It is almost 4pm here and I am very barely cracking open my laptop to work. It’s going to be a very long night. Boo. I only have myself to blame since I went to the movies last night instead of getting ahead of some things that need to be done.
But, I had to see Trainwreck! I’ve been looking forward to it for the longest.

Amy Schumer is my spirit animal.
And not just because she brings boxed wine to the movie theater, although that idea just changed my life! Thank you Amy. Please be my friend.

15 Times Amy Schumer was a positive body role model.
And this…
This morning I woke up bright and early to get in a run before heading into LA for my second UltraShape appointment.

To my credit, I did have breakfast prepped = I soaked some of the new Nature Valley Muesli in greek yogurt and almond milk overnight. Then, heated it up for a bit this morning. So good.

Then, I put on my brave face and it the road for all the traffic-y fun that comes with Los Angeles.
Seriously it was ridiculous and took me almost 3 hours to get home. I live in Orange County, but it’s really not that far – it’s just the traffic.
I kind of feel like I was almost having an overreaction to it, not like a full on panic attack but I was very worked up because I know I have a lot of work to do today and a few things I wanted to get back to some of my east coast partners. So with that looming over me I was really upset and tense and overwhelmed. I think I can be high strung, but this was too much Monican. Get some Xanax it together.

But that’s the price you pay to live in paradise…

In happier news…during the last Spreadshirt Sale I ordered a Run Eat Repeat mug and it came yesterday. I’m pretty sure it makes coffee taste even better

(I don’t make any money off the mugs I am just proud that I have a mug from my lil company. I know, nerdy but yeah.)
This is great! But how did Amy Schumer change your life?
1. Amy Schumer is amazing and I peed my pants a little watching the video you posted of her
2. LA traffic does suck and it’s inevitable no matter what time of day you go
3. I have not seen Trainwreck but will probably drag my husband to go see it with me this weekend!
Trainwreck was hilarious!!!! I loved it!
Over the weekend i ran a 5k, went hiking and saw the new mission impossible movie.
The traffic in LA is just nasty! Spent the better part of Saturday up there and it’s just a disaster! Everyone is trying to cut you off to get two cars ahead, only to stop at a light. Half the right-hand lanes LOOK like lanes, but then on weekends cars are allowed to park in them. All the streets are narrow…just take me back to the OC please!
I have been wanting to see this movie..breaks my heart though that someone went on a shooting spree during this movie a few weeks ago.
I’m seeing Trainwreck this week, can’t wait. Amy Schumer is such a babe, I love how she’s 100% honest about life as a woman, with all the ‘gross’ stuff it entails. And she takes no bullshit!
trainwreck was the best thing that happened to me last week. i’m obsessed with amy schumer.
I really want to see Trainwreck! Glad to hear it was good. I love Amy Schumer!
Loved Trainwreck! Saw it the night it opened, it was so funny. I hate traffic – for me getting into Manhattan, it’s either 20 minutes or over 3 hours — all about the traffic.
Loved Trainwreck! I really love her, I think she’s pretty awesome.
That traffic. I swear… I live east of the 5, and I never seen any friends that are on the other side of the 405. AND for a while, I was working in Costa Mesa, so I was driving back and forth! Luckily not every day, but still. Can not handle aaaall of that.
Haven’t seen Trainwreck. Today started my vacation…brought my son to Logan Airport in Boston because he’s heading to Ireland on a missions trip with the church Youth Group. Then sat in traffic on the way home. Took forever to go 90 miles. 🙁
Got home and went on a 31 mile bike ride. Had a good ride, now I want to go to the gym to life, but it’s a little too late and I need a little more time to recover from my ride before I jump to the gym. There’s always tomorrow…lifting AND pilates. I plan to spend my vacation riding and riding some more. Have a great weekend! Don’t work too much.
What am I doing this weekend…….not much! I was just upgraded to pool running! How boring is that, but it is one step closer to running again!!!!#