I love the “f” word – Friday.
So here’s a collection of Five Friday Favorites:
1. Single serving watermelons. But, gimme two of them
2. Fruit and cereal. Just not together – learned that the hard way today…
3. Green eyeliner. I haven’t been wearing makeup at all this week, but today I busted out the green eyeliner and it was like I had a makeover.
4. Bread, in this case specifically Garlic Naan the size of my massive watermelon head.
4.1/2 Coupons! Ben and I found a “buy one get one free” coupon for our favorite Indian place. We share a 3 item combo, so we have a whole other combo for tomorrow (or later tonight…).
5. Yogurtland. Always and forever.
The latest Ask A Monican is up!
This week I answer:
1. What’s your blogging schedule?
2. When should you start eating during a run?
3. Why’d you pick ACE for the personal training certification?
Monica, LOVE your blog. I have been a reader for a few months now, and love your style! You are hilarious, seem very genuine, and aren’t afraid to be be slightly inappropriate, which I totally dig! 😉 I am also really liking your “Ask a Monican” series. It’s very informative. Thanks for being so great 🙂
MMM naan–I love that stuff!
Also, since I know you love cherries, have you ever thought of dipping them in [white] chocolate?! I just came across this post and decided you had to see it:
Thank Lisa, but white chocolate is one of the 2 things in the world I don’t like 🙁 I also don’t like fruit as dessert. I consider fruit, fruit and chocolate separate – it must not be combined.
Fair enough. 🙂
Thanks for the video!!! I always think it is so funny when you hear someone you have seen but never heard before. I evidently create a voice in my head for people and then when I hear them talk I’m like what??? That isn’t at all what they sound like! LOL!
“Woman vs. food” bahahahaha
Also, I’m sure you get this a lot, but gosh you’re gorgeous. Your photos don’t do you justice – watching you talk really makes your features come alive. Sorry if that’s creepy – you jokingly make fun of yourself a lot on your blog, which I appreciate (it’s honest!), but you also need to to recognize how stunning and fiery you are!
I’m Indian and even I haven’t had naan in AGES!!!
Now I know what’s going to be for dinner tonight 😀
o my goodness, i haven’t had indian food in so long except for in the form of whole foods hot food bar, which as you have pointed out before ends up looking like the most expensive box of leftovers you’ve ever seen. it’s not the same. thanks for reminding me i need it in my life stat.
I think we could eat a whole (ginormous) watermelon next time we get together!!! I need a yogurt land NOW:) Um can we go get Indian with you next time?
when i have those mini watermelons i eat them straight outa there w a spoon!
Love Naan!!
Your Ask A Monican’s are so much fun! And bread – who can say no to that? Naan is an all time favorite.
Is it strange that I can always identify what kind of cereal in your bowls? Ha…
Love that part of your reasons for picking ACE was you were “shopping local”. I don’t think people think in that way when shopping for some services. Very cool
I’ve got a question for your vlog series: I’m training for my 2nd half marathon and am HANGRY much of the day. As I’m trying to not gain the “Marathon 15” (your words – I laughed when I saw that a few posts back), what tips might you have to battle the day long hunger? (as you know, I am gluten intolerant, but don’t let that alter your answer. I’ve gotten pretty good at making appropriate subs.) Sorry if you’ve answered this already, but thanks lady!
I love your Ask a Monican video! Thanks for the inside scoop on your blogging schedule– I’m still trying to figure my own out 😉
I have an on going relationship with frozen yogurt. best relationship I’ve ever had.
Hey! Do you mind linking to you blogging 101? Thanks. Also, I don’t comment a lot, but your blog is on of my favorites because I think you’re hilarious. Have a great weekend!
I love the Ask a Monican series! Thanks for the info on personal training, i would love study that one day, though i love exercise i just don’t see myself as the typical stereotype for a PT, maybe one day..