I thought up a healthy oatmeal cookie recipe on my run this morning and decided it was healthy enough to eat for breakfast (versus as a dessert).
Added bonus: It’s super easy and doesn’t make 26 cookies so you’re left with a dirty kitchen and a belly full o’ 24 cookies (you know cause I’m sure you save 2 to share).
Breakfast Oatmeal Cookie Recipe
1 packet your favorite sweetened oatmeal*
2 Tb. egg whites OR 1 egg white
1 Tb nut butter of your choice – peanut, almond, sunflower seed butter…
lightest sprinkle of baking soda
*I used lower sugar maple & brown sugar, but anything except ‘plain’ works. We don’t buy plain here in Redheaded Mexican-land!
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all the ingredients. If your nut butter is hard to mix heat it in the micro for 10 seconds. Form cookie on sprayed baking sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until done.
I’m a cookie monster, but this recipe is:
A.) Healthy and
B.) only makes 1 cookie, so you don’t eat a whole batch!
Question: What’s your favorite cookie?
Is there another kind of cookie besides chocolate chip?
is there anything I can substitue for the nut butter? I unfortunately dont like nut butter I know im weird lol.
You need someone with oil or fat so butter would be the only good sub 🙂
do you have to use nut butter? can it be left out?
Yeah, you kinda have to use it since it oatmeal not white flour or sugar or it won’t be very good and probably dry. I’d experiment with greek yogurt if anything.
My daughter is not a breakfast eater. She usually has a boost and two granola bars. I wanted her to have something healthier so started looking for breakfast cookie recipes. We gave this one a try this morning. She loved it!!! I did add chocolate chips as she doesn’t like raisins. It filled her up and it was healthy! She asked for a repeat tomorrow morning. Thank you for the recipe!!!!
This looks so good! Ever eat it before a morning run?
I might try this this week!!
My fave cookies ever: änis guetzli 😀
Sadly there are no instant/packed oatmeal available at the supermarkets here, so I’ll be using rolled oats 🙂
I made these today using raisen cookie oatmeal and peanut butter but I wanted to make a batch so I used 5 pouches, 5 egg whites, 1/3cup of peanut butter, and 1tsp baking soda. This actually ended up giving me 7 pretty large cookies at approx 160 per cookie. They are cooling on the rack right now. My house smells awesome. What I loved about this recipe is that its protein packed but still healthy and because of the peanut butter and eggs, even though I made more than 5 cookies, one cookie is still a good healthy on the go breakfast. If you are on ww its 3pts per cookie
This looks delicious and I love love love recipes that make single servings! Portion control is always a good thing!
Trying this *now*. Using Quaker perfect portions maple oatmeal (1\2cup) & chunky pb. Totally adding mini choc chips…. No raisins in the pantry. 😉
Result: with coffee in hand, this is a new breakfast WINNER!! (May need to drop amt of oatmeal, tho, next time.)
Do you remember Mrs. Fields? She make some awesome cookies!
Love those breakfast cookies! Delish. However I never baked it, now a warm cookie sounds better than a cold one.
My all time favorite cookie (and I haven’t had one in forever lol) is a sugar cookie with blue frosting. Nothing better! Well maybe those chocolate/peanut butter drop cookies.
LOVING dessert for breakfast!! It just makes the entire day a “treat”! 🙂 Butternut squash in the morning is my go-to sweet treat in the AM!
Peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are my favorite! I just combined the best of 3 cookies 😉
Yum! I just tried this out but I used regular oats insead of the packet and forgot the baking soda- still great though….I wonder what I could throw in for even more protein…
I actually paired this with a protein shake, but you could probably add protein powder to the cookie it just might be a weird texture.
Awesome- thank you!!!
I’ve made mine with mashed bananas instead of eggs and it’s delicious. Will have to try yours – there’s more protein and less sugar 🙂
The only other kind of cookie I love besides chocolate chip which are no-doubt number 1 are Reese’s pieces. This looks really good! I love anything sweet you can make as a single serving because I definitely cannot control myself around sweets and would definitely end up eat 24 out of 26 cookies.
DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE! I love sugar cookies, snickerdoodles, chocolate chip, oatmeal, and on and on and on. Cookies are my kryptonite! But oddly enough, I don’t want too many “things” in them. You can put M&Ms in with those choclate chips in that cookie but I’m going to pick them out and eat them separately. I’m weird.
I just made one of these for breakfast. I hate eating breakfast, but this was really easy and quite tasty! I’ll definitely make it again. I added some Trader Joes orange-flavored cranberries. Yum!
Yeah! Glad you liked it!
There is a hole in wall dinner here that has a mouth-gasmic oatmeal toffee cookie that makes me want to give someone an enthusiastic high five to the face. It’s that good.
Ha! I want one now.
“doesn’t make 26 cookies so you’re left with a dirty kitchen and a belly full o’ 24 cookies (you know cause I’m sure you save 2 to share).”
Bahaha, this is me 🙂 “look, baby, I made cookies for you!”
First time commenting, but I love love your sense of humor and real-ness…and though I probably can’t run more than half a mile without stopping, find your running super inspiring. So thanks! Oh, and my favorite cookie is white chocolate chip oatmeal w/ dried cranberries.
Thanks Alissa!
Nothing beats a warm chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven…however, I received a jumbo oatmeal chocolate chip cookie when I finished the Hershey Park Half Marathon and I swear it was the most delicious thing I ever tasted. Although I tend to think anything eaten after a long hard run tastes that much more delicious…
“Nothing beats a warm chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven…”
I have made an oatmeal with pb chips that is amazing.
The Kidless Kronicles
yum! i love red velvet cookies, chocolate peanut butter cup cookies, and banana/oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies 🙂
That looks really good, clean and healthy!
Choc chip cookies hands down!!!
oatmeal chocolate chip is my favorite!! NOM. cant wait to try this recipe (adding choc chips obviously)
“Yes, you can add chocolate chips but then it’s hard to justify for breakfast”- I call bullshit 😉
This is so awesome! My problem is always the cookies leftover after I have what I want, but you can’t NOT eat them…problem solved!
As for my favorite kind of cookie, I’m an old school peanut butter girl. I make a pretty mean snickerdoodle, too, if I do say so myself 😉
if the recipe only makes 1 cookie, then you do get to eat the whole batch:) I’m a snicker doodle girl through and through.
Ohhh peanut butter cookies!!! Peanutbutter anything, really!
Ha! I need single-serving sweets, otherwise I eat them all up. Immediately.
YUM i would have never thought to use an oatmeal packet to make cookies!
warm chocolate chip cookies for sure! The oatmeal cookie looks great!!!
I will have to try that! I bet it would be delicious with some dried fruit in it too!
I can’t believe that you can actually turn an oatmeal into a meal, I will definitely try this out, I’m a health conscious person, so I make it to a point that I eat healthy foods all throughout the day. This is perfect for my breakfast in combination with milk. Yuuuum. Thanks for posting this recipe of yours!
Yum!! So delicious!!
Cookies for breakfast? I’m IN!
I am super excited to try this for breakfast tomorrow morning!!! I am a teacher and I need to have breakfast, so I don’t get cranky with the kiddos:)
Oh that cookie looks good! What a fun little breakfast idea.
I love oatmeal for breakfast! I could use a new recipe. My breakfast is getting boring. Thanks!
This looks great! I’ll have to try it, but honestly, I’m gonna put chocolate chips in it 🙂
That’s a really difficult question to answer! I love so many varieties. But if I had to choose one, it would be peanut butter, hands down. BUT someone did just open my eyes to a Snickers Surprise cookie. It was love at first bite. You may want to google it…or not if you don’t want to over indulge!
I am tempted, but think looking that up is a disaster waiting to happen…
White chocolate macadamia is the best!! I picked up some macadamia nuts this past week and can’t stop adding them to everything! Perhaps to this cookie recipe tomorrow morning?
Love that idea! Cookies for breakfast sound perfect to me 🙂
I saw you pin a picture of this cookie earlier and I was wondering the recipe! I love breakfast cookies. I’m all about any cookie with chocolate really!
Oh can’t wait to try… I have to get some flavored oatmeal!
I can’t wait to try this! Cookies+breakfast=win. Always.