Even in this short amount of time I have learned so much from this blog. I am completely honest about what I eat because I want to learn what habits I need to change and why I am doing things that are keeping my from my goals. Sometimes this means posting things I am embarrassed about. This is not easy for me, but it will make losing weight easier. Just looking back on the pictures and seeing what/how much/when/why I am eating lets me reflect on what is and what is not working in my weight loss goals.
I haven’t been making a real effort to lose weight thus far. I have just been living my life and eating like I normally do. My normal habits are somewhat healthy, but I do need to make a bigger effort if I want to lose weight. However, my past posts do give me a real idea of my natural eating habits and show me what I need to work on.
I am going to start posting calorie estimates so I can stay within a range that will allow me to lose weight at a healthy rate.
Hi Monica! I find that the only way I lose weight is when I’m counting something–whether it’s calories or food exchanges (and sometimes both). So, yeah, it makes a lot of sense to start recording your calories every day and then you’ll know why the scale’s doing what it’s doing (at least most days…it does tend to not get along with us even when we’ve been extra good).
I love that you take pictures of your meals. I’m afraid I’d be terribly embarrassed if I did that. People would be like, what? My tastes are pretty blah and I mostly eat boring stuff. All. the. time. =)