Thursday is my rest day from running so I did some light weights and went to the apartment gym for 30 minutes of elliptical. Ben and I were the only ones there, it was nice 🙂
I made Overnight Oats for a quick and delicious breakfast this morning! In the mix: 1/2c oats, 1/2c yogurt, 1/2c almond milk, sprinkle of dried cranberries and banana. This morning I added the toppings.
Drip drop PB!
The Peanut Butter I bought from Costco (two HUGE jars) are all natural, just peanuts and salt – but it is super runny! I tried to stir it up as much as possible, but there was no hard part on the bottom. This is great for dripping PB all over your oats! It makes for messy PB&J though!
I have been getting to bed later than I’d like to because of some blog stuff I’ve been doing so I am really dragging today! I am shooting for 9pm tonight! I need sleep.
Intuitive Eating Challenge
Week One of the Intuitive Eating Challenge has been interesting. I am still having a hard time recognizing my hunger, but at least I am trying to be aware. The only sign of hunger I identify right now is an empty/gnawing feeling in my stomach. I need to see if I have other signs like sluggishness, irritability and others.
I think my other big challenge is listening to my fullness. The majority of the time I am overly full after a meal and I know I ate too much. But, I don’t know when to stop so I don’t feel like that. Work in progress…
Let us know if it works for you!
Okay got a question for you. Don’t know if IE covers this at all, but what about the difference between hunger and cravings? So for example maybe I eat a sandwich and fruit for lunch and I feel full, but then after lunch I’m still craving something salty like chips. Even though I feel full do I still give in to the craving b/c my body is telling me it needs more of that? Or do you just have to get more in tune with your cravings before eating anything? Just curious if you had an insight 🙂
Erica – that is a great method! Thanks 🙂
When I’m eating a meal and start to feel full (or it looks like I’ve eaten about half of my plate), I put down my fork, drink most of a glass of water, and wait a few minutes. (This is usually easy since I’m so busy talking to my boyfriend or whoever I eat with that night, anyway!). After three or so minutes, I’m usually able to tell how hungry I am. Am I as hungry as I was when I started? Then I continue full force (lol). Or, then I can tell I’m not as hungry, so I eat slower, or I know “well, I’m not hungry enough to eat the rest of this, but I am hungry enough to eat most of it.” You should try it out. The biggest thing to remember with this is that it’s not bad if you DO finish your whole plate! Running and working makes you hungry haha. But, it does make you think about if you’re hungry at that moment. I’m always on the go (like it seems you are), and those few minutes really make me slow down and think!
I’m drooling over those oats! I always try to get my PB to do that, but haven’t had any success.
Being the only one in the gym is so much fun. I like being able to sing to myself and watching trashy VH1 reality shows on the tv while I workout. Fun!
It sounds like your doing well with listening to your body and recognizing your hunger signals. I struggle with the “fullness” signals as well. Sometimes I can eat so much I need someone to pull the fork out of my hands!
those pb&j oats look really good. and i love being the only one at the gym, it is really nice!
Intuitive eatings can be so hard..Hang in there! I might have to challenge myself to a week challenge. I have been lacking on it the past couple of days.
I love the PB&J oats! Yours look gorgeous.
For me, my signal is definitely feeling sleepy, and consequently, irritable. When I am grumpy, my family knows that Shannon needs to eat something. Stopping when I am full is the toughest thing for me. Such a basic thing, but such a challenge!