Ben has been working out more and did a good workout today so he suggested pizza and wings for dinner. Far be it for me to turn down pizza so I agreed 🙂 But – we decided that Saturday will be our “Cheat Day” but the rest of the week we will stick to our healthy eating plan.
Since he was more about the wings than the pizza, he was fine with us splitting a veggie pizza. Yes! I think veggie pizza is one of my favorite foods. I heated up some broccoli on the side to slow me down a bit 😉
When we got home from the mall I had a package waiting for me. It was a care package from my friend Lisa!!! Ahhh! Thanks Lisa 🙂 She sent me Trader Joe’s goodness.
I immediately dug into this box since I’d never tried this before… I cannot get enough dark chocolate. Thank you Lisa, this totally brightened my day 🙂
Yum! When I got home from the mall I also had an apple
and a banana with PB. It’s so weird, but I have been craving bananas with PB every day this week?!?! One of the reasons may be because I normally eat bananas with PB for breakfast in some form almost everyday.
And despite the fact that someone pointed out (in the anonymous questions) today that I eat a lot of sugar, I ended the day with two Chickpea Blondies. I am saving the last two for my mom 🙂
Question: Do you ever get pressure from family members to stray from your healthy eating habits? I get comments from my family about “having a salad AGAIN” and my Mom gets offended if I don’t want a cookie or something else she has just made in favor of healthier food. Drives me nuts…
Monica: Not really. I’m lucky to have people around me that know better than to give me crap about what I eat 😉 Ha, kinda kidding – but I became vegetarian straight out of high school, so they’re used to it. My brother teases me about my “healthy crap”, but that’s not a big deal.
I do however get mad when I want to indulge and everyone makes a big deal about it – “Oh, Monica’s eating X…” or “Monica’s on a diet…”
Um, leave me alone.
After time I think people get used to your eating habits and the pressure will stop. Some people used to give me a hard time about not eating meat, but now it’s just part of the deal.
I think you have to identify the reasons why someone is pushing food on you. When it comes to moms, many times they are just trying to take care of you – and they will keep trying to take care of you because it’s their job (which comes from a good place).
I would suggest taking the food she offers sometimes and expressing how much you appreciate it or letting her help make you a healthy dish that you’ll enjoy 🙂 I think the key is to make sure your mom (or hostess) feels like she is taking care of your needs.
Question: What do you use on your hair? It’s always so shiny and pretty looking!
Monica: This is actually really embarrassing because I often just use whatever’s on sale. Currently I am using Costco shampoo and conditioner because now that Ben has long hair, he uses whatever’s in the shower (even if it’s expensive!).
I credit shiny hair to what I eat. I eat a lot of fruits, , whole grains and fats. I am often questioned about where I get so much energy and I credit the food I eat too.
This picture of me is Ben’s favorite and he always talks about my shiny hair in it. In the background is the Hoover Dam – it was taken on the way to the Grand Canyon on our infamous third date 🙂
Yeah, I kinda glazed over that today when I mentioned that I am going to California Wednesday through Sunday. And then I’ll be going again at the end of the month after a quick stop over in Vegas!!! “California here I come…”
Question: Do you have Cheat Days or do you just make indulgences part of your life?
Me: I have way too many treats during the week, so I am thinking this cheat day sounds like a good deal. I especially like that Ben and I are on the same page with it so he won’t suggest indulgent foods on other random days. We’ll see how this works.
All Women Stalker says
I also love veggie pizza! But only if it’s not too oily and laden with cheese. =p I think you’re lucky that you can use any hair product. My hair’s so picky that it can burn a hole in my wallet.
Lauren @ Eater not a runner says
I get a lot of food pushing from my family, and sometimes it drives me nuts. I really have to remember that saying no is ok, no matter how weird they think I am!
Allison says
For me personally, cheat days just lead to binge days. Having a small indulgence everyday (80% clean eating every day) works out much better than denying myself all week.
Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) says
ooh Vegas is so much fun! you’re going to have a blast.
Lindsay Perrone (goodiesgalore) says
Yeah, it’s definitely easier to stay on track when your partners on board. Don’t be embarrassed about Costco shampoo, I don’t brush my hair. Oops!
MelissaNibbles says
When I did Body For Life I had a cheat day, but I would eat so much and make myself sick. I always felt disgusted with myself. I decided to cut it back to one cheat meal and that’s what works for me. It’s usually a nice dinner out with dessert at home after. I haven’t felt disgusted with myself since. I think cheat days are great as long as they aren’t backfiring and making you feel like crap.
Shannon says
I liked your answer to the question about how to handle people’s reaction to your healthy diet. For me, a lot of the things I can’t eat are things that cause me stomach aches (fried foods, rich and creamy things, gluten). So I can frame it in terms of that. It makes me feel like I can make special requests without hurting someone’s feelings.
Freya @ says
Cheat days are such a good idea in a diet I think – life would not be worth living if everything good was banned!!
I had pizza last night too, my first one in 3yrs! Also, where do you get your PB from? It’s so running, all the stuff I have is really hard 🙁
Nicci says
I love my cheat meal. I try to do a meal so that I don’t go overboard. I had wings and cheese sticks today…must indulge every once in a while 🙂
Jess says
Great questions! I think eating healthy totally makes a huge effect in our energy levels and hair shininess 🙂
Love that pizza! Veggie pizza is SO good.
<3 jess
Heather says
I love veggie pizza – we don’t order pizza too often – but when I make it, I always add veggies (especially tomato and mushroom).
I wish I had a trader joe’s close to me – I would go buy that dark chocolate mocha – I love that flavor combo!
Karyn says
that’s a stellar picture. i want your hair! i use whatever is on sale too. because i am cheap like that. but i like the idea that it’s more what you eat that makes your hair the way it is rather than the products you use. definitely going to keep my cheap-o shampoo 🙂
Gwen says
I think cheat days are totally acceptable and needed. I keep my weeks healthy and on Saturday I eat anything I want. I lost 100 pounds following this model. But I really have to hold it together and stick to that plan. If/when I don’t work out and eat healthy the rest of the week, then I certainly pay for Saturday’s cheats. It isn’t the BEST habbit, essentially Saturdays I binge to a certain degree, but it keeps me very honest and so far it’s worked well for me! For a long time I called it a crutch – but it’s really more like a tool. That sounds way better 🙂
caronae says
I have little indulgences a few times a week. BTW, your hair is incredibly shiny and you look gorgeous in that picture!
runeatrepeat says
Thanks 🙂
Karla says
“Cheat” days are a great idea to me! I makes eating healthy a lot easier if you know that nothing is really off limits forever.
Have fun in California! Lucky duck!
Jessica @ The Process of Healing says
Oh I looove veggie pizza, so good! Ok, I just love pizza in general haha
I think a cheat day for you and Ben together is a good idea. I don’t really have a treat day but if it’s friday or saturday and I want something I don’t usually have, I go for it. But in general, if i’m really craving something I will usually let myself have it. Unless it’s like cheesecake every single night haha
Kellie says
I have cheat days on the weekend. It allows me to stay on track during the week because I know I can eat what I want soon. The one thing I do have a problem with is eating way too much food and then having a stomach ache the entire night. I have still been able to loose weight by having a cheat day and after each cheat day I realize how much better I feel when I eat healthy (although by the time the next Saturday comes I seem to forget it).
runeatrepeat says
Kellie, I totally feel like I make myself sick too and then forget all too soon! But, one set day sounds to work for a lot of peeps.
Laura says
I hate pizza with all the cheese, ew!
Evan Thomas says
“After time I think people get used to your eating habits and the pressure will stop. Some people used to give me a hard time about not eating meat, but now it’s just part of the deal.
I think you have to identify the reasons why someone is pushing food on you. When it comes to moms, many times they are trying to take care of you. And they will keep trying to take care of you because it’s their job (which comes from a good place). I would suggest taking the food she offers sometimes and expressing how much you appreciate it or letting her help make you a healthy dish that you’ll enjoy ”
Such good words! For a long time, my grandmother just didn’t understand how I ate. She loved things butter and cream, and assumed that I was so different that I just ate raw vegetables and sugar free Jell-O. Once I recognized that she meant well and was trying to be nurturing, communication really helped and we focused on the things I do like rather than what I won’t eat.