I went to Santa Monica for the Fitness Magazine LA Meet and Tweet event today.
Fun facts: I went to the Fitblog NYC meet & tweet for five minutes (before I had to catch a flight).
And I visited the Annenberg Beach House in April when I met Venus Williams at the Jamba Juice event.
But this time I wasn’t just attending – I was on the panel “My Blog is My Business” with SkinnyRunner, Blogilates and EcoVeganGal
I was the designated driver this round so SR bought me a cup o’coffee. I brought my own stevia so I wouldn’t end up like Lydia. (Breaking Bad reference anyone.)
Santa Monica is about 60 miles north of us, but we didn’t hit much traffic and got there with plenty of time to explore. California, I love you.
I saw Bobbi as soon as we got there! I also met SkinnyChickBlog who drove down from north-ish CA.
Fitness Magazine organized this event for bloggers with awesome info sessions and vendors.
Part of the fun was walking around the pool and visiting each of the sponsors for a sticker. Well, when you got a sticker you also got some cool swag – shoes, sun glasses and more! Trick-or-treat to me!
I was the DD so SR got Crystal Light wasted.
We had a lot of fun!
I was about to dive into the pool, but we had to head inside for the afternoon sessions…
This session is “The New Way to Lose Weight” with Harley Pasternak.
Then, it was time for “My Blog is My Business”!
During the session we discussed…
things we have learned along the way to blogging as a business = Be professional. Know your worth.
pet peeves of blogging = Work/life balance is a challenge for all of us!
where monetization of blogging is going = We think newsletters, video, more social media platforms.
We also got the question, “How much do I charge?”
Best question ever! Unfortunately, I knew there was an algorithm for it but I didn’t actually know it so I couldn’t help. #Fail
But, I promised to link to the answer so here it is… (Via Babble)
# of page views + # of twitter followers ÷ page rank # x $ .01 ÷ 2 = your approximate sponsored post rate.
And to cap it off we had a little reminder – Let all flowers bloom. There is not a limited amount of success available out there – we can all reach our goals! Believe in yourself. Help the people around you. Set your own goals and go for it.
(A little Operation Beautiful flashback)
Thank you to Christine and Fitness Magazine for the opportunity!
Question: Are you passing out good karma this week?
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I put this on my calendar for tomorrow so I missed it. I want to cry 🙁
Sad I missed your talk (and you) – had to leave super early…
Boo. When are we going to finally hang out!!
Call me Nosey Nellie, but I’ve always been curious, when you fly for blogging business and it’s sponsored by a company, do they pay the air fare for you?
When it’s a sponsored trip the company pays for travel 98% of the time. Sometimes I get invited to events, but they aren’t covering travel so I don’t go because that’s a lot of money for something I’d be promoting for them (I’d rather save my money for non-working events with my family ya know.)
I am so sorry I missed this!! Looked like so much fun!!!!!
Hey Monica! I really enjoyed hearing you talk yesterday. I loved the entire event yesterday, but I wish that you ladies had a little more time to share your stories. Very inspiring!
Thank you! Hopefully it was a little helpful 🙂
Looks fun! I miss Santa Monica 🙁 ooh and I love your green sweater, so pretty!
looks like a super fun event! random, but i love the green sweater you’re wearing. it looks great on you! =)
A) You inspire me; B) You make me laugh; C) Where in the hell-o did you get that shirt? I need it. NEED IT!
It’s a moving comfort top. http://www.movingcomfort.com/Vibe-Long-Sleeve/300518346.025,default,pd.html
Thank you!!
So fun! I need to get that issue, and I’m so jealous of your California views!
Oh how I wish I could have heard your speech. All I want is to be able to make my blog successful and to make $$. I have no idea how to make it better or how to grow my blog. You are one lucky gal:) love the blog!
Thanks for the formula! I feel like I have been getting a bunch of opportunities for reviewing products and just assumed the free swag was “payment”.
It was so nice to finally meet you!!
Thank you for spilling your blogging secrets & keeping it real. Y’all rocked that panel.
I’m giving my coworkers the greatest gift of all–not mentioning my marathon. 🙂
It sounds like a great event. You are heading back to the East Coast soon for NYC correct?
I was all sorts of cray cray last week (thankfully Zach was traveling most of the week, but he got the brunt of it when he returned) so this week I have REALLY focused on changing my perspective to just BEING happy. It’s all about the small things. One little thing I’ve done: when my clients ask me “how are you” at work, instead of saying “I’m doing ok” or “hanging in there” like normal, I’ve been saying “I’m doing well!” or “I’m great, thank you!” It’s small, but it’s helped!
Sweet swag!
So with that rate, I have to pay someone to have a blog 😉 haha!
You were a wonderful panel and thank you so much for sharing your tips, tricks, advice, and “secrets”. I hope there is another event sometime soon that will allow me to meet and chat with you and Skinny Runner. Any chance you two are going to the LA Women’s Expo this Saturday?
I was at the Meet and Tweet in NYC this past May- such an awesome event, I can’t wait until next year. I totally believe in karma – on a daily basis I really try to invoke good karma whenever and however I can lol.
Love, love your shirt!!!
can you bring over some advil tonight? got a wicked headache from my crystal lite hangover…
Party animal.
Sounds like an awesome day! Minus the whole math equation that is! 🙂
You have been having such a fun couple of weeks! How cool!
I would have loved to hear you talk about blogging as a career and I’m sure you rocked it~ 🙂
Wow Santa Monica is beautiful!
You are busy, busy, busy! Looks like a great time!
Looks like a fun day full of helpful information! I would love to be invited to an event like that. Someday! Of course, I should probably concentrate more on the actual blogging part….
Haha you got Saucony shoes as swag?! Want!!!
Wow you get to go to some of the most amazing places! And with fitness magazine!??! Share with me your ways….share with me your ways…
FitBloggin’ looks so fun!
Looks like it was a great event. I would’ve loved to be a fly on the wall and just take in all the great advice
Do you ever get some sleep? I am a bit jealous of all of the fun you are having.
That looks like so much fun and you are always sharing such awesome information, thank you. Glad you brought your own Stevia, just in case Skinny Runner went all ‘Walt’ on ya. #BestShowEver!
Looks like you had a really busy week!The Fitness Meet and Tweet looked like a lot of fun! Freebies are always a plus!
Wow, what amazing swag! That pool of fitness balls looks so fun! Thanks for the algorithm, I always struggle to work out what to charge. I didn’t even think to look up a handy algorithm!
Good! Glad it helped!
You’ve had such a busy few days!
Thus sounds like a great event: love the freebies!
Did you put up any presentation materials for this? Any link?
No, it was a pretty informal talk so we don’t have slide shows or papers.