Hello! I had some fun today with my mom and my eyelashes. More on that soon! But right now I want to give you my thoughts on the F3 Foods Meal Delivery that I was eating this week.
A rep from F3 offered me 7 days of full meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner (in case you forgot what meals are called) as part of their 7 Day Get Fit Program.

They have a 7 day and 28 day Get Fit plan – each designed for weight loss. The meals are high protein, low carb and gluten free. You get to choose your meal preferences out of the 20+ dishes that have been put together to optimize fat loss.
I was happy that the breakfast menu had a lot of egg options! My favorite.
This is what a typical day of eating looked like for me…
Breakfast… eggs. I am used to BIG meals at breakfast a la

Eat breakfast like a king queen, lunch like a princesses and dinner like a pauper.
So these meals were a little small in size and calorie content for me. I probably eat about 500 calories for breakfast and the egg dishes I chose were half that.
Lunch: I really liked all the lunches I got. This might be in part because I ate them like my ‘usual lunch’ on a big bed of greens for ultimate volume. That’s how I roll and I was happy with it.

All the meals come with nutrition info so if they were a little low in calories I bulked them up with seeds or extras or something.

Dinner: This is where F3 Foods became my favorite. Surprisingly – I LOVED not cooking.

1. I have a really bad habit of snacking a lot while I cook and that took the opportunity away from me.
2. Ben is not home for dinner during the week so I appreciated the simplicity of just heating something up and eating.
3. The Turkey Lasagna was amazing.

My other meals included…
Breakfast… I don’t have any good pictures of breakfasts from the week because I’m usually eating after a run and super hungry/shaky/not going to deal with a quality picture.

Lunch… It made the meal so much more satisfying to put it on a real plate. I used to do this all the time when I lived off Lean Cuisine in college.
I shared this one with my mom and she thought the vegetables were cooked really well. The meals were really good about not being overcooked and having soggy veggies!

Dinner –

Overall: I really liked all the meals I had – all of them in my pack were delicious. If I did this again I would probably just cook myself eggs and get the lunch and dinners.
I mentioned in my half marathon post from this weekend – The Get Fit plan is made for weight / fat loss – not to fuel you for an endurance event. So, this isn’t ideal for someone training for a distance race. I spoke with a company rep about this beforehand and discussed snacks and things to help it work for me. I definitely need more carbs to run well. But the convenience was amazing.
The Get Fit Plan is expensive. But, it is great if you are busy OR are bad with portion control OR eating while you cook (like me).
I think it really helped curb my snacking too! When I was hungry I did have something, but I wasn’t snacking at the stove like usual.
I was able to chat with the owner of the company and asked for a discount for RER readers in case you wanted to try it. He agreed!
F3 Foods Discount: BP2397 to get $50 off a 7day get fit plan OR $100 off a 28 day get fit plan! Go to F3 Foods and ‘Pick your plan’ to use.

Question: Have you ever done a meal delivery thing?
Yes, Pizza delivery counts.
I was surprised by the amount of fat in the salad.
Great job as always Monica. So happy that you were upfront about the price. My god that’s expensive.
I have done prepared meals before. They’re really convenient and most places will let you swap things around to get a combo that you like.
It sounds like such an easy service with actual quality food!
I kinda use a service like that for healthy take out. I have never asked how much the 3 day, 7 or 21 day challenge is….I imagine $$$$, & I’m more $. I live in rural USA at the moment, so only a Papa John’s delivers. Yuck!
Thanks so much for trying our food Monica! We may just have to hire you as our full-time plater, the food looks so beautiful!
Thank you!
This offer $50 off the first week for new time customers on their site. Is this promo additional?
The $50 off on the site is for the 28 day plan only. This code is $50 off the 7 day plan OR $100 off the 28 day plan.
That roasted apple and pecan salad packed A LOT of fat for something so small. I was surprised to see that.
Never done meal delivery services because I’m CHEAP. I’m pretty much satisfied with eating the same meals every day. This could add some variety though.
Me too. I’m not sure how that adds up since there were a lot of nuts on it. I think the dressing must have had oil and the chicken was cooked in it.
Well….. while still pitiful it looks better then the concoctions you normally show on here.
Well ya know… I do what I can 🙂
So…this is a cool idea but I tend to shy away from eating meals that can just be popped into the microwave (regardless of the “health” factor). I am glad that you mentioned that you tried to bulk up the meals with added calories. When you posted the other day about the meal you had, I was pretty surprised at how low the caloric content is given how much you run. I’m putting about 50 – 60 miles mpw right now and I could not survive on meals like this. I think if you’re not exercising much (or at all), this could be a great option. If you were, you’d definitely have to supplement big time which might make the cost not worth it.
Being that one of my blog’s focus points is weight loss & nutrition, I actually was skeptical of this product when I first read your post about it. I assumed it would contain a ton of processed gunk. When I lost my 80 pounds, I only paid attention to calories and I know now that was very wrong. I see in the pics you shared that they contain real ingredients which I’m impressed with.
Yeah, the ingredients are all things we would cook with – so that was good.
This is really interesting. I would definitely look into it if I was trying to lose weight, but I so so love standing up at the stove and cooking, so I might miss that 🙁
I thought I was going to miss it too! But I think it was good timing – it’s been so hot here and my stove is from 1955 or something so it gets super HOT.
How come Ben isn’t on the blog much anymore ?:(
He’s never around, always working.
So, I noticed that the first day of meals you posted only adds up 795 calories. Is this pretty typical for this company? Seems dangerously low, unless you just underwent gastric bypass surgery or are put on a special low-cal diet by your doctor.
No, I think they are usually around 1200 – at least I would never recommend anyone go below that! They are high in protein and fat so the meals are meant to keep you full despite being lower in calories. You can swap it around and pair up a higher calorie lunch with a lower cal dinner to make it even out better each day.
I couldn’t refrain from commenting. Very well written!
So why not eat the dinner for breakfast and the breakfast for dinner…..
That is genius! I should have done that at least one day. But I’m such a creature of habit and I love to start my day with eggs I don’t think I would want to make the swap long term.
Haha yes then. Pizza and Chinese delivery.
Are the meals frozen? Or just refrigerated? Do they come all at once? Just thinking about how it would all fit in the fridge.
My sister in law saw a pic on my Instagram of my bare fridge and was appalled. So she cooked up a bunch of stuff and is dropping off today. I’m 40 years old. How embarrassing. But hey, she’s a good cook. And I just hate it.
The company delivers 21 meals at once – 3 for 7 days (it doesn’t matter what day of the week you start). They are all kept in the refrigerator and don’t have to be frozen.
I wish my SIL did that!
We’ve a lunch delivery option – homecooked food prepared by a colleague’s mom; unfortunately no vegan options. 🙁
That is really cool though!
Would you say the meals were not enough to sustain you for all the physical activity you do? Were you hungry during the day? I was on a meal plan program, but found I was not getting enough calories or energy for my workouts.
I don’t think they were enough to sustain me. I think it would work for someone who didn’t workout (depending on their needs) but you can tweak the numbers before you order. I mean – make sure the ones you are ordering are your target nutrition count.