Happy Friday! I spent some quality time catching up with trash TV last night. I know it’s not good for you to love bad TV, but I do.
There are worse things I could love
It’s Friday. I’ve officially been home from vacation for a week and am finally caught up on life, liberty and the pursuit of my inbox. Whew.
This morning I did a short run and some stretching. I’ve been bad about getting out the door early lately. I’m a morning person all the way so it’s not hard for me to wake up and run in the morning, but I’ve been going out later since I’ve gotten into the habit of checking email, approving comments, drinking coffee, cleaning up Vegas’ barf before I get out the door.
Today I was up and out in 10 minutes and it felt great. I miss that!
Let’s talk favorites!
Favorites this Week
1. My wide headband / ear warmer! I LOVE the wide knit headband that I wore in China. LOVED. Sadly, I LOST it in the mall in Beijing.
I bought it at Claire’s but found a few similar options online I might buy.
2. My new electric kettle for my tea! I want to start a new life where I drink tea all the time and do tai chi and feel balanced and happy. The kettle is a step in the direction of all those new antics. Ommmmmmmmm!
3. My 2014 calendar so I can get my act together.
4. Not being cold.
I miss China. I loved every second of it! But, I’m glad I’m not cold anymore. I bought tights to wear under my jeans the first day, wore 2 pairs of socks and layers of tops and I was still FREEZING to the bone the entire time we were in Beijing. Being cold is not my favorite.
5. Courtney Loves Dallas. Last night was the season finale – it was a short season I guess?
6. Roasted Chickpeas!
My friend Kristina from Love and Zest sent me a copy of the book she co-wrote Flat Belly Cookbook for Dummies. I’ve been reading it for a few weeks now and starred a bunch of recipes. This one for roasted chickpeas has been calling my name. You guys know I used to be President of the Chickpea Lover’s Club, right?!
Question: What’s your favorite thing this week?
TV is the best. period. and crap TV is beyond…amazing.
….there’s a chickpea lovers club????? if I knew about this sooner I would’ve been your VP.
I found similar headbands on newegg.com if you are still looking for one! I love your blog!
I am loving bananas sauteed in coconut butter, yummy!
I had no idea Beijing is so cold!
Enjoy being warm in CA. Its frigid here in Philly
I love the show Courtney Loves Dallas too! I wish Bravo would play it more frequently though. I’ve missed several episodes. And I agree with you, the season was too short!
I lovee roasted chick peas. I toss them with a little olive oil and Greek seasoning and gobble them up.
My favorite thing was game night with my roomies!
Haha! Checking comments and emails – don’t let us keep you from heading out the door in the morning – it’s too easy to get stuck on the computer all day doing all those fiddly stuff. I haven’t logged into Facebook in like a month and it feels great!
Anyway, fav thing this week was pro’ly seeing my little cousins that I hardly ever see; mucking around with them, being dumb. Hopefully my foot won’t swell up in a few days like it did last time!
Ooh! I love your headband!!! I’d get those in different colors, if I were you. So pretty! 🙂
I have a knit headband just like that, only blue. I’ve run into a bunch of people with them. Almost everyone I’ve asked has gotten theirs cheaply at a flea market. Maybe things like that wouldn’t be a common in sunny California flea markets, though…
My favorite thing has to be my electric fireplace in my bedroom. I live in Illinois and we have been hit a lot lately with seriously cold weather so being able to flip it on helps a lot!
Girl, good for you with the mail! My inbox never has less than 1000 new emails! haha! yikes!
I’m catching up on all my trashy tv, (The Bachelor) next Friday! I’ve got the whole season to watch! What is that? Like 4 episodes?!
Friday Favorite: The Skinny Yoga Mat Straps I made!! 🙂 http://zanetaruns.blogspot.com/2014/01/skinny-yoga-mat-straps.html
Caught up…. I wonder what that feels like…. My favorite thing this week has been the new Dark Chocolate Cluster Cheerios (or whatever they’re called).
My boyfriend said he wouldn’t mind if I put a treadmill in the (finished part) of the basement – I’m ridiculously excited about having my own treadmill as an option when the weather is gross!
Okay, I need to know…how cold was it in China?
In Beijing it was 25 degrees.
My sister got me an electric tea kettle for Christmas and I’ve been loving it more than I expected to. 🙂
I just made some cinnamon honey roasted chickpeas the other day! The flavor was great, but I need to get the crispiness just right before I post the recipe 🙂
I have to wear leggings under my jeans all the time. I’m always freezing!
My Friday favorite would have to that I tried these new energy gels huma and loving them!
I would love to not be in the cold anymore:( I’m really sick of this awful east coast winter!
Oh man, I feel you on being cold. Bone chilling cold. Jealous of your CA weather – in Chicago we had -20 wind chills this morning! I’m so tired of talking about it. Haha. My favorite thing this week is staying INDOORS! And wine. And maybe trying a new soup recipe:)
Ouch. Stay warm!!
Loving Yoga class. Still thinking about Pie Day.
I’ve recently been loving tea, too! That and hot water with lemon. I want to buy a tea kettle – maybe I’ll do that this weekend 🙂
Definitely! I’m a big fan of essential oils, and you can put a few drops of lemon oil in water if you are traveling or just don’t have a fresh lemon. Delicious!
Dammit! I accidentally bought The Fat-Belly Cookbook for Dummies (the deep-fried chick peas are excellent!).
Well, I meant to buy the FAST belly cookbook to help with my running… we both failed.
I am in love with the fact that I can go for a run outside after a couple weeks of bad fog which resulted in bad air quality for allergy suffers. I love that I get a date with my Mommy tomorrow to go bday shopping and lunch, also I get to end my night with a girls night with my sil and several girlfriends!!!
Which electric tea kettle did you get? I need one…
I got a Hamilton Beach one from Costco only 20 bucks! (I was researching them and some are $$.) Not sure if it’s awesome yet, but so far I dig it!
Thanks! I always overthink these things and think I need to GO BIG!! I’ll go to Wally World and get one, and then if I need bigger and fancier, I can work my way up! 😉
OMG you have 30rock on there! I just finished the season finale last night and loved it! Thank you Netflix for letting me watch 7 seasons in 3 days ;). Oh and where did you get that calendar? I need something like that!
P.S. Sorry you lost your awesome headband.
I am also loving Courtney Loves Dallas, but I was really surprised that she doesn’t update her blog more! I dream of doing what she does with MY blog, as far as a television show goes, but I thought one of the cardinal rules of blogging was to update your blog with good content often, right?
Crap. I’m supposed to be putting up GOOD content?! Now you tell me….
I watched Walburgers on A & E. It was really good. I’m from Boston and have been to both restaurants, so I had a reason to watch, but it was funny and I love all the Boston scenes.
I have to be honest, I bought a wide knit headband because I loved yours in all your pics. I was getting ready to leave for Germany the first couple days you were in China, and I decided that I needed to have one for my trip, too. It was probably one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. I wore it every day and it kept me warm. And since international plugs are funky, I never really did my hair. The headband tamed the mane perfectly 🙂
I’m glad you liked it too! I loved mine (before I lost it) and wore it the whole time. Then, I took it off inside a mall because it was warm in there and RIP headband…
I made apricot chicken for dinner on Monday and Ive been thinking about it ever since. I cooked it all by myself and it was very exciting.
I love my knit headband. It makes staying warm just a little cuter!
I am loving my new ‘do i got last night
PS. I love trsh t.v. too…but lately I have had no time to watch it…I am so behind…my hubby’s going away next week for work…so guess who will be parking their butt on the couch!
Thanks. I need to research some new food for him, he’s on a urinary health one because he used to get utis all the time and the vet told us to use it.
My cat used to get UTI’s all the time, the vet told us to put a little bit of water in with his dry food. We feed him Flint River Ranch and I probably add two tbsp water to 3/4 cup of dry food. He’s been good since we started doing that! The food and adding water was recommended by the holistic vet we took him to in Iowa.
More wet food vs dry food for Vegas = no puke.
I’m loving finally get some decisions made we need for a big change coming later this year and new friends 🙂
the bravo network is always one of my favorites… so bad, yet so good 🙂
My favorite thing this week…is that is BaconFest/Bacon Week here where I live! It’s the best week of the year 🙂 I love your headband, so cute and functional (ears should never be cold)!
Where are you – my friend in DM would love Bacon fest!
getting mail other than bills! Goodies from PC and card from a friend. I love snail mail.
Not gonna lie, my favorite thing this week has been the Edy’s Grand Chocolate Chip ice cream in my freezer that bailed me out of a stressful situation multiple times this week. I know! I know! I’m supposed to Sweat Out the Small Stuff not Sweet it out….=)
I’m also loving my new shower curtain and bath mat from Target. It’s white with yellow and gray paisley.
Love (d) your wide knit headband. Rest in peace.
I hope someone in China is wearing it now…
I am also loving Courtney Loves Dallas, I wish it was a longer season!