Hello!!! How’s it going? I feel like it’s been forever since I did a regular blog post! And it’s almost a week into December and I haven’t done my favorite running, food and random post recap from last month!

(This pic is Vegas last week, he’s still on the mend)
Random Life Things Going On So Far This Month…
1. Pears are in season and amazing. Get some. Let them get ripe (if they aren’t when you buy them). Eat. You’re welcome.
2. What are your December goals?
3. It was SUPER WINDY here yesterday and the crazy weather knocked out my power last night. Luckily I had already had most of my usual 88 night time snacks so I didn’t need the microwave to make popcorn.
4. Vegas is doing okay and slowly getting back to his usual cat self.
5. I’m struggling with some relationship issues and really trying to be aggressive about moving on from my mistakes, not repeating them, not living with guilt and growing.
6. I’m obsessed with my heated wrap neck thing – I’ve been using it every night and now randomly during the day when I’m cold. Love.
7. Is ‘This is Us’ sad? I loved everyone’s suggestions for what to watch now (I finished Mad Men and it left a void in my tiny redhead heart) but I don’t want to see that show if it’s sad. So far I’m watching The Office.
8. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they are good and coming from a good place. So if I interact with someone who is mean or rude I just assume they’re having a bad day or their back hurts or something. I encourage you to do that too – especially this month. It’s like a lil gift you can give yourself by not getting upset over trivial interactions and give them by not being mean back.

Best Run Eat and Repeat for November!!
Favorite RUN
This one was a tie because I ran two races in November and they were both awesome for different reasons! Both were half marathons in November at an amazing location! But one was at Disneyland in costume and the other was overlooking the Pacific Ocean with my mom. Love!
The Super Heroes Half Marathon at Disneyland – I ran the race dressed as Wonder Woman, ran through the theme park and it’s the last race at Disneyland (Anaheim) for a while. The races at Disney World will continue but the SoCal Run Disney events are cancelled through 2018.

Lace Up Running Half Marathon in Palos Verdes – I love that my mom went with me and it was absolutely gorgeous. Plus I got a breakfast burrito after. Boom.

Also Running Related – The Best Running Gear Sales and Deals
Favorite EAT
I tried a new to me donut shop that I’ve heard great things about and it was so good!! I think it’s better than my usual go-to donut shop! I got a cinnamon twist – which someone on Instagram called a Tiger Tail – have you heard it called that?

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for my favorite eats that don’t make it on the blog!
Favorite post I’d like to REPEAT
Treating and Preventing Plantar Fasciitis podcast episode
Talking with Hungry Runner Girl on the podcast

December Goals:
1. Completely clean out email. I might have to declare email bankruptcy, which I’m open to doing because it’s so ridiculous.
2. Organize finances, budget and see where I can save money.
Maybe I have something wrong with me. I don’t think this is us is really that sad. I’ve only cried a sniffle maybe once, and I’m usually a cryer. I just think it’s more touching than sad. And it’s pretty relatable.
I think that you are such a great example of not judging people. I love that you give others the benefit of the doubt, because I’m pretty sure I need to work on that.
OMG I love your Wonder Woman costume!!! I need one! Did you get it somewhere or make it yourself?
I made it! Well… I used a Sparkle Skirt and made the top and headband.
My December goal is to run outside as much as possible! I live in New York where it is getting super cold and windy and I hate cold weather running. I’m pushing myself to suck it up and get out as much as possible while I can because it will be nothing but the treadmill for a couple of months!
Aww what happened to Vegas?? -Crazy cat lady 🙂
This is Us is incredibly sad. I think you would love Catastrophe. It’s funnier than The Office, I swear!!
This is Us is great – but SAD. I just started watching Jane the Virgin (not a new show…I’m usually late to the party.) It is funny and easy to watch! Give that one a try! I also love Veep.
I’m glad you warned me!
This Is Us is SO GOOD. You’ve GOT to watch it – sad at times but mostly just… really good! I can’t describe it!
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