Hello from Morro Bay,CA ! Yesterday I headed north for a road trip getaway – with a RACE thrown in of course
I’ve been wanting to go to Paso Robles for wine tasting. I love running half marathons. There were birds and stones all over the place.
I’m in Morro Bay, which is south of San Miguel so it was an early wake up call to the race!
I ran the Buzz Half Marathon (there is also a full and 5k). It’s actually on a military base, which was super interesting!
When we got there we had to check in with the base and since it’s on the base there weren’t any spectators. It was a small race, but I felt that as a result the other runners were super friendly!
I would estimate maybe 100 – 150 people ran. The morning was perfectly cool to start.
The course had a few hills and one killer one at the end. The volunteers were super nice. That was really the only cheering along the course, so it was very appreciated! I had never been on a military base like this before so I was really checking out the scenery (or lack thereof).
Since it was such a small race I ended up finishing somewhat solo. SR and I have discussed that I’m weird and am a-okay with no crowds so it was fine by me.
Today wasn’t really my day, so I had a so-so race. I just wasn’t feeling it and was happy to just get it done in 1:54
Love that they gave out dog tags instead of medals!
Since this was a super small race I was super surprised to meet a reader here – a reader from the other side of the world too! Charlotte is from New Zealand and vacationing with her dad in the US. She spotted me after the race and said hello!
From there it was time to eat!
And have some other fun wine tasting…
more on that later.
Check out San Miguel Marathon / Half Marathon if you want to rock it next year!
Question: What did you do Saturday?
Disclaimer: I was provided with a bib in exchange for a social media mention. All opinions are my own.
Great event, thanks for sharing images 🙂
That looks pretty fun; love a small, hometown kinda race!
My 12 yr son had FOUR water polo games to play; we were on deck for the whole day. But it was a good day; he had fun and played well. 🙂
Saturday was all about resting my feeting…in between eating my way thru’ Hong Kong.
Sounds like a good time to me 🙂
So cool that you met a reader from New Zealand! I am born and raised in LA but having been living in New Zealand for the past 8 years as my mum is from New Zealand.
I thought I was the only person in NZ who knew abour RER! I guess not!
Yes you are a weirdo. Thats all.
You missed me 🙂
Saturday 12 mile tapering for PhxFull. I love love small races. The running community setting is rather intimate and easier for me to find my groove. I’m no social butterfly so smaller races force me to interact. Stay fierce!
Hi Monica! I love reading your blog and run half marathons myself. Just wondering what ear buds you use or recommend. I have managed to get by with just some cheap ones but after breaking a few that have lost sound in one ear, I am ready to look into getting some for running.
– cannot run without mah music!
Looks like a fun race!
Dog tags = cool!
Agree – love it as a switch up from the norm!
I like having a crowd when I finish but since I prefer small races during the actual running part Ive gotten used to small crowds.
Congrats on completing another race. I love taking road trips for races. I hope you had fun at the wine tasting. My Saturday was pretty low key – eye appointment, run, and watched Argo. Exciting, huh?
That’s my kinda Saturday, I dig it 🙂
refueling with cookies. that’s my kind of race!
i had a pretty lazy saturday… i ended up just making dinner and watching “blue jasmine” on the couch. no complaints here 🙂
i’ve never participated in a small race, but i think it would be nice to not have to dodge thousands of other runners at the beginning of the race!
You are so cute! I love your personality. I am running my first half this spring do you recommend compression socks or should I not? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
personally, i have never raced in compression socks, but i have worn them after a half marathon (or just long runs in general) and i have found them VERY helpful in recovery.
good luck with your first half!! =)
For your first race I recommend doing everything the same as training. Don’t try anything new race day <- golden rule. But, I am a fan of compression socks for sure! If you want to try them you can also use them after the race to help with recovery.
Your time was like my last half (I’ve only done 2). I was not really feeling it, so I wonder what I could do if I had the perfect race. It takes a lot of commitment to do all the races that you do. I amazed at what you can handle.
Thanks, I’m sure my body thinks I’m crazy for putting it through all this 🙂
Awesome race! That’s really cool that it is on a military base. I worked all day Saturday and then spent the night relaxing with my hubs! We are doing our Valentines celebration tonight and I can’t wait!
I prefer small races actually. Less people dodging! That’s something that can be difficult about the bigger races. Looks like you had fun….especially with the wine!
So true about the people dodging!
I love military bases. My dad is a CSM and has been in for 30 years. I am of course older now and don’t live with him but military bases were amazing. So relaxing and convenient. There are some absolutely amazing one out there. I was a big fan of Meade and Lewis.
As for Saturday, I didn’t do anything. I need to learn your ways and start running all the time. Do you have a post showing how you got into running and making it a habit? Like, how you started integrating it in your life? That would be neat to read. Great job and keep it up!
Great race! We have a race here on a base and it looks really cool. Saturday I went shopping all day and had a long run in the morning!
I’m getting used to races with no spectators since it’s been so cold here in MI. Not sure how I’ll react when people start coming out again lol.
Oh and on Saturday I PR’d my 10k woot woot!!
Congrats on the PR!!!
Saturday morning I worked at the gym, then went to my daughter’s soccer game and had a friend come over and we all hung out, ate pizza, and watched Bridget Jones Diary. I loved it:-)
I love that movie 🙂
I ate a TON on Saturday, the doggies got a bath…and I ran 4 miles. I wish it could have been longer, but I am getting over a stomach bug. 🙁
Feel better <3
So you dragged your husband to another race that you half asses. Do you ever do anything for him? I thought the goal was to dress better. Those stupid neon sunglasses, forever 21 polka dot sleeveless blouse, and braid that looks like a 10 yo.
Hey Jenn, My friend said the same thing about those sunglasses (well not that they’re stupid because my friends don’t talk to me like that)! She said they look like a 10 year old. Ha! I don’t care, I love it 🙂
You must be a super fun person to hang out with Jenn! Sure wish I had friends like you!
I have never been on a base before, I am not sure what I would be expecting
I studied most of the day after going out to brunch with my sister and one of my best friends 🙂
Brunch is the best!
Those dog tags are a great idea!
Today, I bleached my hair (going to henna it), trained on the bike, went out to get froyo even though it was snowing.
I’m totally fine with small crowds like that – I have only run relatively small races so far. I’ll have to try out one with more spectators one of these days!
I ran 4 miles today, did dishes, hung out with my dog and ignored the fact that it was snowing (again) – a mellow Saturday for me!