Happy Valentine’s Day! I started my day with chocolate. Well, it was chocolate coffee

I attempted a tempo run this morning, but the hill out killed me. At least the way back was a breeze. I’m convinced I live in a ditch and it’s hard to get away, but easy to roll run back.
When I got back I polished off the rest of the pineapple cottage cheese topped with chia seeds, a Vitatop, PB and cereal. It was perfect.

Less than a week ago I bought a plant from the 99 cent store. I love that place.
This is what it looks like as of this morning…
Nature is crazy! I love it.

Happy Valentine’s Day!
Question: Would you rather get flowers or candy today?
That’s a beautiful flower… but I would go with chocolate! Roses are pretty but I think they’re too expensive for how long they last.
I opted out for both and requested he let me hire a housekeeper for the day to clean our house. He did!! Of course my co-worker and I split a box of thin mints!!! LOL
Funny thing is my hubby asked me if I wanted flowers or chocolate and I said, “Flowers definitely! I don’t need any more chocolate!” Well he came home with TWO boxes of chocolates……no flowers. Oh well!
FLOWERS! and maybe a small bag of candy hearts? 😉
Neither. My husband and I don’t do flowers or candy. We do little things for one another. A couple of examples from today: He changed my desktop to a picture of Snoopy holding a heart. I collect Snoopys and I loved the surprise! He also changed his ringtone on my phone, so we he called it was him singing to me and wishing me a happy valentine’s day. LOVED it 🙂
I would have rather received chocolates instead of flowers… but since I randomly got flowers, I bought myself chocolate! 🙂
I need to hear about this guy with the flowers! When can you talk tomorrow?
I would love to get a nice plant (much like your score at the $ store) I love to have greenery. Flowers are nice, but I would rather have a plant or something that we can both enjoy….this year I got new running sneaks, a shake weight (for a joke) and another gadget that is still on it’s way. We usually just get each other random gifts/cards/surprises for no reason, so we don’t really go all out. The sneaks I needed so I just told him to make it a gift 😉 My gift to myself is courtesy of YOUR blog- I have been sticking to intuitive eating for the past week and I feel A LOT better…I ditched the Weight Watchers numbers and am losing the need to obsess over numbers. Slowly, I am going to make it to a place where I can just enjoy and listen to my body 🙂 So thanks for the gift, Valentine 😉
Yeah for IE success! Great job!!!
Oh, and I’m totally a jelly belly over the sneakers. That is the best gift!
Candy!! I see enough flowers outside! 😉 This year I was hoping for a purse…it had flowers on it ( does that count!??) I got candy. I bought it myself too. Happy Valentine’s day! 🙂
that flower is beautiful! 🙂 i would choose flowers over chocolate today. i buy myself chocolate all the time, but i don’t buy myself flowers.
Flowers! I buy chocolate enough myself:)
Well, I’ve already received the roses today from my wonderful fiance, so maybe after work I’ll see some candy action happenin’?
That flower’s gorgeous!
And I choose wine 😀
Boo to me for not even thinking of wine!
Love your breakfast bowl! I would rather get flowers…although neither are that important to me! Happy Valentines day!
if it’s a box of chocolates then i’d prefer the flowers as i don’t like all the ones in the boxes. but if it’s my favorite candy then HECK YES 🙂
hm. candy on valentines day. flowers for anniversaries and birthdays:)
I would love flowers :)! I love candy but flowers are so special and you only get them on rare occassions. Happy Valentines day!
I love flowers. Flowers last way longer than candy. They smell great and continues to brighten my spirit for days. Candy, I eat it, it’s gone, now I feel like my hips just increased an inch.
Candy AND flowers! I love both but when push comes to shove, I would take candy over flowers. Your flower is beautiful 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day
I already have candy in my pantry, so I would like flowers. Plus, candy is something that is so easy to buy yourself, but I rarely splurge on flowers. They’re kind of frivolous, but there one of those things I think are just so special. I love receiving flowers!
True! It’s nice to get a gift that you wouldn’t buy for yourself.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Why choose when you can have both? 😉
Flowers! As that is my bestfriend’s (who was my “boyfriend”), last name! LOL. but I’d only choose flowers if they were in a pot or something. If they’re the cut kind that die, I’d rather have chocolates or candy. I don’t like seeing the flowers die D8<. However even if I don't eat the candy, someone will. ^_^
Candy. hands down.
I always say I’d rather get flowers, because my hips don’t need the chocolate. But Husband sent me flowers and chocolate today, and I am not complaining!
Very sweet of him! <3
Flowers AND dark chocolate, please! 🙂
Uh, I need to move to CA for your dollar store. My dollar store just sells strange candy and probably meth.
Candy is the superior gift choice 🙂
Are you crazy? I want BOTH! Flowers make me smile, but chocolate makes my tummy happy! 🙂
Agreed. Both.
Candy for sure! Chocolate, please. Pretty flower!
Definitely flowers!
Can I say I’d prefer a diamond instead? 😉
I love flowers but my cats eat them and then barf. Gross.
I love chocolate. But I’m trying to eat less sugar.
Yeah I’ll go with diamond this year.
Diamonds trump everything else 🙂
Let’s get real. Candy. By “candy” we mean any sort of delicious edible Valentine’s treat. So candy. Love your blog so much Monica, it’s fricken hilarious and always brightens my day.
Thank you! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Flowers! I have no self-control with candy. Honestly, though, I’d prefer a book or some new pajamas, or, even better the new Garmin I’ve been putting off. Unfortunately, my husband warned me before we started dating that he doesn’t “do” V-Day, so it’s all about the long run and fro-yo later 🙂
I want an edible arrangement. All fruit.
Flowers for sure! But, at least for me, I feel so differently being married – I’m a total cheapskate and a poor teacher, so my attitude is sure, flowers are nice, but they’ll be dead in a week but if the money stays in the bank account it can be earning interest! Uhhh that sounded horrible, I guess I am not a romantic! My husband shows me he loves me all the time though, like making my lunch so I can lay on the couch when I’m tired after a long run, to me, that’s more romantic than flowers or candy!
I totally feel the same way about flowers! If anything, I’d rather have a plant. When Ben gets me flowers I just worry about how much they cost (especially because he doesn’t realize TJ’s is the cheapest place to get em!).
So glad that this is one of my many blogging “thank god it’s not just me!” moments 🙂
Flowers all the way! I’m not a candy eater, but I love fresh flowers. Your tulip is beautiful! Happy Valentine’s Day! 🙂