The day started off optimistic, I packed up an iced coffee and went to pick up Skinny Runner for a drive down to San Diego. Later that iced coffee would wreck my stomach and that was the high point of my day…
Long story short – we spent 4 hours in the car because of two major accidents. The traffic was bumper to bumper and we were only 1 exit from where we started after an hour?!
Then, we saw a motorcycle guy swerve to avoid getting hit, crash and fall right on the side of us! It was very scary as motorcycle accidents are, but he was able to stand right up and no one else got hurt.
SR tried to use my smart phone to find an alternate route, but we finally decided to give up and go home. We had to call it a loss on the race, but we’ll each run on our own tomorrow to at least get in the miles. She’s running the NY Mary too!!!
Whether you join a riding club or not, you’ll inevitably meet other motorcycle riders when you ride. Visit Zecycles now to find the perfect motorcycle for your needs.
After hours in the hot car with no sustenance we needed lunch.
But, we’re on the Kim Kardash diet = eat Yogurtland everyday so we made the necessary stop.
I kept it nutty and fruity.

SR refused to smile. I think she was sick of 4 hours of me insisting we play Truth or Dare in the car. We know more about each other than either one of us would care to admit.
How can you not smile when you have fro-yo?!
I made the necessary stops on the way home – pickles and watermelon.Stay tuned for a special Water Pickle Salad Recipe coming tomorrow!!!
Ben and I spent the evening cleaning and painting the base boards in the living room.
No, we didn’t paint them with Mexican yogurt – we just used that as the paint can.
See you later!
Q: Does too much coffee/iced coffee ever mess up your stomach?
I’m usually fine, but this week it’s been bugging me.
Yes, coffee in general can mess with my stomach but normally only if I’m stressed or anxious as well. My bet is the traffic and missing the run stressed you out, which caused the coffee not to sit well. I’ve been there!!
SoCal Traffic is so unpredictable. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, if there’s a bad accident or a drop of rain, It’s like we forget how to drive! That sucks that you had to spend hours in your car and turn back, but hopefully the FroYo eased it a little!
As far as the coffee, I usually do okay if I have something to eat and do not drink my coffee too fast. I prefer hot coffee (even this past week, when it was in the 90’s!) over iced coffee. So I think that helps me drink it slowly.
Good luck with your other runs!
You look really chubby I that second to last photo. Less frozen yogurt, more running.
Sorry, third to last. Either way, please run lie you are actually training fr a marathon ( for which you were granted a free trip and entry and are not just like the masses if uninspirational FAT Americans. Do so something worthwhile
If you don’t have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all!
I agree with Mendi! Monica, you’re absolutely beautiful!
There’s constructive criticism and then there’s just plain being a bitch….. (Sorry couldn’t keep my fingers quiet, feel free to delete this comment Monica).
I must have an iron stomach, no coffee issues for me but I am super excited for this watermelon pickle salad you write of!
I think I am reading your blog too much :p I was in Costco today and picked up a ginormous cantaloupe and thought of your blog haha.
Thumbs up!
Coffee can definitely be hard on your stomach. It’s very acidic. Try it more diluted? Like with milk/cream/whatever you like.
Coffee messes with my stomach If I haven’t had enough yo eat or if my nerves are acting up. Is there something you’re nervous about???
I drank an iced coffee in the philly airport mickey d’s… My plane ride to TN for RNR Nashville was horrible. 3 trips to the small plane toilet. Horirble. Lesson learned!!
I was really looking forward to reading about your half mary. Sorry you weren’t able to get down to SD. I’m sad for the people in the accident though.
That is such a bummer about the race! I would have been seriously upset- you seem to have handled it well. Coffee doesn’t really bother my stomach, but I’ve really laid off it lately. I had a latte yesterday and was wired (and super productive) for four hours afterwards.
We were pissed, luckily I was over it by the time I blogged 🙂
Really caffeinated coffee gives me the shakes and messes with my stomach. While pregnant I only drink decaf and never have issues. I do remember that during certain times of my cycle (I don’t think you really have issues with TMI here, yes?) it seemed to get to me more than otherwise.
Caffeine gets to me in any kind of large quantity, but it gives me the shakes not stomach issues.
That kind of traffic is tough. When do you cut your losses and turn around or stick it out.
The Kidless Kronicles
Coffee messes my stomach up frequently. I love it but thats why I dont drink it too often. The picture of SR with the froyo totally cracks me up. Love reading both your blogs!
SR looks like Mary Kate a little bit. Kinda in a Very Mary Kate Video way. It is the sunglasses and the funny facial pose.
I honest to goodness like the look SR!!!
that was the worst compliment ever. 🙂
i look like a dirty homeless bum, dont i? i knew it.
Coffee AND Hot Chocolate bother my stomach. But, I have a few hot chocolates during the winter, and hope for the best.
This is why I stick to medium Diet Coke, light ice.
Too much coffee doesn’t bother my stomach, but my boyfriend can’t drink it without eating something first.
Hmmm… The only time coffee has ever bothered me was when I was pregnant with each of my boys. I am a heavy coffee addict but couldn’t even stand the smell while pregnant.
Oh no!
I think the problem could be the ice – my grandma and most Chinese folks believe our bodies are not meant to take in cold drinks. Never had any probs with coffee and I take them hot.
If it’s really really strong coffee then yep, i’ll definitely have tummy troubles. Traffic sucks but at least you had SR for company 🙂
it will totally mess with my stomach if I drink too much on an empty stomach….maybe you just needed some filler food…like toast/bagel stuff. 😉
And I hate long car rides traveling inches by the hour….feel for ya!
I have the mango flavor Lala in my fridge right now. So good!!
thanks for those oh so gorgeous pics of me.
fun car ride today.
Yeah, great way to spend our Saturday 🙁 At least we weren’t the ones in the accident 🙂