We’re talking about how to grow your blog today! Well, I’m talking and if you have 11 minutes to chill you can chat back at me really loud and maybe I’ll hear you all the way in SoCal?

I’ve received a lot of questions lately on blogging. The questions are often very similar and things like…
How did you get more readers?
How do I grow my blog?
How do I grow Instagram followers?
Do companies contact you to work with them or??
What is the best thing to write about to get more readers?
Here are my thoughts on how to grow your blog readership and sponsorship and all that fun stuff…
If you have a question leave it in the comments or email me at runeatrepeat at gmail dot com and maybe I’ll do another video or post on other common questions. Thank you for watching and reading and chiming in 🙂
I actually started writing my blog before I really started reading them! 5 years ago I started one as a way to chronicle my parenting journey and share it with family and friends. I enjoyed writing so much that when I did Couch to 5k and then decided to move into a 10k and then train for a half marathon, I thought it’d be fun to write about it. So many running bloggers were really experienced runners who were running really fast, really far, and had been running for years. So I started writing about what it was like to be a beginner training for my first half, and I haven’t stopped writing! Along the way I started reading some other running blogs, my favorite is nomeatathlete.com.
Yes, I have a blog http://www.codedangel.com ! I love reading your blog and find it motivational both as a blog writer but also as a runner. I’m training right now for my first marathon and excited about it but also apprehensive. Thanks for doing the vlog as I like the combo!
My pictures keep disappearing from my blog and I need picture hosting. What would you suggest to use for this??
Great vlog! I have been reading blogs since I got the idea to start a blog a few years back. My blog so far has been a fun way to keep my friends and family updated on me and my husbands running adventures, but I have been wanting to expand my readership as well. Thanks for the great advice!
This was so helpful! I just started my blog blondeandabrit.com and it seems like there is so much to know!I think you are spot on about the posts that are the most popular. I wrote one about how I stopped buying clothes and that was my biggest hit. Being yourself seems to resonate with most people. Have a great weekend!
Great timing on this post — I’ve been trying increase my web presence to promote both my running blog and my novel when I publish it. As someone who likes to keep quiet on the internet besides blogging, it’s been hard for me!
I guess I started by creating an online journal in HTML for my website, then livejournal and Xanga came along (stole my idea! ha!), then blogs came shortly thereafter. I think you were the first blog I started following regularly.
Thanks for the tips!
Hey Monica, that was an awesome vlog.
I, myself, am trying to build up my little blog for a while now. And your tips have come at the right time. One question – do you think those pop ups to build email readers worthwhile? They are nothing but too costly at this nascent stage of blogging!
Thanks for the tips once again.
PS: I found those MEHs quite cute!
Oh… thanks so much for this post! I recently started blogging again and found this helpful. How does a new blogger establish her own identity and not just blend into the background?
I started reading blogs in 2010. It was skinny runner and yours that were the only two I ever read. Then I added some more to my list.
I have a blog. Started it in 2013. The crazy thing is I get literally 75-100 views a day but I don’t care. I love blogging. And I love my loyal readers. I get no money for blogging but I do get free stuff to review sometimes. But I am just happy to share pics of my adorable dog and have a place to vent about my injuries which lately are out of control. Lol. Thanks for being one of my first blogs that I read. 🙂
I miss SR’s blog! Do you?
Yeppers. 🙁
Seriously so helpful! I have 2 blogs, a family blog that I talk about our trips and adventures, and then my running with infertility blog that will be a year in November.
I started my blog six months ago. I’ve lost 82 lbs and everyone asks me, “How did you do it?” Sometimes I feel like a broken record. So I started my blog. I started reading other fitness related blogs, but none of them really grabbed my attention until I stumbled across yours. I LOVE your pictures and the video you posted was awesome. I love how down to earth you are and that you are committed to your fitness journey. I struggle with reading blogs from people who are trying to lose weight and are getting fatter instead. To me, the blog is a big accountability piece. I’m in this to be strong, to be fit, to be healthy – NOT to give up and get fat again. I love your blogs. Keep them up and thanks for the good tips.
My little blog is 11 this year. In just the past 6 months I’ve increased readership by 100s of %s. Tips like this help all of us small blogs (smogs), so thank you big time RER for helping us! 🙂 Love ya!
2 years ago…sarah’s (then yours shortly after, lo siento =)). Yes…(meh) but it’s slowly dying…
My blog just turned one and this was super helpful…thank you!!!
Hahahaha, you are the best!
Yes, high five to one smaller boob!
I love this!! You were so sweet to email me back and answer some of these same questions, it’s awesome to have it all in one post. I will be the first to admit I STINK at reading and commenting on other blogs. Life gets a little hairy around here so it’s something I’m trying to get better at. I think I’m always afraid it will just make me feel like I’m not doing enough? I don’t now. Stupid insecurities=) You rock and again thanks for the tips!!! I’ll keep on keeping on=)
I started reading blogs maybe 3-4 years ago – I started with Ali on the Run! Not even sure how I came upon it, but still love it to this day. I recently began blogging, so I appreciate the tips.
Impressed that you can talk for 11 minutes in an empty room without cracking up. Good tips.
I talk to myself all day, guess I’m used to it?? Ha! Not really. Kinda.
SUCH great tips! Sometimes I think it’s hard to avoid the comparison game in the blogging world as we watch those around us growing faster than we are or just feeling like things are going slower than we’d like them to. I always love hearing what other bloggers have to say about it because it reminds me that I’m on the right track and I’m doing the right things and that sometimes it just takes a bit longer than others but if we’re really passionate about what we’re writing about and doing it from a good place, then it will all come together in time.
I always enjoy your vlogs, Monica, and how down to earth and real you are about things. Anyway, that’s why I keep reading. 🙂
Five years ago I started reading blogs after starting my own to hold myself accountable through Tracy Anderson’s 30 day method. After I got started though, I really loved having a living diary of life’s everyday ordinary, to look back on and be like “I did that!”, because full disclosure, I have about (at least) ten started to half finished scrapbooks that will never reach completion, but blogging, that is my jam. I really appreciate how candid you are, and look forward to your posts each day — I’m always curious how often bloggers upload photos, or it its done automatically by icloud, which I still have no clue how it actually works besides, “magic”. Keep up the fab work and happy almost friday!
Great tips! I have been reading blogs for soooo long (my friend Justin is actually credited as being the very first blogger ever back in the 90s), and I think I’ve been reading Run Eat Repeat almost since day one! I used to have a super low-key healthy living blog, and now that I’m a personal trainer with my own studio I have been able to bring back my blogging skills to address the questions I get from my clients (or tips I think they should know).
Thank you for the tips! I’m just getting my blog up and running so this is perfect timing.
I think I discovered blogs about 5-6 years ago, and the first one I remember reading was Carrots N Cake! Still one of my favorites. 🙂
I love Tina!
So so so helpful!! Thank you 🙂