I have a pile of dirty clothes in my suitcase, a pile of emails to catch up on and a pile of wrappers from all the gum I’ve chewed today to get to (okay that last one isn’t really relevant).
The point is, I don’t want to spend time cooking dinner tonight when I can be doing other things. So, I knew I had to make a crockpot meal tonight.
In true Monican fashion I wanted something super easy and weird. I had ground turkey to use and googled around for ideas but the only thing I found was turkey chili recipes. Nah. I wasn’t feeling it.
So, I made a recipe up and decided on a spaghetti style meal. Instead of noodles I used broccoli slaw so this recipe is Gluten Free / Paleo / Insert the Diet of the Week friendly!
1. Cook onions and add ground turkey. Add minced garlic, S&P and cook through.
2. Bust out the crock pot (or slow cooker? I don’t call it that)
3. Mix ground turkey, broccoli slaw, jar of pasta sauce and bag of frozen bell peppers in crockpot. Add salt and 21 seasoning salute to taste.4. Set on low for 4 hours.
Stir and eat!
I added parmesan cheese on top (love that stuff).
Oh.Kay. Did you watch Real Housewives of New Jersey last night?
I don’t know if it’s just that I don’t want to believe Teresa is that manipulative or what, but I think Kim set it up. Either way, I don’t care if Melissa was a stripper. Do you?
I do think Teresa would be impossible to get along with. She seems completely disconnected from reality and really believes that Melissa is the one ruining her relationship with her brother. So frustrating.
If you missed it, it’s probably on reruns all week or you can read this recap on Hit Fix.
So how much turkey? How many peppers? What if you used them fresh? Did you slice up the peppers while they were frozen? About how much garlic & onions did you add? Sorry for so many questions, I am not much for improvising with my crockpot yet…
It looks like you have pulled together a good size following now.
I’m glad to see it.
how did you think your recipe ended up?
Love this recipe, and I look forward to trying it some day! You’re right, the crock pot is the perfect I-don’t-want-to-cook-but-I-want-to-make-something-great method of cooking 🙂
P.S. I found your blog through Julie at pbfingers.com and I love it! I’m training for a half-marathon, so I look forward to reading your blog as I train (and beyond)!
I think the money and fame has changed Teresa. I think she is cuckoo bird big time. I think Caroline should leave the show and pursue other things. Why did Albie and Lindsey break up? I have a lot of questions that I hope the 3 part reunion will answer. Love your blog!!!!
All the ladies on that show are nut-jobs, except maybe for Kathy, but I love them all like family. I’m going to miss them terribly until the next season starts. I guess NeNe will do.
What a great idea! I did faux-spaghetti w/ spaghetti squash last week. It was tasty, but definitely more work. What kind of sauce do you use? I like Rao’s Homemade Sauce because of the very minimal ingredient list. (The hefty price tag is worth it!)
PS. I love your hair. 🙂
i bet spaghetti squash would be a good “noodle” sub in this recipe too
I think Kim D. orchstrated it but Teresa was fully aware of what was going to go down. Teresa is a nut job. She has issues. I think all she cares about it money and fame and if that means taking out her family in the process, then so be it.
Ha! That meal sounds like something I would throw together and Mister would kindly eat it while thinking, “Lord please let this act of kindness earn me some friskiness later.”
Ha! Ben really liked it, but I served it over pasta for him 🙂
Wife Points:
Monica-1 Lacey-0
That looks weirdly good. I’ll have to try it! I hate crock pot receipes where you have to pre-cook stuff, though. Oh well.
I don’t watch RHNJ… I LOVE New York and OC though. Addicted! Trashy TV at its finest. What would the world be like without Bravo… sad. Very, very sad.
Me too! The whole point of a crock pot is one step, throw and go!
I love this recipe! I’m always seeking something easy and pasta-free. I’d probably substitute black beans for the turkey… looks great!
I did the crock pot thing yesterday too…not quite as healthy as you though.
Raw Chicken breasts (set on high alone for one hour), then added cr. of mushroom soup..threw in some ricotta cheese and cottage cheese and a packet of ramen noodles ..spices too. Set on low for about 2-3 hours….check….and done….it was really good….go figure!! 😉
That sounds delicious. I love most things with mushroom soup 🙂
I think Theresa knew she was being set up . I believe she knew Kim D. Knew something and when she found out (while getting her make-up done) she ran out of the room acting like she didn’t want to hear anything said about her family. Funny though she actually heard everything! Then at the fashion show she later said she was looking for the bald guy to confront him for Melissa and take up for her. Well, why didn’t she? Also, when Melissa went to call her brother she was not like” Yeah call him , he’ll set this guy straight”. She was mad Melissa was calling him. Theresa is definitely disconnected from reality. Her truth is so far off from what is really happening.
I love in NJ and we actually know angelo…she was never a stripper, she was a bartender.
Ahhh! Thanks for chiming in!
Hey Monica, did you put/use any water or chicken or veg broth in the crockpot?
No, but the bell peppers were frozen so they added water to the pot and that was enough.
I don’t know if Teresa was in on the set up but she didn’t stop anything from happening and the fact that its obvious that Kim D was behind it and she remains friends with her. I don’t think she gives a darn about her family and is obnoxious. I don’t know what happen to the Teresa from season 1. I think she needs to go. It’s sad to see a real family self destruct on tv. I feel just as bad for watching.
I like the broccoli slaw in crockpot idea! Genius!
I think Theresa has serious issues. She refuses to see her contribution to any situation. And if that had been her, and Melissa hadn’t moved heaven and earth to defend her, it would have been a betrayal.
But I do believe that Kim was the orchestrator of what happened.
The Kidless Kronicles
I haven’t watched the episode yet. I don’t care if she was a stripper, it’s not really my business or problem to deal with. Not sure why they’re trying to make it an issue now.
I’m so glad they all finally saw Teresa’s true colors– it was driving me nuts all season how much Kathy and Melissa wanted to be close with her…and she was in the background talking **** about them!
aren’t several of the housewives former strippers?? I haven’t seen all of this RHNJ season yet, but knowing that Kim D is going to be back makes me super excited to get caught up.
My husband doesn’t think that Teresa is smart enough to come up with that. Have you heard her try to speak English? I’m also curious about the claim that Jacqueline was also a stripper. Is that true? Did we know that?
Well, Jacqueline was from Vegas – it’s totally possible!
Very true.
Oops, I just read for the second time and I’m assuming COOKED ground turkey since you cook it first with the onions?! : )
This might be a dumb question but do you add COOKED ground turkey or let the crock pot do the cooking? Looks delicious- I love broccoli slaw!!!
Yes, I cook the ground turkey before putting it in. If I was slow cooking it all day (8 hrs) I would probably be willing to put it in raw.
At first I thought it was Kim, and still think she had a huge hand in it. However it’s interesting when you discuss motives, who else has motives to reveal this secret, Teresa is the only name to come up. And why was Teresa was saying “my heart is going 500” and having Melissa feel her chest to feel her heart? She just did that to have an excuse to expose Melissa. It’s pathetic. It just felt like a total act. If Teresa was concerned why was she staying inside and chatting with everyone instead of consoling Melissa. It doesn’t matter to me if she was a stripper or not. She seems really happy with her husband an her kids, why judge? Needless to say I can’t wait for the reunion!!!
I crocked it up today also! I was feeling an “I don’t wanna cook tonight in the heat” coming on and threw some chicken, brown onion, carrot and (yukon or sweet) potato, garlic and the secret ingredient… Have you ever tried the red or yellow Thai curry sauces from TJ’s? I’ve used the red with tofu and veggies in the crock before, but tested out chicken with the yellow tonight and I really like it! Super easy and tasty. I bet it would even work with ground turkey.
Ugh. Hate “Housewives” of anywhere. I want them ALL to be sentenced to a farm where they have to milk cows and shovel manure. I’d watch THAT show!
Love the broccoli slaw idea but there’s no way I’d replace my spaghetti with it… I may just add it to the mix, though 🙂
I’m going to make spaghetti this week with my new discovery…spaghetti squash. I’m so excited! 🙂
all I will say is I think Caroline is definitely not innocent in this little saga…
OH PS I use that broccoli slaw and put it in a high fiber tortilla with some parmesan cheese (the powdered kind) and hummus. DELICIOUS.
teresa has become crazy and delusional. i agree with you – i think that rat kim d. is totally behind the entire thing!
I don’t think Teresa did it either (and I think she is disconnected from reality too). I hate Kim D. with a passion. It’s obvious she is so desperate to be on the show. I was cracking up when Joe G. was saying to her, “Go do another line” because it was so obvious she was drunk and possibly something else.
I don’t care if Melissa was a stripper…some times you have to hustle. That being said, I don’t think she was.
Also, I think Jacqueline is being a little too dramatic. It’s not even her drama, but she involved herself. So…don’t really feel bad for her (even though I like her).
Can you tell I get wayyy to into these shows? Ha
I get way too into them too! I like Jacqueline but she was a little dramatic this season.
Teresa is crazy and I can’t deal with the feathery dress she wears when they show the interviews during RH. Can’t wait to see the reunion!
Fruit is not dessert, broccoli slaw is not spaghetti! Hope it was tasty though! Teresa and Kim totally set her up! Can’t wait for the reunion!
I totally agree that fruit is not dessert 🙂