Hello! How’s it going? Last night I went out for a lovely dinner at a local hole-in-the-wall Mexican place. Those are my favorite! But I am on the 24 Day Challenge and really trying to eat clean without making it feel like a diet. I’d say I’m aiming for a 90% healthy / 10% treat diet right now.
So I attempted to order healthy by getting a taco salad, hold the cheese and NO MARGARITA (that is sac-Mex-religious). In an attempt to foil my plans the waitress brought out two baskets of chips for some reason. Thanks, friend.

And I have in the past ordered a taco salad without the taco shell, but figured I could be strong today. It’s a salad in a fried flour taco shell with tons of rice and avocado and ranch dressing so it’s healthy right?

My lil friend brought Oreo Thins over because they’re the cool new thing. They have thin in the name, so they’ll make me skinny right?! (Say yes and you get a year of RER blog posts for free.)

Since I was out of town for a while I am catching up on all my favorite reality TV (RHONY and RHOC).
As I was writing this post I heard Shannon share her diet tip… “I just smell it”
So helpful!
Here are some other diet tips from the Real Housewives on how to get thin and rich and fabulous like them…
![real housewives diet tips 4[3] real housewives diet tips 4[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/real-housewives-diet-tips-43_thumb.gif)

![real housewives diet tips 2[3] real housewives diet tips 2[3]](https://runeatrepeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/real-housewives-diet-tips-23_thumb.gif)

I have several vices… Breaking Bad on Netflix right now… my food vices are too many to name. I’ve done this same thing in a restaurant. It is so hard….
The amazing race is my vice right now. I love it and am going through and watching all the old sesaons on amazon prime.
Haha! This made me laugh out loud at my desk like a weirdo.
Thanks for reading 🙂
I’m doing the 10 day refresh right now – the same herbal cleanse that kicks off the 24 day challenge. I had 10 days between my two summer vacations (both of which involve a lot of beer and not so much fitness) so I gave the refresh a try. 4 days in and I’m down 2 pounds and feel great, even though I definitely have cheated a few times (hello, Mexican food for dinner Tuesday… NO ONE can resist chips and salsa. NO ONE. If you claim you can, either you’re lying or you are not to be trusted.) Can’t wait to hear your 24 day challenge results, I think I’m going to try the full challenge with some girlfriends this fall!
So true on your chip theory!!
Smelling it…sometimes two or three times. Works well!
Biggest vice right now? I’d have to say almond butter!
NeNe is my favorite!!!!
Hah! This is awesome. Love me some Bravo. But love me some Bachelor in Paradise even more ! Can’t wait for it to start on Monday!
In this months Womens Runner magazine there was an interesting article about weight loss. When women cut calories to lose weight the result is for every 13 pounds of fat they lose 6 pounds of muscle making them a slower weaker runner. They recommended eating clean but not starving and doing a lot of strength training to gain muscle for a leaner look. Also more muscle mass equals to a faster metabolism which burns more fat and faster run times. I have upped my strength training for the month (from none to actually doing something) and I have already noticed a difference in how I look.
I am tempted to say this is your best blog post ever. As a long time reader I can always count on you to 1. love food like me 2. find the best GIFs. Real Houswives fo lyfe!
NeNe kills me! LOL
This post is my favorite. I feel Nene. I’ve accepted my size 8 and I’m handing my size 6 shorts over to my thinner sister this weekend.
I think I am with you on the reality tv. I just got back in to NYC again – ugh so bad so good. Love me some real housewives 🙂
Crisps. But hey potatoes are veggies…and veggies are healthy food, right? 😛
Haha! This post is hilarious. Right now my vice is anything on Netflix! It is keeping me awake while on my night shifts.
I’m obsessed with Netflix. Send help 🙂
My summer guilty pleasure is The Last Ship. During the year, it’s definitely The Americans.
Latest Post – How To Dress For Summer in San Francisco: Wear A Trench
Ha! San Fran is always cold!
Reading running blogs.
Sounds like a good vice 🙂
Um, NeNe. the best gif here.
I had a similar post today. I wanted to eat a bunch of cherry turnovers but I had just bought some fruit so I had a plate of fruit instead. Treats are necessary as long as they are infrequent enough to be considered treats.
You can see my post at http://runwright.net/2015/07/30/healthy-food-haul/
Haha! I’d watch Bravo all day if I could. Have you seen Flipping Out? I love that Jeff guy!
Oreo thins? Why would I want them to be thinner? Bring on the double stuffed! 😉
Omg that gif of Nene is too much!
I had to be dragged away from the Oreo thins when I spotted them recently. But if someone brought them to me I’d have to eat them all. That’s the polite thing to do right??? And I’m currently in the middle of talking myself into not having a delicious drink at dinner tonight, which just means I’ll probably order two desserts. Moderation is for (semi-)quitters!
Ice cream cones! I bought the mini size ones but have been eating two a night. 🙁