Hello! How are you? I’m good, just weird. Per usual.
Yesterday afternoon I dressed up like a ninja that got in a fight with some bleach and took a walk.

(Vegas photobomb!)

Then, I made a healthy dinner that required ‘cooking’ of sorts! I’m proud of myself for stepping out of my frozen dinner comfort zone again.
I roasted up a whole pan of broccoli and a handful of mushrooms. Seasoned with TJ’s 21 seasoning salute. Then, I ate it ALL with ketchup. Because moderation is for suckas.

This is a yam, not a regular potato. And eggs. And broc.

Then, I watched 19 Kids and Counting while Vegas came super close to me just so I knew he was ignoring me.

This morning started with iced coffee and a banana.

Then, I realized I was hungry for life. And more food. So I made oatmeal. Check out this presentation! Move over Martha Stewart!

Vegas, eyeballing the neighbors… cats are the Mean Girls of the animal kingdom.

I feel like I take pics of him and he’s just like ‘why are you so obsessed with me?’.

And in exciting running blog shoe news…
I tried HOKAS for the first time today. Dig it.

I had no idea what to expect. I know someone who runs ultras and marathons in them and loves them. But they’re not really someone I talk to and I haven’t heard any reviews of them. I’ll share my thoughts after a few more runs, but so far so GOOD!
After my run it was time to EAT. I made the most epic french toast of my life. AMAZING!

Recipe coming in the next post.
Stay tuned! (Or just come back later like a normal person.)

My favorite peep Tina is running the Boston Marathon! Since she considers me a marathon maniac she’s been asking me question about training and posting the updates on Carrots N Cake. <- Check out the latest here!
I prefer sweet potatoes. But I wouldn’t turn down a regular potato. Give me all teh carbz!
Cats are TOTALLY the Mean Girls of the Animal Kingdom. My cat frequently sits on the ottoman in front of my staring just behind me, so as I’m in her periphery, but she still ignores me.
Sweet potatoes aaaaall the way 🙂 I actually just had one I made in the toaster oven along side greek yogurt!
I freaking love ketchup on broccoli. And anything and everything. My favorite part was that you said fuck it and just used the pan as the plate.
I just broke up with my Hokas. They were great at first with short distances but as I upped the mileage I started getting blisters and lower back pain. I used my phone to order my old shoes, the Brooks pure Cadence, while walking home from my “not so long” run.
Hey Mon…Smush turned me on to Hokas. I love love this shoe. I run on both road and trail with the Clilftons. I try to stay away from trails that are too technical with this shoe because it tends to get beat up… but if you’re interested, here’s my take http://www.shootskdenaloha.com/hoka-one-one-clifton-shoe-review/
ketchup on broccoli and mushrooms? That’s definitely interesting! 🙂
Sweet Potatoes rule and regular potatoes drool. Also, I can’t pick a favorite veggie…too many to love! That French toast is pretty dang epic fo sho!
I love broccoli with vegan soy mayo. I usually just boil them or stirfry them with a medley of other veg.
Sweet potatoes 90% of the time
Veggies – broccoli and brussels sprouts
potatoes were on sale last week $1 for 5lbs so I made two for lunches. I actually headed up to the cafeteria in search of broccoli to add to my potatoes but they didn’t have any.
My kick is sweet potatoes. I eat so much that my coworker asked me today how many do I have left. Ha. Love them!
Always sweet potato! My vegetable of choice will always be brussel sprouts. This morning, though, I had broccoli and kale with my eggs – go me!
This french toast looks like trouble! In the most perfect carbalicious way of course 🙂 I will be waiting for hte recipe. I think my favorite vegetable would be a tie between broccoli and spinach. I eat spinach on almost everything!
Have you seen the Ginger Runner’s reviews?? Awesome reviews of lots of shoes and hear. He also shoots videos of him running ultras and marathons and they’re great. He shoots, edits and even makes the backing tracks.
Sweet potatoes; all day long! Only the white ones like you looked up there; no likey the orange variety.
Brussels sprouts with bacon or roasted cauliflower are my favorites. Since you’re a Costco girl, hit up their spice aisle and try the No-salt 20 season blend. It’s a dead match for the TJ’s 21 seasoning. I just add my own salt, cause I live a salty kind of life! But its the bomb and Kirkland Signature brand = can’t go wrong. 🙂
You are SO not alone in the ketchup on broccoli thing. Love it!
I happen to love regular potatoes almost more than life itself, but I try to switch it up with sweet potatoes sometimes, or mix them together. I’m so confused by the debate on which is healthier, so I’ve decided it just comes down to different nutrients, and variety is usually best.
Those are the exact same Hokas I have and I LOVE them!! Life changing. I hope they work for you!
It took me two or three tries with the Hokas (the Cliftons) to realize I really love them! They are a perfect recovery run/any run even a long run shoe. I rotate them every other run in with my favorite Adidas Energy Boosts. They are really a great pair to have and I am super picky with my running shoes. The cushioning is great and they are super light which I love (I hate heavy sneakers)
I love potatoes but my true number one will always be the sweet potato<3
I love my HOKA’s. I actually wear the one’s you are wearing in your picture.
Hooka actually was a sponsor for the race I did on Sunday. They are comfy but look so bulky! I can’t seem to get over that fact. But I will say that I felt like I was running in clouds when I tried them on a treadmill in my local running store. Some of my coworkers are actually wearing them now because it has so much cushion, especially when standing for 12.5 hour shifts.
Sweet potatoes all the way. I’ve started prepping them on Sunday’s and eating one every day because since I switched to Paleo I’ve had trouble some days with getting enough carbs. Throw a sweet potato in the mix and I’m set 🙂
My vegetable of the day is asparagus. Because I bought a bazillion bushels of it this week, so every day is asparagus day.
Sweet potatoes all the way. I used to just cook them in the microwave, but lately I have been roasting them and pretending I am a classy lady.
I guess then that my vegetable of choice would be sweet potato recently but brussels sprouts follow in a close second.
Broccoli is probably my favorite vegetable, too, but all I can think about now is that french toast…
SWEET POTATO!!! Unless it’s got sour cream, cheese and bacon and crunchy skin and then I’ll take a white potato.
I’m enjoying mushrooms lately. And brussel sprouts..
HOKAS!!!! I love mine, they really help my legs feel less fatigued on long runs and the extra cushioning keeps my feet happy. They aren’t for everyone and took some getting used to, but I’m hooked!
did the hokas feel like you were running on clouds? that’s what my husband said the first time he ran in them.
This whole post made me giggle. Of course you ate the whole pan of broccoli! So would I! Only with sriracha. I would need a healthy dose of broccoli-regret that way!
Sweet potato all day. Except they’re kinda really aggressive on the fiber so I bought a huge box from the Farmer’s Market and my tummy is killing.
Ketchup on broccoli? I can’t do that! I used to be strictly a regular potato gal but lately I’m loving the sweet potato.
I’ve done it for so long I don’t even realize if it’s weird 🙂
I love that 21 seasoning salute! Perfect for throwing on any dish 🙂
I loveeee sweet potatoes (or yams) but my favorite depends on what I’m eating it with…like steak is a regular potato, chicken is sweet potato.
Roasted broccoli for sure!
Ps if you don’t know about this, you should: