Hello! I finally feel normal again today!!! Thank 8lb 6oz tiny little baby Jesus! I am so grateful just to feel like a human again
This morning I actually went on a run – the first ‘real’ run since the 50k this weekend!
I’m still tight, need a massage – anyone up for it? I’ll trade you some eggs for some quad rubs. Anyone?
Confession: I NEVER wash my running shoes. I don’t have to because I have only run on paved sidewalks in the past.
But my shoes were disgusting after the BTR trail race and I really needed to do something. Plus, they’re not that old so I was kinda bummed that they were so thrashed.
So, I decided to stop being a cochina for once and actually wash my running shoes. When I tweeted a pic of them a few peeps asked how to do it so here is the deal…
How to Wash Running Shoes
1. Get dirty. Preferably at a trail race.
2. Take off your shoes. Remove inserts and set aside.
3. HAND wash shoes with a mild soap. Don’t throw them in the washing machine as this may cause them to get stretched out.
I used dish soap and a rag (you can use a gentle detergent or similar).
4. Stuff shoes with newspaper to dry.
5. When completely dry put insoles back in. Lace up and go.
Vegas plays this game called, “I haven’t slept here yet”.
I looked over this morning to find him like this…
Question: Have you ever washed your workout shoes?
This was my first time because I’m a cochina of America.
Great tips and have done these a number of times with my own pair without hiccups! Great to know that I am not doing anything wrong.
I so needed this post! My shoes are caked with mud and I had just posted the question of how to clean them on my blog. I will give this a try!
I love that pic of Vegas! I don’t wash my running shoes because, like you, I’m always on paved surfaces or a treadmill. However, I’ll be doing a Spartan Race for the first time this July, and I can only imagine what my shoes will look like after that…
since i run all winter and they use a good bit of salt/brine on the roads here, i do occasionally wash my shoes to get the sediment off/out of them. after removing the insoles (if possible) i put the shoes in a mesh garment bag and then toss them in the washer. then just air dry upside down on a drying rack to finish the process. no probs thus far!
What model of Brooks are you wearing? I’m looking into the Drift. How do you like Brooks?
I have the Pure flows and connects, love them both.
This is awesome – I’ve never actually washed running shoes but after a super muddy hike last weekend, I need this tip!
Gotta…no choice since I run in Vibrams
I had to wash my Asics after I ran the North Face Endurance Challenge Marathon. It was a trail run and we had to run through a few muddy streams. My relatively new shoes were filthy, and scrubbing them with Oxiclean worked wonders on them! 🙂
Lucky you! Mud and I go together like peas and carrots! I wear my dirty girl shoes when I know I’m going to get especially dirty! Oh ya! Great post though! I wasn’t doing it correct! 😉
As often as I workout and run, I have NEVER washed my shoes. As easy as this is with just dish soap and a rag, I should probably do it…but I honestly probably won’t…lol. 🙂
good to know!.. phew Im not the only one who never washes my sneakers
GREAT!!! I never wash mine either so I needed this!!! 🙂 OK, kitty is so cute!
I’ve taken a wet paper towel to the outside, but that’s all!
Interesting. Good to know. After the color run I washed mine in the washer. Didn’t get stretched out luckily. 🙂 Vegas is just adorbs!
Timely post! Most of my shoes are medium-dark grey and really show zero dirt. BUT I recently got a pair of very, light grey (way to step out of my comfort zone, huh?) shoes and they are getting very dirty right where the laces start in the toe box area. So odd…
Anyway, I will definitely try this method this weekend! Thank you. 😀
I ruined a pair of shoes throwing them in the washer, they never fit right after. Good call on the handwash!
Great idea. Shoes in the washing machine are extremely loud and get scraped and worn.
I accidentally DRIED my running shoes when I was in high school. Worst. Idea. Ever.
Ha ha! You’re not a cochina! I bought my washing machine because it has a sport shoe cycle. It really works!
Fancy! My washer is a million years old.
That picture of Vegas is crazy cute. Thanks for sharing!
i have honestly never washed my workout shoes. never. haha. but my hiking shoes do need a good washing after the muddy trek at Blend. I think the method you showed would clean them right up too 🙂
Busted…I’ve thrown my running shoes in the washer before…but since I have started running more regularily and seriously over the last year – I haven’t. Thanks for the tips!
I just beat them together the way you beat an old rug. A lot less work and I keep a little of the BTR kharma in my shoes. 2014 Registration just opened today. Are you in, or in the way? I’ll be gunning for you next year.
You can put them in the dishwasher – just make sure to take them out before the heat/drying cycle comes on. Did it once, worked great!
I’ve “washed” mine a few times because of a mud run or just a particularly muddy trail session. I say washed, but really I just hosed them down outside and then let them dry. Perfecto! I found my ginger kitty sleeping in one of my plants this morning…..right on top of the poor plant.
I’ve never needed to wash my shoes. Those looked cleaner than I expected after the wash job.
Your cat is funny. I need to convince my husband that he loves cats and we need to get one.
I’m far too lazy to wash my running shoes but this is good information because I would have probably just tossed them in the washing machine.
My cat does the same thing. She finds the oddest places to sleep..once we found her in this tiny shoebox..how she fit in that thing (or got the lid off?) beats me!
I also wanted to ask a huge favor of you! I am currently one of the finalists in the Brooks My First Half Sweepstakes and am trying to win a trip to the Vegas Rock N’ Roll Half Marathon in order to complete my first 1/2 marathon ever!!! If you could check out my story and vote for me I would be soooo freakin grateful!! Here is the link and thank you so much!
good luck!!!
Are those the insoles that came with the shoes? What insoles would you recommend? (I have high arches)
As a matter a fact I cleaned my shoes yesterday. I have this fancy shoe cleaner in a orange can that has a scrubber attached. It did a fabulous job, they look brand new 🙂
I did a mudrun back in April in some shoes that I would have liked to use again but I didn’t really do a good job washing them. All I did was rinse them with the hose and leave them outside…they’re actually still out there. They weren’t my usual workout shoes though so that’s probably why I haven’t been in any hurry to go get them.
Glad you’re feeling better!
Vegas is adorable!
Did a mud run last summer and had to wash my shoes! Thank goodness I wore old shoes! First I sprayed them with a garden hoes and then I threw them in the washing machine. Don’t tell my mom. Sit to try. Newspaper is such a good idea though, I’ll remember for this year!!
I’ve washed my Vibram Fivefingers cause those get pretty smelly! Unless I go run in the mud and dirt, my other running shoes usually stay pretty clean and not smelly, so I don’t wash them.
I’ve never washed my shoes because I usually only run on the sidewalk, when I get a new pair of shoes the old pair gets demoted to hiking shoes but I don’t feel very compelled to clean my hiking shoes because they’ll just get messy on the next hike. Sorry if i’m gross.
I’ve only ever thrown them in the washing machine… good to know that’s not the best way to go though.
Did you scrub your insoles too? I’d love to be able to throw mine in the washing machine!
Is it ok/safe to wash the insoles too?
Just in time! The mud room in our house is starting to get funky from all the running shoes.
Why didn’t you use the “Stuffits” you were sent on 3/19 to dry the shoes? They seem like a better substitute for the newspapers.
I thought Stuffits were designed for odor and the moisture from sweaty feet – not a full on wash. Maybe I’m wrong. Stuffits are great, but not everyone has them, so the newspaper is a little more user friendly 🙂 Thanks for chiming in!