My marathon training plan called for 9 miles at MP (marathon pace). And a 19 miler tomorrow. That’s way too hard for my chubby Mexican legs a little advanced for me, so I opted for 5 today. Looks like I averaged 9 minute miles without even checking.
I could not decide between oats and yogurt or eggs today. I ended up going with the oats because I have eggs all the time lately. I made a batch of pumpkin oats with almond milk and chia seeds.
Then, topped it with cereal and Oikos Vanilla yogurt.
This is one of the new-to-me flavors of Oikos I got from Blogher last weekend. I normally don’t like vanilla or blueberry yogurt and LOVED both of those flavors from this line!
Breakfast was served up with 2 big glasses of iced coffee!
After my big day of hanging out with Mr.Harper I went back to my mom’s to walk the dogs.
Then, I it the road where I was faced with a ton of traffic. Luckily, I had bell pepper strips to keep me company.
I hit up the best hole-in-the-wall Mexican place on the way home for burritos. So good. Totally worth it.
It’s Feel Good Friday!
Let’s start the weekend on a positive note! Leave a comment sharing something that makes you feel good – a compliment to yourself, an accomplishment you’re proud of, something beautiful in the world that makes you happy.
Me: Watching my dogs play with their tug-o-war rope makes my heart smile
I am proud of myself for taking my mom to the nursery to get some herbs and arriving home SIX HOURS and 50 miles later. (She neglected to tell me we had to go to a zillion other places to). She filled up my tank and bought me lunch AND dinner. The best part was seeing a huge smile on her face all day!
I ran a mile straight through for the first time since.. high school if ever. To top it off I actually did that twice this week!
Love the pics of the dogs kissing!
Watching my 4 month old twins light up when they see their big sister. So luch love!!
And I love your blog!! Thank you for being yourself!!
I love taking walks when the sun rises or sets! The pink orange color is so beautiful and it’s the perfect way to start or end a day! If I was on the beach that’d be even better 🙂
I think this is my first time to actually comment…
Im LOVING Feel Good Friday!! Lots of good things to be happy about…
-After a serious draught, it finally rained this week AND cooled things down a tad, 110 to 94 is a nice change.
-5 new clients in the last 2 weeks, which makes me very busy which means $$$!(our PT stories are actually very similar and have enjoyed reading along as we go through some of the same things)
-Finished with work for the day = MUCH needed nap!
-Its Friday.
Your pumpkin oats reminded me I haven’t had pumpkin in ages! It also reminded me that Fall is coming SOON! Autumn is my favorite season!!! I know many of you will miss the summer but I truly feel my best during the Fall! CAN”T WAIT!
Imagining crossing the finish line while I train gives me the chills and totally puts a smile on my face during runs and helps me to keep on keepn’ on! It helped me maintain my best pace to date yesterday during a 5 mile run and I couldn’t believe it!
Your post made me crave a burrito! I feel good that I had a great run yesterday so now I get to indulge in a California Burrito 🙂
I feel happy that its Friday. I feel proud of my efficiency today despite feeling stressed! Have a great weekend!
Something that made me feel good today? Even though I slept through my alarm and missed my yoga class – I still took the time to do a yoga dvd and now I feel soo stretched out and relaxed:-)
I am so proud of myself for starting my new big girl job this week. AND I love it and my supervisor!!!!
Cuddling in bed with my kids when they first wake up makes me happy.
Spent a beautiful afternoon with my 4 year old boy, warm apple dumpling, games on the midway, tractor ride, fishing at the DNR building (got my deer hunting license while there, yee haw), corn dog, pioneer village and the swine barn, thank you Indiana State Fair for the smiles today!
Please give instructions for pumpkin oats because I need to put them in my belly.
I just make the usual oatmeal, but stir in 1/4-1/3 cup pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice. It normally requires a dash of salt and some extra sweetener too – adjust to taste.
Yay for Feel-Good Friday!! Today I feel good because I have finally dropped below 200 lbs for the first time in 10 years. I am also happy because I am running the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Chicago on Sunday (my second) and I am stoked because I trained hard and now it is time to show it off to the world 🙂
Great job Helen!
Mine is also dog related – Going to the dog park. I swear, watching all the dogs run around and play is the best anti-depressant ever.
Hehe dogs are always so silly. I felt so strong this morning in pump it! Makes me feel great this Friday 🙂
My adorable cat eagerly greeting me at the door and squeaking up a storm (she can’t meow properly, she squeaks) when I come home from work. I like to pretend it’s because she loves me so much, not because she’s hungry 🙂
Starting my half marathon training is making me feel good. I like having a goal to aspire to! Great job on the run! 🙂
Love this Feel good Friday theme! I’d definitely say that I feel even better after I talk to my momma!
My best feeling right now is the tiredness in my feet as sit at my desk after my early morning 11.6mi run with my running buddy. I earned those tired feet. And I earned my big-ass coffee w/creamer.
You got a lot done this morning! 🙂 My favorite thing is snuggling in bed in the morning with my family (hubby and our kitty). It makes me feel contempt and happy for the rest of the day and gives me a better perspective on little letdowns.
My husband’s unconditional love makes me happy and smile every day. I need to remember to be better about telling him how happy he makes me.
Coming home and getting mauled with puppy kisses from my dog…nothing like being loved unconditionally by puppys!
Being around my family always makes me happy, and puts me totally at ease. It’s like being part of a puzzle: we just fit. LOL, that’s corny, I know. And what makes me even happier is that, slowly but surely, my fiance is becoming a part of that puzzle, too!
Food also makes me quite happy; grocery shopping is one of my favorite pastimes (as goofy as that sounds) 🙂
Great run and speed! It’s awesome you maintained that speed without even checking. I can’t help but look at that thing every 2 minutes! Especially since I just started running with a Garmin and it’s just so cool to see real time speed!
Feel Good Friday: My boyfriend is coming back from London in 11 days!! We’ve been dating for 2 years, long distance for 1 – beyond giddy for his return, can’t take this long distance thing any longer!
I’ll continue in this vein – my husband and I lived across the country from each other for seven months while I was doing my dietetic internship. Last week we reunited by moving to Southern California to start a new life with him in a new job and me pregnant! Next step: pass the RD exam and hopefully find some work 🙂
I always smile when I get the biggest, warmest hug from my stepson. Then when he follows it up with “I win in hugs and you win in kisses” my heart melts. Every time.
Is that watermelon with yogurt? Never thought of that combo, but it looks good!
Yes, watermelon with yogurt on top 🙂
I am so excited to bust out the pumpkin oats here soon!
Yesterday my trainer told me that I am getting some nice definition in my arms! That made me so happy because I have been working really hard at resistance training :). Also the picture of your mom’s dogs made me smile because it looks like they are kissing!
Great job!
Thanks for starting Friday off on a positive note! I am so excited that my fiance and I just moved into a new apartment. I am also very grateful to the amazing Craigslist woman who sold us (basically) her entire apartment for an amazing price. Enjoy your weekend! 🙂
Yeah for good Craigslist finds 🙂
The pic of the dogs kissing was adorable!! My kids starting swim lessons tomorrow is something positive 🙂
hearing my kids laugh out loud makes me smile everytime <3
Great run Monica, way to go! I’m excited it’s Friday and my dad is in town from Oklahoma visiting me in CA!