but my Achilles is screaming at me. Tomorrow I’ll probably rest…maybe.
Rest day…still recovering from the half-marathon. Although evidently there was a LOT of walking going on at work today, because I actually hit 12,500 steps before going home!
3 miles today
I rode my horse for an hour, and accomplished a personal goal of jumping without a saddle!
30 minute walk today!
4 mile walk with old marathon buddies.
Ran about 2 miles after a warm-up walk.
Tapering for a half Marathon on Saturday!
Rest day today!
I got 21,000 steps in today! I ran two fast (for me) miles this morning, walked and did the elliptical. I walked to and from school and walked on my lunch break. The rest is from teaching!
I am grateful for this challenge and accountability posts each day.
Rest day!
3.6 miles for me today! Had to run off the Thanksgiving company lunch.
9.6 miles on our (not so) stationary bike. It’s Really due for an upgrade before it breaks during use. Jealous of the sunset. Is mostly dark by time I get out of work.
30 minutes on the stationary bike again!!
Wasn’t able to get my run in today. Did core work and yoga while Little napped.
110 minutes on the elliptical today. Far better today than yesterday.
Ran 3.25 miles and did an arm workout
Rest day! Class all day!
Ran 4 miles today
Heavy weights today to balance all of my marathon training! 🙂
3 AM miles before work! Still coughing…
Plan to do 5 miles today
Did a power walk while catching up on the RHOC reunion. Goodness, those ladies are tough!
4 miles before 6:30am
I’m going to Be Brave today and take an advanced mixed apparatus Pilates class tonight. Last time I took this class, I fell. It’s kinda hard to fall in Pilates but I managed. This will be my triumphant (and hopefully fall-free) return.
I cannot waste a beautiful fall day. Wish this beautiful weather could last forever! Well, it does where you are in CA, but not here in MI. 3 miles.
I am hoping to get 5 miles in after the kiddos go to bed.
Walked for an hour, half of that in the snow!
I just wanted to say that I love that mug! And also your cat is super cute. 🙂
Style by Joules
4 miles run.
Rest day!
Rest day Gonna get some extra steps by shopping at the mall
2 mile run and a short walk afterwards!
Easy run outside today since it isn’t raining in Portland!
I did 30 mins of yoga, followed by running 3.59 miles. We’re having strangely warm temps, so I’m enjoying them while they last.
That little device sounds like a great tool. I think about things like that a lot more now that I live alone!
5 miles trail run!
Be Brave is my mantra as well! I took a picture of a mural with “Be Brave” as a centerpiece and use it as my phone background.
I’m really hoping my hip feels OK to run in a cross country race I signed up for that happens this Saturday so I’m not going to run until then — another day on the elliptical followed by yoga.
HIIT class and 30 min run this morning
No running today…just a quick 30 minute Taebo video and some Metabolic Conditioning Exercises (4 rounds of mountain climbers, jumping jacks, and burpees)
30 minutes strength training and a walk/run! I love that Be Brave mug. Something we all need to remember to keep moving forward. ♡
Today is a rest day so I can get all my errands done!
Strength and yoga today! Back to running tomorrow! 🙂
5 miles run this morning and a 3 mile run this evening with my oldest son. We go to the group run at the local running shop on Thursday nights.
3 miles today!
3 miles today
Rest day for me today!
Bodypump and cardio this morning. And taking a walk later today with a friend because it’s gorgeous out!!
Home Goods is the best, I always find way too many things to spend money on there 😉
6 miles today, I’ve felt frustrated lately because all of a sudden in the last 3 months I feel like I’ve slowed down a lot. Maybe my body is just in a recovery stage, so I’ll roll with it, but I hope I can speed back up eventually…..
Rest day = stationary biking & reading 🙂
Rest day for me!
Biked 17 miles and a quick upper body strength routine with dumbbells! Long day of teaching elementary PE ahead!
I did a nice 7 mile tempo run this morning!
6 mile Interval Run on the treadmill this morning.
Tough arms/back day this morning with my trainer!
Please don’t kill me, my girlfriend made a blog about her everyday problems while becoming vegan and trying to stay active via workouts. She doesn’t really get any comments or like/shares so i’m trying to make commercial for her without her knowing it.
http://healthysmartprincess.com/2016/11/13/fitness-routine-every-little-counts/ Please be nice and read, maybe you like it. Or share it?! 😛
3 mile run this morning!
An hour of HIIT this morning!
5.75 km this morning before work. It was a chilly one!
5 or 6 miles on the agenda for today – it’s supposed to be warm today which is odd for this late in November but I’ll take it!
Hit the pavement early for a 3-1/4 mile run!
4 mile walk/run. This plantar fasciitis is killing me. I am so close to having an anxiety attack with not being able to run!!!! Rolling my foot on a frozen water bottle.
I took a nice walk with my dogs this morning and headed to crossfit this afternoon,
Today is a foam rolling and stretching kind of rest day 🙂
Rest day today. Woke up with a sore throats and a killer sinus headache, so it’s a literal rest day – drinking tea and watching Netflix.
Rest day for me today 🙂
I did a strength workout this morning. Back to running tomorrow!
3 mile run after work or treadmill workout tonight. #TurkeyTrotTraining 🙂
Yesterday was my rest day, so I got easy chores done around the house. It’s always a struggle because I have real manual labor I need to do in the yard, but if I do it on a rest day it’s not really a rest day, and I never want to do it after the gym.
I LOVE that mug! So cute.
Today I am going to a HIIT class at the gym after work. Counting down the hours til I get a good sweat on. It’s been a long week.
I was exhausted yesterday. A small walk at lunch and that was it! Rest day!
Run 7 miles to work!
10 mies on TM today 😀
Today’s workout will consist of running around cheering my XC kids on!
7 miles this morning!
Crossfit this morning then a short 3 miler this afternoon. =)
Going to get out for 3 miles before the snow starts.
Going to a mom/baby fitness class and lots of stretching and foam rolling to prep for the Philly Marathon on Sunday!
5 trail miles this morning and teaching a class this afternoon
3 treadmill miles this AM!
3.5 this evening! Can’t wait.
7 miles for me
6 miles and some core today!
5 mile tempo/ leg workout!!!
Another 8.2 mile run this morning. I have just past the 2000 mile mark for the year and I am in good position to finish my POTM goal of 173.4 miles and my Run the Year goal of 2016 miles for the year. I only have 16 miles to go for both!
So close to goal!!! Keep it up!
Ran 3 miles. I joke around that my boyfriend is NOT my emergency contact. He never looks at his phone. My sister in law is the one who would rescue me so her cell is on my Road ID
Today’s going to be a break from running. Doing a Pilates workout instead
5 miles on the TM
short n ez cardio xtraining in the gym + strength work. i felt rushed!
Today is a circuit class!
Do you do your hills in the middle of at the end of your run?
Middle, just after a short warm up and then a short cool down.
I ran a 2.1 miles while watching Parks and Rec this morning. How did I just start this show now?? I had wanted to run 3.1 but my tired bum didn’t get out of bed early enough.
I had to skip my run this morning, I think I had a little bit of a stomach bug last night. After not getting much sleep, there was no way it was happening!
Need another semi-rest day…feeling a bit under the weather.
Running with my Girls on the Run team!
Strength day and a short run!
BodyPump and a walk!
Hilly run and swimming.
Necessary rest day. I pulled a muscle in my back! 🙁