Isn’t that a pleasant blog title?
Sorry, but I just feel like I am hemorrhaging money lately. Ever since we moved from Maryland money has just been slipping away at a crazy fast rate. Cross country moves are extremely expensive. Boo.
And now that we’re moving into our condo we are doing repairs and buying furniture. And spending more money. We’re not being frivolous, but I am having buyers remorse as I just came back from Ikea. Oh well, it’s life and I’m rolling with it.
I was actually super productive with errands and other things today. Since I didn’t want to break the streak I grabbed a quick lunch at Togo’s.
I got the tuna on a wrap, thinking that the wrap would be a better option than the bread. Well, upon further questioning it turns out the whole wheat wrap has 330 calories. I’d rather have the bread for that much!
Intuitive Eating: Then, it was on to my appointment with Evelyn Tribole, Intuitive Eating Dietician extraordinaire 🙂
We talked about my homework from the last meeting. 1.) I was supposed to keep track of my hunger, fullness and satisfaction on some worksheets. 2.) I was supposed to go out to eat for dinner and see if I was still drawn to the kitchen to much through the night.
My homework for #1 didn’t go exactly as planned because I was looking for hunger signals in my stomach and couldn’t feel them. I kept thinking I wasn’t hungry, then would wait too long to eat and then over eat… It was not a helpful cycle.
After we went over my worksheets we realized I don’t feel hunger in my stomach. I feel hunger in my energy level, mood and in my head. When I really am beyond hungry I get really shaky, but I shouldn’t let it get that far.
So, I have to do the worksheets again, but this time monitor my hunger according to how my body signals that I am hungry.
We talked about how different people feel hunger differently. It’s super interesting.
I also have a new homework assignment.
2.) Get 8 hours of sleep a night.
I told her that the reason I most often eat when I’m not hungry is when I’m tired. But, even knowing this I am not getting enough sleep (which is just dumb on my part). To make matters worse, I am training for a marathon and require extra sleep to help my body recover from all those miles.
She said I must get 8 hours of sleep or cut back on running. I think I mentioned this before, but she is a runner and was actually an amazing marathoner in the past. I love that she gets me in regards to my running needs 🙂
3.) We went over my typical eats and she said they are good. Well, they’re good for someone who doesn’t have a very high activity level. This might be the reason I get so snacky at night/afternoon – my body just wants more overall, but I’m waiting to give it more until it’s too late.
I’m going to make sure I have a substantial afternoon snack in an effort to keep my blood sugar from getting to low in the afternoon/post dinner.
After the appointment I was craving almond butter so I actually went straight to TJ’s to get some. I had a full serving of AB with cereal and almond milk for a snack.
Then, I went back to Ikea to get my furniture. We moved back across the country with nothing except our clothes and kitchen stuff, so we needed a couch, kitchen table, dining tables Perth, and desks.
My dad and mom met us there so we could use his truck. Post Ikea it was 9:30pm and we were all starving. Actually, we were starving at Ikea and I had half a cinnamon roll.
We went to San Sai, a small Asian chain I fell in love with when I worked near South Coast Plaza.
I got the salmon bowl and stole a roll and some miso soup.
I’m super excited about the 8 hours of sleep thing! I’m actually exhausted right now and have a long run planned for tomorrow morning, so I must go. See you tomorrow!
remember that time I said “expect an email from me soon.”
don’t give up on me. it’s still coming.
I’m really glad you are sharing your process of meetings and what you’ve learned with Evelyn. I am excited for your journey and I am learning a lot in the process. You motivate me so much, on so many different areas of life – thank you for being open to share on RER, and in life.
I adore you.
Wow, this is such a tease! We had a TOGO’s at Temple Univ for like 5 months and then it disappeared. It was totally upsetting. I LOVE their sandwiches. Now there is not one store even remotely near me.
UGH! I can totally relate to this. I’m doing Hood to Coast (relay race) next weekend and it feels like I’ve been spending money left and right for things to participate in it. Unplanned costs have popped up and that’s in addition to the normal crap I have to spend money on. Sheesh, I need to win the lottery.
So confession. The main reason I am still living at home is because of how EXPENSIVE everything is!!! I hate going grocery shopping and spending $20 on like 2 fruits and veggies!! GAH!
Stay as long as you can. Seriously.
My stomach also doesn’t let me know when I am hungry. I get weak and shaky when I know I need to eat. I try and eat every three-four hours and then I don’t have to worry about getting too hungry and devouring everything in sight!
And I’ve read that about wraps before. That people think they are saving calories, but really they can be even more calories! Crazy.
Sleep is crazy important for me. I always thought food was supreme in my life but after having my son and existing on minimal sleep, I soon learned that sleep is number one!
I love reading about your intuitive eating appt/homework, etc. So interesting to me. As I’m running more, I’m realizing my need for sleep – I took a NAP yesterday afternoon and I haven’t napped in years. I can tell my body is needing more sleep b/c I wake up early to run since it’s so damn hot in Dallas. 🙂
That homework doesn’t sound so bad… I find 8 hours essential to my functioning ability. I have been reading your blog for over a year and still haven’t tried nut butter in cold cereal, I may have to do that asap!
Buying a house and going to Ikea is very dangerous! Good luck with the sleep and long run.
that’s pretty much the only expression i say now about money: that i’m hemorrhaging it! hope you got some sleep girl! i never get 8 hours. i want it but i just never get it 🙁
Ugh, moving is so expensive. Even if you don’t need furniture, it’s the little things that add up. Garbage cans, cleaning supplies, restocking your pantry. Oh, and then there are window treaments. $$$ I have a drawer full of curtains that worked in one house, but not the next. It seems like every subsequent house has more windows or different sized windows which has contributed to my stash of now useless curtains.
Anyway…..I hope you were able to get enough sleep last night. Good rest before a long run is super important. Good luck!
Keep all this info coming from your meetings. It’s so helpful.
I’m kinda sad you don’t have something gross or sarcastic to comment today 😉
Dude. The 8 hours of sleep thing is so important. But I’m guilty too for not going to bed early enough to get that full amount. I can’t even imagine how good I would feel at work, on my runs, etc. if I was well rested everyday. Let’s try this, shall we? 😉