After a whole week off it’s hard to get back into the swing of things. I got up early and ran 6 miles with a few hill repeats. Actually, it didn’t feel too early since I was on Eastern time when I left FL yesterday.
I was about to make oatmeal since I hadn’t had it in so long when I realized that I really wanted a yogurt/cereal bowl. I piled yogurt, banana, blueberries, Flax Plus, Peanut Butter Pows and a scoop of PB & AB. Exactly what I wanted 🙂
But, I don’t know if it was boredom or what, but I got hungry around 11am and had this bar. It was good and I love that it’s only 140 calories for a treat.
I went to the Farmer’s Market on my lunch to pick up cherries. I’m all out and that is a no-no during cherry season in my world.
I also sampled a ton of fruits…
And I sampled some hummus and totally caved and bought it. I feel bad sampling things without buying them and pressured myself into just getting it. Boo. It was $4 for this container when it would only be $2.50 at TJ’s! Or even cheaper if I would have made it myself! Lesson learned.
Really, I love supporting local farmers, and I will continue to visit the FM – but this Farmer’s Market is not cheaper than Costco (or some other local stores) & I do eat fruits and veggies in bulk. I need veggies and will probably make a Costco stop after work or tomorrow.
I ate a ton of cherries on my way back to work and then dug into my PB&PB sandwich.
I’m going to break into my hummus in the afternoon. It better be good for the buyer’s remorse I got after buying it!
Great run! And I love farmer’s markets. Yours looks fabulous! Yea, I know that guilty feeling when you sample without buying. It can be really hard to walk away. I hope you end up enjoying the hummus, though!
I love cherries too! I need to pick up some more actually. I wish the farmer’s market wasn’t so far from my own- I’d much rather buy from there than from the grocery store!
So I am not a snackerston? Damn! Keep in mind I didn’t post all of the food I ate that day. Trust me, this girl can eat 🙂
Have a good evening!
I’m the same way…I always feel guilty for not buying products after sampling them or after talking with the people who are selling them. Ugh…I bet the hummus is amazing though. 😀
I haven’t had cherries this summer yet, but can’t wait! They’re starting to get super cheap here, so I’m thinking it’s about time I picked up a bag or two. 😀
I’m a total cherry freak too. I’m gone on buisness right now and found a fabulous farmers market. I got the most wonderful organic cherries there. OUT. OF. THIS. WORLD. Check them out!