I was really craving Mexican food for lunch today – which is rare. So, I ended up putting beans and salsa wrap for lunch and it was perfect!
On the side I had a few chips, salsa and carrots.
Before lunch I also had an apple and some grapes, but my camera died, so no pic. I also enjoyed an iced coffee. I am finally starting to look forward to coffee everyday. Why am I so weird and trying to make myself addicted to coffee?
Then, Ben and I went to the store and were shocked at the huge piles of snow in the parking lot! I still cannot believe that we managed to move to MD for the biggest snow storm since the 1800s. Lucky, I guess! (Note the heavy sarcasm there .)
In addition to the usual Costco samples, I grabbed a Babybel Cheese for the road.
Then, we hit up Borders because there are some very interesting books Ben wanted. We are not exchanging V day presents (we usually don’t exchange presents for Christmas/b-days/etc, but instead save up to go places/do things). But, I told Ben this was his V day present from me since these books were expensive!!!
Since today is our “Cheat Day” I made pizza for dinner, it’s not as cheat-y as ordering pizza, but it was still dee-lish! I topped my half with a little cheese and olives and goat cheese on one piece as an experiment. I keep trying goat cheese and hoping to like it, but I don’t think it’s my thing. With roasted brussel sprouts on the side because I love them.
Ask Me Anything:
You guys love this stuff and so do I 🙂
Question: Do you call blueberries “blubes” in reference to pubes? I love your pervy humor… seriously! or not if that’s not what you mean…
Monica: Ha! No, actually I call them “blubes” for “boobs”. Example, when I pull them out of the fridge to eat I shout, “Show me your blubes!!!”
Question: I dunno if anyone has asked this yet but are you planning on having babies anytime soon?
Monica: No. Ben and I only got married a few months ago and want to enjoy each other for a while before that. We have a game plan and plan on making babies in two or three years. For now we are focused on our careers, traveling and sleeping through the night.
But… Ben is actually ready today! (I don’t think he realizes how much it would change things.) For now though, I want to enjoy my freedom for a bit and grow together with my husband before we add anyone else to the mix.
Question: What brought you to Maryland? How long do you plan to stay? Any idea where you want to go next?
Monica: I’ve been asked this so many times (I guess because I complain so much about it?) and here is my same answer = Ben and I moved to Maryland from California for a job opportunity I got. It ended up not being at all what I expected and subsequently fell apart.
We plan to stay as long as necessary for us to fullfill our lease and/or get new jobs elsewhere. My family is in CA and his family is in FL, so we are planning to move to one of those states. I’m excited just thinking about it!
Question: Does Ben’s employer read your blog? You’re always talking about moving, I would think it would make his employer nervous. Or, perhaps he or you already have another job lined up elsewhere?
Monica: I hope not! Ben has purposefully not told anyone at work about my blog, but mostly because I can be inappropriate (see the first question about boobs). He is more cautious about these things than I am.
Neither one of us have jobs lined up yet – but if anyone is hiring writers/communications specialist or soon to be certified personal trainers (for me) OR mechanical engineers (for Ben) in CA or FL – please let me know 😉
Now I am going to make some banana soft serve and relax 🙂
See you tomorrow!
The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.
There are also random times when I crave Mexican food. =D
Finally, someone asked the question about the blubes! I’ve been wondering that myself. Hehehe.
Holy crap that is a freakin big pile of snow.
And I just wanted to say that I love your blog for the very fact that you can be innapropriate sometimes.. it’s entertaining 😀
Just found your blog….I need to get my hands on some of that Babybel cheese, I’m seeing it everywhere! What flavor of cheese is it?
I think it’s funny you’re purposefully trying to get into a coffee habit! Haha, I did this two years ago with tea ( I thought it was cool and good for me) and now I’m absolutely head over heels in love with it. Florida or California both sound better than the the cold up here!
Great Q&A!! Love your pizza! If you are gonna have pizza, have CHEESE 🙂
<3 jess
I’m so glad to find someone else who can’t get used to the idea of goat cheese! I have tried it multiple times but seriously just don’t like it, and I swear it makes my stomach sick :/ I thought I was the only person in food blog land to feel like this haha, refreshing!
I love home made pizza! I’m a little afraid of goat cheese, I’ve never had it but it just freaks me out a little..
yummy pizza. i think that homemade pizza isn’t cheaty at all. very smart choice 🙂 and don’t write off the goat cheese yet (says the chica who doesn’t like cheese haha) it takes taste buds ~15 times before they adjust to something
I don’t like goat cheese, either.
My husband loves kids and was ready for babies very quickly after we got married (he’s 6 years older than me), but we waited five years. I’m glad we did.
Your pizza looks really good! I totally suck at homemade pizza.
My husband & I don’t exchange gifts for holidays either and then once a year we buy each other one really big thing. I think I prefer it that way.
I love goat cheese on pizza. On crackers. In eggs. Straight from the package.. I just love goat cheese. I didn’t used to, though – it has a flavor that takes getting used to, and if it’s not your thing, no worries – melty mozz is also DELISH
Your pizza looks good! Pizza is one of my favorite foods for sure.