Hey there! How was your weekend? I had the perfect Sunday with good food and good company and cheap wine that I feel is good because I don’t know the difference.
I started the day with a short run because I wanted to finish up my audiobook, Down the Rabbit Hole by Holly Madison.
Thoughts on the book… I wasn’t sure what to expect, but really just wanted to bubble gum fun behind the scenes info from the Girls Next Door. Nothing in it really surprised me except that they didn’t get paid for Season 1 of GND for whatever reason. I thought it was interesting, but like someone else said, super one sided. I like her and enjoyed the book. It’s not rocket science, but I’m not a rocket scientist so it works.

Then, Ben and I took our annual (or monthly or whenever he’s in town) walk to get coffee. I opted to get a Starbucks blendi-cano.

We usually get pastries but decided to hit up Mimi’s Café for breakfast instead. Ben said he was on a mission for pancakes so we ordered pancakes and savory crepes and split it.

Then, I speed walked home so I could meet up with my best person Cindy. She and I are bummed that our third amigo (amiga? doesn’t have the same ring) went to Vegas this weekend without us. Whaaaat?! Not cool Rochelle, not cool.
So we replaced her with Vegas, not the place, the cat.

I’m so glad we’re here playing on our phones instead of in Las Vegas.

Every single time we go out Cindy goes MIA (read: wanders off) and then texts us to find her. It’s like her own personal game of hide-and-seek that we don’t want to play but at the same time don’t want to be the reason she ends up on Forensic Files.
But before we go on the Cindy search we usually send her a picture of us making faces and/or inappropriate hand gestures so she knows we’re not happy to be forced back into this game.
So we sent Rochelle one, but she didn’t feel guilty at all.

And I’m going to share a super top secret fact about me…
I have never burnt the roof of my mouth. Seriously. I’m just really good at eating. I was made to eat hot pizza. I never wait for my food to cool off, I don’t need to I can just go for it. Boom.

I know I’m not the only person that has never burnt the roof of my mouth. Anyone else in here have that ‘talent’ for eating pizza or other hot things?
Thoughts on the blendicano? Is it actually a good drink, because I am skeptical haha.
My sister and I text each other pictures of our dogs all day long. lol
Sent a picture of my front yard to my dad to show him that it isn’t flooding (parts of Houston currently are)
Oh no, I just heard about that on the news. Glad you’re in a safe zone.
I don’t think Vegas is satisfied with the amount of wine in his glass. He looks like he’s smirking! Fill ‘er up!!!!
I texted a pic of my boyfriends daughter at her gymnastics meet to my friend yesterday to show off my talented work. I did her hair for the meet. Lol.