Hello! How’s it going? Are you ready for Dec 24th? I still need to wrap and have a few gifts to drop off around SoCal to my family.

I started my day with a run. But not a usual run because this morning – it was RAINING. In Orange County. This has happened way too often for SoCal this month. What is up with that?

Luckily, it’s not really cold so I had a pretty good lil 8 miler outside.
I don’t mind the rain from the sky, but the puddles are impossible to avoid on the running path. This wasn’t on the path – just right outside my door. There were spots on my run that were completely flooded on the path and I just ran right through them. Splish-splash!! There was no avoiding it, so I just embraced it.

If you have been reading RER for a while you know that SkinnyRunner was my only friend / running buddy / race photographer / personal Uber to races and general partner in crime (if running too much is a crime).
She blogged for years and ran super fast and one day just mic dropped and moved back to Alaska where she grew up (or somewhere up north, I haven’t really paid attention).
I made this Christmas card to send out to all my friends to commemorate last year’s PCRF Irvine Half Marathon.

But since she is MIA I have been forced to find a new friend.
Surprisingly, my Craigslist ad titled “I NEED A FRIEND TO RUN 22 MILES WITH ME OH GOD PLEASE HELP ME I’M SO LONELY” didn’t get any responses? Weird.
Luckily, Hungry Runner Girl is in town for Christmas and came over to talk me through this crisis. She is the BEST!
Janae and Andrew brought the rain to SoCal. It’s like that sensible gift you need, but don’t want… like socks. Rain is like socks to Southern California. We need it, but would kinda rather deal with the drought and not have to deal with driving in rain traffic. Thanks guys!
Really though – Janae used to come to SoCal a few times a year and we’d meet up and eat fro-yo and not run (because she’s super fast). We’ve known each other for years and I consider her the nicest person I know and a friend. She’s here for Christmas with Andrew and I’m super happy they came over to hang out!

I put out some Costco essentials for us to have for lunch. I should have cooked for them since they’re away from home, but it is crazy over here in RER-land because of Christmas and upcoming travel plans and stuff.

I did make something – I made Chex Mix for the first time ever! And I had Janae and Andrew taste test it, so it’s kind of like I made something for them?
I’m sending it to Ben’s family because his Grandma used to make it every year and send it to them for Christmas. His dad loves it and it’s a tradition. But his grandparents live in a place where she can’t cook/bake now. When I spotted the “free” seasoning packet at the store the other day it popped in my mind to make it and send it to them. Keeping the tradition alive!!
And it came out so good!! I like Chex mix and having it fresh takes it to another level.

I also decorated because I was having visitors…

Yep, that’s it.
Vegas got this stocking last year from a cat food company. Isn’t it cute?
He is a lil naughtly though and Santa Claws might fill it with coal. Or what is the cat equivalent of coal?

After Team Hungry Runner Girl left I caught up on email and then got started on baking!

I decided to go with Chocolate Chip Bread. I also had a box of brownie mix that I made since I was already in baking mode. Randomly, the brownies came out kind of dry? I followed the box directions so I have no idea why.

My running friend moved away :(. I need to make a new running friend.
Me too!
Chocolate chip bread recipe??? I looked on your site but couldn’t find it. 🙁
Lots of running friends who have since become some of my closest and best-est friends!
I actually run frequently with the hubs. He wasn’t a runner before but he has grown to like it and we have a similar pace! We also meet up with friends about twice a week to run with. It really does make it more fun and I feel safer running with othen people.
Wow! I read both you and the Hungry runner girl blog and had no idea that you two were friends!
Rain- I don’t mind it cuz it cools me down but running in the puddles is no fun!
Happy Holidays!
My running friends are the best! I recently hurt my foot really badly and so many different people have taken me to and from hospital appointments as well as buying me drinks and putting up with my moaning at being injured!
I don’t have any running friends but I am going to try and make some! I have friends on IG and some people I know that run near me – but my crippling shyness and antisocial behavior patterns get in the way sometimes. Also I run at like 4am and not many people are that crazy.
Yeah! Make friends… especially because it must be dark at that hour when you run!
I do! I have to be home by 5:45 to get my kids and self ready for work/school. Be safe! And yes, a running partner would be safer!
I don’t have any running friends. I prefer to run alone and pace myself. Or maybe I just haven’t found the right buddy yet!
Most of my best friends live overseas, because I went to an international school. I have two best friends in Japan, a few in the UK, one in NYC, one in Korea… etc. It sucks but it also rocks at the same time cos I get free accommodation when I travel!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I have lots of running friends. But mostly just meet up with them on race days or long runs.
I have lots of close friends who moved away too. I even drove from NYC to North Carolina last month to visit one of my best friends.