Hello from Palm Springs!! This morning I woke up before the sun to drive out here. I was on a mission to meet up with my best friend as part of Propel’s Challenge to Workout with a Friend. This month the team put us up to either joining a friend for a workout or inviting them for our favorite sweat session.
My best peep Cindy lives in Palm Springs and raves about the walk/hike near her place. So, I decided to crash her party and do it with her. I brought some iced coffee for the drive – it’s about an hour and a half.
We set out around 7am and it was already pretty HOT for being so early. But the show much go on…
You can take the tram up to the very top to enjoy the views and hike around, but we just wanted to get our walk on – so we walked up the street.
It was so great to catch up with Cin while we were walking. The time flew by and we stopped and took pictures every so often.
Well, let me rephrase that – the time flew by for me because I was talking my life away and Cindy was getting tired. So, when I suggest we go all the way to the top she told me to go somewhere even hotter than Palm Springs if-ya-know-what-I-mean.
I told her to go somewhere too.
But, we decided to work through it and just go back so we could eat. Sounds good, right? Plus we did over 4 miles total so it was a success!
On the way back we ran through the sprinklers because that’s how we do.
And then went to breakfast at Nature’s Health Food and Café.
I got a veggie omelet and stole some of Cindy’s Acai Bowl.
Friend, food and fun – I’d say with workout challenge was a good one! Question: When was the last time you worked out with a friend? Disclaimer: This post is part of my partnership with Propel. All opinions are my own.
Just yesterday! And it was fun! It was a gals-only group run – 4 of us – and we covered 10 miles, yakking all the way. Good fun.
Last week I ran 4 with a buddy of mine.
I live near Palm Springs and I wouldn’t have gone for a walk so late in the day! It was pretty hot yesterday.
BTW, I met and married my husband at the Tram Road Challenge, a little (toughest 6k in the world) race up that very same hill you hiked! Got married right on the finish line after running the race together.
Um, I love that story 🙂 Congratulations!! And thanks for sharing!!
I workout with my husband often. The kids even join in too!
Every Tuesday during lunch break I do Zumba with colleagues. Our employer invests in us doing sporty things during our lunch break so it’s free for us.
Every Thursday evening I play badminton with a whole bunch of other people, uncluding my boyfriend. We have a fixed babysitter coming over every week because we wanted to have one fun activity to do together.
My running is the one activity I enjoy doing alone. I love listening to the radio, or some music, or just be alone with my thoughts. It’s quality time with ME. lol
My husband and I will be in Palm Springs for vacation in a little over 2 weeks. 🙂 I am a litttle concerned about how hot it is going to be, but it looks absolutely beautiful there! Do you have any recommendations for us??
I did yoga with my sister and my roommate on Tuesday and it was so much fun!
I do almost every workout with my husband. Sometimes we’ll do long runs or bikes with friends as well, but generally not big group things. I’d love to do more big group meet ups, they’re just never convenient with our work schedules/area we live in. I do enjoy a solo workout every once in a while though!
I always workout alone. Is that weird? In college I always worked out with my friends but now it’s more me time so I like to zone out and have that time to myself. Ok I’m not weird, just selfish lol!
I have sadly never had a steady workout buddy:( I do love group exercise, though! As someone who used to workout at home almost exclusively, I know for a fact that I push myself sooo much harder when there are other people around you cheering you on.
I prefer working out alone because I feel stressed if I’m not going fast enough to keep up with my friends. I do enjoy a nice walk with friends, though. I did go for a bike ride last weekend with a friend, but I generally workout alone. I like to think of it as “me” time.
I did Zumba with two amigas today. It was such fun!
Maybe 5 years!! I used to have a regular workout buddy and it was so much fun!! Then she got moved to a far away state for her work and left me behind :(. Now I’m a loner and it’s kinda sad.
It’s been a while…actually too long since working out with any friends. My choice though, no regrets (so far). We’ll get back at it, no doubt.
Your choice? You’re going the solo route these days?
Whatever Assassin….I guess a 4-miler doesn’t count as a work out for you these days big kahuna….I thought we busted it out last Saturday? Monican, work out with your other favorite Cin for a “friend” workout. I will be in San D, OC and Catalina Island OC (6/28-7/12). Please let me know if you have any fun events going on during those dates. I am thinking about doing “Low Tide & Stride” on 6/29 and Coronado 15k on 7/4. TSA, please tell her I am ok and not a creep ball.
I’ve gone up that tram and hikes around. It has beautiful views, looks like the road did as well!
I worked out with one of my best friends this past week, and it was so much fun! We’ve never really worked out together before!
My mom got a bike recently and we’ve started biking together on the weekends. So much fun!
That is fun! I need a friend with a bike. Oh, and I need a bike… (Okay I have one but it’s super jacked up right now.)
Totally random question, but for some reason this post made me think of it…I’ve noticed that since skinnyrunner stopped blogging I haven’t seen her on your blog anymore??? It seems like y’all used to hang out a lot back then but not so much now. What’s going on with her these days?? Do y’all still get together for your walks?
SkinnyRunner is way too cool for blogging now and likes to remain mysterious 🙂 We still walk and hang out but I’ve tried to keep pics of her to a minimum since it’s not really her jam anymore.
My roommate and I used to workout together all the time, but we haven’t been able to now that it’s summer!
Does walking with my dog in the park for 2 miles count?! Because that happened today and i consider him my bestie =)
Seriously i thought i’d be biking with friends while i’ve been on running hiatus but that hasn’t happened. most of my exercise is solo. must change that!
You’re not the only one who referenced their dog as their workout partner, so it totally counts 🙂
I almost never work out with friends, more of a lone wolf. But I am doing some hiking with friends this weekend and SO looking forward to it!
I’m kinda a lone wolf too!
How fun! I just talked 2 girl friend into trying out barre with me next Tuesday. I’m totally not coordinated or flexible, so having people there to laugh at/with me will be just the push I need to get out of my comfort zone and try a new to me workout!
Enjoy! I’ve heard it’s tough!!
I worked out with my two best friends this morning, Hank the Dachshund and Boomer the lab. Plus, they let me do all the talking so it’s a win win! 🙂
Love it 🙂