It’s Confession Thursday!
But first, let me fill ya in on the happenings in RER land…
I ran a longer mid-week run yesterday. And it was ggggreat! I ran without a watch and just zoned out for a while.
I ate and it was ggggreat!!
I ate the usual breakfast and lunch, but for dinner threw something in the crockpot. I love TJ’s sauces and this Thai Green Curry was a new one for me.
It was delicious! I just put chicken thighs (because they were cheaper and I wanted to try it and see if they were any better/different from breasts), onions and the thai green curry sauce in the crockpot. Then, when it was almost done I added green peas and mushrooms and stirred ‘em in.
Served up over brown rice!
And then it was wine Wednesday!
Confession Thursday…
1. One year I gave up sugar for my New Year’s Resolution. I kept it until Easter when I got a basket full of candy from a family friend and proceeded to eat it all that night. That resolution died but was not resurrected that day.
2. I’m inappropriately excited about eating tons of hard boiled eggs this weekend.
3. Ever since I poured pickle juice on my salad last week I can’t stop.
4. I don’t believe in buying pre-cut watermelon, but I keep doing it out of desperation / lack of discipline after longer runs. Busted.
5. I have no idea how to make those emojis everyone does on Instagram. I wish I did. But, I’m also too lazy to Google it.
6. That Southern Charm show has re-awakened my obsession with the south. I love everything about it. But at the same time I know nothing about it. So yeah.

via Pinterest from Southern Charm
7. I feel like my instagram feed is really Insta-porn. I follow tons of fitness / body builder kinda people and they are constantly posting practically naked pics. Tell me you also follow this stuff so I’m not the only one…

Question: What do you have to confess this week?
OMG I always tell my boyfriend that I feel like I’m looking at porn when I go down the fitness hole of insta. I sometimes just get carried away and end up somewhere I never wanted to be. Toooooo many nearly nakkked posts..even if it is a great body, I can get motivated without seeing people in their underwear!
My confession- I haven’t run at all since my half last weekend. Whoops.
My confession, I’m from the south, South Georgia to be exact and if you really need to know, I live in the same town that Phillip Phillips grew up in. Yes Leesburg, Georgia. We’re southern through and through. If you ever decide you need to see what the south is all about, come down in March run the Albany Marathon and you’ll get a glimpse of what the south is.
Omg DEAD. The emojis are the emoji app, you download them, activate the keyboard on your phone and voila! There you have it! Emojis!
Confession – I took my dog on a shorter walk after work today so I would have more time to run.
Haha #7 – same!!
My confession is that I’m stoked that I PRd last weekend but a little grumpy my husband PR’d more than me. At least I can say he has an awesome coach (and I’m so ready to crush his little butt at our tri in 2 weeks) :D.
“That resolution died but was not resurrected that day.” = funniest shit I’ve read today. Thank you for that.
🙂 Ha!
If it makes you feel any better, I have no idea how to send emoji’s in texts. I’m also too lazy to look it up and am forced to do them old school 😉
Southern Charm is so cliche! Here in Georgia we are nothing like that, much sweeter 😉
Half of my Instagram is fitness related too, and majority are these women who apparently have no faces and just abnormal perfect bodies and it drives me nuts. I’m too lazy to unfollow them, but come on! Most people don’t have that large of a thigh-gap. And I follow all of my favorite running bloggers! Including RER 🙂
Lol LOVE the Southern Charm too! My new guilty pleasure show and it makes me want to visit the south.
I confess that I am way too excited to stuff my face with chocolate and wine this weekend. Also, totally skipping my usual Friday workout tomorrow because we are getting the SO’s family dogs!
My confession is that I was going to run this evening but….well I ran Tuesday and yesterday, lifted twice this week and had a volleyball game today and am still coming out of post-marathon recovery…so I can slack off and make cookies instead, right?
Confession I had frozen Yogurt at 2:30 this afternoon. It wasn’t “dessert” or lunch or dinner it was just frozen yogurt because I wanted it. Not the healthiest but oh well!
My confessions is that I have consumed half a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch over the last two days. Right now confessing, as horrible as it sounds, the remainder of the box is going away in the garbage. It is such a trigger…like Pringles…once you pop…
I confess that I’ve been using “I ran three miles this morning” as an excuse to stuff my face this week. If you work out it means food doesn’t have calories anymore right???
My workouts were seriously lacking this week. I have all sorts of mental motivation, but the physical drive was slow this week. I keep using pregnancy as an excuse which I really shouldn’t. I also ate a huge bowl of Ben and Jerry’s Coffee Heath Bar Crunch ice cream last night when I’m supposed to be dairy free! Sooooo good! Shhhh!
I confess… I have become a terrible coffee addict! I have gone from 1 cup a day to no less than 3 a day!
I was curious to how long and what temp for the slow cooker? And if you cooked the mushrooms first and threw them in raw? That dish looks yummy!
I have a secret stash of Hershey Kisses at all times-you never know when you might need one!
I confess to eating 6 Samoa girl scout cookies last night. It doesn’t sound like a lot but they are very calorie dense and loaded with saturated fat and they kinda made me feel ill afterward.
I had a facebook friend who was just a former hs friend. Well she went on to become an “adult entertainer”. Had to hide her from my news feed because sometimes there would be a scantily clad pic of her on my news feed just as my boss was coming by my desk.
I confess that I’ve been drinking way too much coffee! I’m obsessed with macchiatos these days! MUST STOP!
My confession is that I have a box of Girl Scout cookies hiding in the freezer. I don’t want my husband or kids to eat them. 🙂
I love these confessions. Glad everyone isn’t as perfect as they seem. Makes me feel better about myself. lol
Confession – for the last month, if anyone has come to my door before noon I hide because (a. They always seem to catch me just getting out of the shower or (b. I look like a hot mess, minus the hot part.
You would be surprised at the amount of random people that knock on my door, it’s exasperating.
Confession – I have had a donut everyday this week and my justification is I’m running 10 miles on Friday. My stomach thinks my head is so gullible it falls for this sorta thing all the time and then my legs have to pay the price.
Uhm, yes I follow a ton of fitness accounts on instagram as well and I always think that if someone sees my phone at work while I’m skimming instagram…. well. I’m not going to think about that happening.
I totally have to confess that I have told myself that “its ok to eat that entire bag of jelly beans myself because a) its easter and b) no one else likes black jelly beans”. The calories are all burnt off during running anyways right?!
Black jelly beans are my favorite!! They’re the only ones I really like. lol
My confession is that I wore the same running shorts yesterday and today on my runs. I was too lazy to look for a fresh pair. lol.
My confession is I had a bag of those Snickers little bites for breakfast. And then I had real breakfast.
Confession…at the 5k that I ran on Saturday my only goal was to “beat” an acquaintance to the finish line…yes…loser…party of 1 over here
I confess that I’m stuffing my face every day at Disney world this week. And running very few miles 🙂
Have a blast!!!
I love that TJ’s green curry sauce. Great with tofu and eggplant….and shrimp!
Confession: I’m watching the movie Frozen for about the 10th time this week (no joke) and I don’t even mind. I love all the songs and know them all by heart now.
The IG emojis (at least the ones I know about) are made by turning on the emoji keyboard on your phone. I think there are others you can download or it’s an app or something (apparently there’s a “dirty” version).
Off to download the dirty version…
The sponsored-ads layout on your website is cutting off your blog posts on the left hand side. Not really a confession but thought you should know.
Thanks for the head’s up! I’ll check it out.
My confession is I almost quit my job on the spot this week. I returned to work after being gone two weeks for my Mons heart surgery. I was told my projects were being covered to meet our critical deadlines this week. But it wasn’t and I could have flown through a wall. It’s not like I’m not already under enough stress with my Mom.
Boo. That sucks. Hang in there Megan!!
My confession is I did quit my job on the spot this week! It felt good too 🙂
Awesome!! Quitters always win, winners always quit! 🙂
I have been wanting to try the Green Curry from TJ’s. I have heard good things about it. I will have to add it to my grocery list!
Confession-I didn’t finish all of the watermelon in my fridge before I left for a mini vacation. So wasteful!!!
That breaks my watermelon loving heart…
Love the pickle juice on salad, I use it (or juice from pickled jalapenos) all the time! Ain’t even ashamed. My confession is that I have a half marathon on Saturday and I have done… like zero training since my last half a month ago. And I’ve had pretzels and Nutella for dinner three times this week.
My confession…after stating I was a 10 for motivation on you site on Monday. That plummeted quickly and ended up in me taking 3 unscheduled days off working out! Time to get back at it today.
Go get ’em today!
I have to confess that I had pizza for breakfast this morning, with a side of Caramel Brownie Chocolate. Whoops.
My confession is that it wasn’t the first time I’ve had that breakfast …
Is caramel brownie chocolate an ice cream or a brownie?
Here’s my confession: I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I read that part about pickle juice on your salad. Oh wait… here it comes again…
You mouth barf comment is definitely grosser than my pickle juice one… so there’s that.
Ohhh try pickled jalapeño juice… so good!