Today I spend a lot of my morning figuring out my travel plans for this week. I am going to Mississippi tomorrow to cover a story about a church that is building a home for a family who lost everything in Katrina. Sounds like a great story, doesn’t it?! I am leaving tomorrow morning (early) and will be back by Thursday afternoon. I plan to continue blogging in MS, just need to find internet!
I am actually going to be staying with the volunteers in a camp set up for people that come to the area to help. I Google mapped the place and it doesn’t look runner friendly, so I may have to hold off on running until I get back. We’ll play that by ear. Also, my food option are going to be limited as I will be eating breakfast and dinner with the group.
My mid-morning snack was 1/2 or so of this HUGE Honey crisp apple. They were at TJ’s this weekend for $1.29 each. I generously gave the rest to Ben (last time I bought honey crisp I kept them for myself).
I threw together lunch super quick this morning since Ben had to be out the door. I went with a big salad and a PB&J. I used m new white bean dip from Costco and some cottage cheese for the dressing. I usually use Sabra hummus for dressing, but decided to try something new this week. That was a bad decision. This white bean dip does not even compare 🙁 Plus it’s a little bland and watery.
I’ve got some loose ends to tie up before going home to get things ready for the trip.
I found this website by Evelyn Tribole (one of the authors of Intuitive Eating) today. I absolutely love the book and her work in general! If you are interested in her philosophy and approaches check it out!
Stephanie says
Good luck with the trip. That apple looks amazing. We don’t have them where I am and I could really go for a good fall apple right now. 🙁
Allison says
A belated congrats on your kick ass half! I ran my first 5k this weekend, and you totally inspired me to sign up for a 10k and keep trying to increase my distance. One day, I hope to be able to haul my ass 13.1 miles too!
runeatrepeat says
Allison, seriously if I can do it you can do it!!
MelissaNibbles says
Sounds like a great cause. Safe travels!