Hello! How’s it going?
I’m just over here chugging way too much seltzer. It’s what I do. Bonus cat photo bomb!

Last night I sipped on delicious tea – but I’m sad to report my super pretty tea cup got broken. I still love it though and am not ready to let it go.

Speaking of best idea or worst ideas…

It is always a bad idea when I trim my bangs. So, I went to get my hair trimmed today. But my bangs still ended up way too short for now – boo.

Best Food or Worst Food Idea…
I spotted this Peanut Butter in a big squeeze package at Whole Foods. First I thought it was genius – I mean hello, I would squeeze that stuff on oatmeal, toast, my finger, celery, rice cakes, toothbrush…

Then, I realized it was a horrible I idea because of all those things too! Don’t make it easier for me to eat delicious PB!!

I also spotted this at Bev Mo recently… Salty Watermelon Vodka and Sriracha Vodka!
I 1000% want to try the watermelon – I think the Sriracha vodka might be a bad idea…

Don’t forget to check in for Pile on the Miles today!
Best Idea / Worst Idea Poll:
Trimming your own hair – best or worst?
Squeeze PB – best or worst?
Sriracha Vodka – best or worst?
Sriracha vodka might be the worst…or best in a blood mary!
I ended up making Wednesday a rest day….I should have put a couple miles in but didn’t…..I want to try to do a long run Friday and sometime this weekend.
That squeeze pouch of PB is a serving, right?!
I’m a huge fan of sriracha, but I’m not sure if I would like it in my vodka :\ I would try salted watermelon, though!
3 miles on the trails….where were all these fun flavors of vodka when I was an alcoholic, I mean student in college?
Day 4 of POTM was 0 miles but more strength training- back and abs today 🙂
Pile on the miles for nov. 4 was 30 minutes of yoga.
After some trial and error I can now trim my own bangs so it’s become a good idea, over time! lol Also, the salted watermelon vodka with sprite (I use sprite zero) and a fresh lime is YUMMY!!!! I’ve been way too afraid to try the sriracha one, but reading so many people say spicy bloody mary makes want to try that now. lol
I wouldn’t ever cut my own hair. Except for ripping off my split ends like a teenager bored in Social Studies would do…..
Squeezable PB? DANGER ZONE!!
Sriracha Vodka…..No thank you! Watermelon on the other hand – pass me a cup with ice!
Umm .. Trimming your own hair – worst idea!!! When I was in 5th grade I decided to cut my own bangs – wet! I did one side and freaked – I walked around with a half spike of bangs for a month – it was a time when boys used to spike their hair on one side and comb over the side – know it? It may have only been the style in Missouri. SO, I totally looked like I tried to give myself one of those haircuts, because my bangs had an awesome high wave to the side – you know feathered and all!!!
I have bangs now, and I never try to cut them myself!
1. Worst!
2. Best! Hello … PB is fantastic!
3. Very VERY best – staple in my cabinet! Salted Watermelon sounds yummy.
All three are bad ideas! Food that comes in a squeezable tube just seems wrong to me. I can’t hardly tweezers my eyebrows myself let alone cut my hair! And vodka burns enough without adding Sriracha!
lol@ fat toddler.
Sriracha vodka would be perfect in a Bloody Mary.
I ran four miles today.
Rest day today! My legs are sore from my 5 miles yesterday 🙂
Walked the dogs for 3 miles this morning before work!
Your first cartoon made me laugh hysterically!
Today I am hopeful to get six miles in after work but it will all be in the dark!
100% FACT: peanut butter tastes seven point six million times better when eaten in unconventional ways: with a spoon, fork, food dipped straight into the jar, you get the idea. Yesterday was a much-needed rest day, even though I actually tried to get on the treadmill but someone else was using it. A blessing in disguise!
Got my walk in this morning on the way to the gym. I’m loving that it’s light enough in the mornings again! Then an intense leg work out…and a much slower walk home.
Crossfit day
Tonight is kickboxing! Best day of the week.
I ran 3 miles this morning!
Had the sriracha vodka. I LOVE sriracha – but the vodka is horrible. Hands down BAD idea.
Missed your post last night. Tuesday was a rest day, partially because it was raining.
I bought watermelon Smirnoff out of the clearance cart at the grocery store and am planning to give it a whirl with some of the watermelon cucumber cooler from Trader Joe’s – in my head it will be DELICIOUS!
I did an AWESOME two mile run through the cemetery last night before going to wine glass painting class with a friend – I think we might have to celebrate drink and create Tuesday more often.
lots of stretching today 🙂
4.2 miles today #PITM
I love the little Justin Nut Butter squeezable packs. Fortunately there’s only one serving in that baby pouch.
I know people who love spicy margs, and obviously bloody marys. I bet you could add a little kick with that sriracha vodka.
Salted watermelon though, what’s the difference between that and just watermelon? Does it taste more like… salt.
I went to a 45 minite HIIT class this evening!
1.5mile warm up before strength training.
Hmmm…I would give the squeeze PB a try.
rode my bike almost an hour and stretched! squeeze pb… eh i think i like the jars…all about OIAJ. sriracha vod = no. salted watermelon = yes. what to mix it with…?
Didn’t feel like doing much, 1 hr of tennis. Run tomorrow!
No run for me today – the hubby ended up with a trip to the ER yesterday to have his appendix taken out so unexpected rest day!
Sriracha vodka could be a great idea for bloody Mary’s! I always add sriracha to my bloodies for kick, why not take it further? And you bet that bloody Mary’s are my #1 post race reward!
I did a lunchtime resistance band workout today and did a mile on the treadmill for both warm up and cool down cardio. I still hate the treadmill but it’s better than nothing and doing it in spurts to bookend a workout is less painful than a lengthier chunk of running to nowhere.
Rest day. Kids are off of school. We did go bowling 🙂 does that count as exercise? 😉
6 glorious miles tonight!
I use to cut my own hair all the time. Then one time during an EXTREMELY difficult time in my life i decided to cut my long hair short. Oh, and I decided to do this after having a sizable drink. What followed was an intense roller coaster of extreme tears and extreme drinking. So now i’m banned from cutting my own hair. Also,this is the light version of that story. It wasn’t good.
1. Worst
2. Best
3. Worst. The very worst.
Rest day today!
I’ve cut my own hair…but since I have curly hair it wasn’t so bad. It’s hair…it grows back. The PB is a great idea! The Sriracha vodka is a definite no!
trimming your own hair: too scared to try!!!
squeeze PB: best idea. I would eat it all immediately and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
sriracha vodka: might be OK in a bloody mary, but I’m not a huge fan.
I didn’t really do a specific workout today, but I did get plenty of exercise since I worked outside doing manual labor at work today (I work in a part and we were removing grasses… By hand!) and then I helped move some of my boyfriends stuff. Needless to say I didn’t need much extra exercise!!
Hey! Today I took a 45 min Pilates class and I ran 2 miles! I’m “trying” to become a runner.
I trim my own bangs but usually regret it. The PB thing? Not sure……….I’m not a fan of things in squeeze pouches although I buy the Mama Chia for my kiddos lunches! Siracha Vodka – hell yeah – bring on the Bloody Mary!
Ughhh doesn’t vodka burn enough already without being sriracha flavored?!
Intense 60 minute spin class tonight…checkin in for accountability!!!
Ran 4 quick miles 🙂
I can’t get on board with sriracha vodka, bleh! PS. I think your bangs look good 🙂
Ran 2 miles today !
All three of those sound like a bad idea to me! Haha! I would eat that PB straight out of the package!
Weight lifting circuit and a bit of elliptical!
Trimmed my own bangs the first week of college. Biggest mistake. Took awhiiiiile to find friends 😉
1. Worst – still tramautized from an incident when I was 3…
2. Best – I live in Michigan, I could keep that shit in my car for winter in case of emergency. (or in case of a snack attach whilst driving)
3. Worst – just no.
Every time I get my hair cut–stylist cuts and dries my hair (including bangs). Asks me how I like it. I say, “Take a smidge more off my bangs.” They end up too short. So, I mess up my bangs even though I’m not the one trimming them!
Spin class at 530am this morning! Hoping to work up the motivation for some Piyo; Drench as well!
ooh I like the sriracha vodka in bloody mary idea, that sounds full of yes going in and full of regret coming out.
trimming hair I don’t even attempt. I can’t even trim my eyebrows correctly, if I can’t handle 5 hairs I don’t even want to imagine what tragedy would explode on my head.
squeeze pb…I’m equal opportunity nut butters in any form they’d like to take. But there is just something about digging a spoon in a jar…
why cant I eat the whole jar???
mix up a glass of ice water with margarita crystal lite and add in a salted watermelon shooter. seriously delish!!!
Snuck in a quick one after work, 2.8 with 1/4-mile repeats.
It’s a rainy rest day here!
Sriracha vodka in a bloody mary = yes.
Probably worst all the way around, though I feel like there’s some bloody mary potential with that vodka…
Agree – that’s what I was going to say too! Spicy Bloody Mary – YUM!
Sriracha vodka sounds awful. Trimming your own hair is just fine by me. I cut my own bangs all the time, although I’d never go full cut on myself.
Bad X3
Although the watermelon i would say good idea.
Pb on a toothbrush. Bwahhhhh!!! Lol