Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going weird because my dad thinks I’m moving. And I need your help. Not help with moving, because I’m not moving… help with something else. Still following all of this?

I am in this weird place in my life in that I have decided to finally ‘get it together’. Well, I’m not getting all of my life together because I like to keep things a surprise (mostly to myself). But I am trying to get my home together by doing a super legit Spring Cleaning session. I don’t know why I felt the need to capitalize it, maybe because it’s part of my new fancy life / SPRING CLEANING endeavor and I want to feel like it’s extra important.
I am in what I call and “anti-hoarding” phase where I am throwing anything that’s not nailed down or too heavy for me to lift.
It’s therapeutic.
My mom said it’s how I am trying to feel control over my life. Which I think is code for “I’m going to suggest you go to therapy soon and this is a lil hint hint before I give you a lecture…”
In an effort to get rid of unneeded items I have been taking pictures of things like my end tables, books, clothes… that I don’t want and texting them to my family to see if anyone wants them before I donate it.
My dad saw this and asked my mom, “Is she moving?!”
It’s probably because I’ve never cleaned like this before and he’s weirded out.
Well, no end tables for you Dad.
But here’s where I need your help…
I recently got a new set of kitchen knives (as opposed to bathroom knives?) and need to get rid of my old ones. The Katana cutlery are very impressive. They’re really not good enough to donate or give away because they’re dull and rusted. But they are probably good enough to stab someone. I haven’t tested this, but I have cut my fingers chopping apples so I know they can do some damage.

I don’t know if it’s because of my obsession with Serial Season 1 or the Steve Avery Making a Murderer thing or all the other dozens of Innocence Project stories I’ve heard within the last year but I may be the slightest bit paranoid now. So I am afraid if I just throw them in the trash someone is going to find them and murder someone and then blame it on me and I’m going to be all like,
“I couldn’t have murdered anyone because I don’t even know how to chop apples!”
But no one will believe me because of the rampant criminal profiling of redheads that goes on in the media (I assume I don’t really watch the news because I’m too busy with my true crime documentaries). And then I’ll go to jail because I just wanted to clean my house and get my life together!
So, what should I do with them?
And since I’m asking for advice, you are also welcome to weigh in on this watermelon dilemma…
One of the baby watermelons I bought has all this brown stuff around the core.
Does this mean it’s bad? Is this just a natural thing that happens sometimes and it’s fine?
I really want to eat it! Someone tell me it’s cool and I won’t get the D word if I do (diarrhea not the other d word perv).

Ok, I’ve been holding onto a knife for awhile for the same reason ( I don’t watch TV I just have this paranoia on my own)
Wait, what other D word?
Maybe I’m gross (or fearless – you pick), but I’d eat the watermelon and just cut those brown parts off. I’d donate the knives to Good Will, Salvation Army, or a homeless shelter.
i get that on apples sometimes and i just cut around it. i dont think the brown stuff is bad for you and the rest of the watermelon is just fine. that first picture on this post though i totally thought you were moving too! so many boxes 🙂
Not much help with your questions, but have you listened to the Sword & Scale podcast? Almost every episode is a new case, so interesting!!
This type of cleaning is what I call “tossing out what I don’t want so I can get new things” I go through this a couple times a year. And when I run out of things that I can sell or get rid of them I’m go find new things that I will like/use. As for knifes and watermelon I’m not much help. I’ve never thought of tossing knifes being bad because of other people killing someone but that’s a good point and I will no longer get rid of knives that way.
“tossing out what I don’t want so I can get new things” <- Ha!! Same.
Skip the watermelon! Your knives story makes me laugh. But, you have inspired me to maybe start cleaning out my junk. It’s been on my to-do list to start paring down what I own and not have boxes of junk piled up in the garage. Thank you, we can do this!
I would give the knives to a shelter or soup kitchen or something of that nature. They are always in need and don’t need super fancy brand new things.
I wouldn’t eat the watermelon if you ingest any of the diseased part it can make you very sick for a few days. It’s not going to kill you but it may get you in as much trouble as throwing the knives away. Why are you trying to poison your neighbors???? lol!
It’s called “watermelon rind necrosis.” It’s been a big problem with watermelon crops recently! While the disease usually doesn’t spread to the meat of the fruit, it’s probably safest to toss it.
Boo. Thanks for letting me know!
Donate the knives and pitch the watermelon. You don’t want the thing the “D” thing, whatever that is. As for the knives, someone would be happy to clean the apple and blood residue off of them and sharpen them up. They look perfectly fine to me.
Can you take the knives to a recycling center? Maybe they can do something with the metal.
Good idea!
No idea about watermelon, but for the knives, take a look around for a knife sharpener in your area (I mean a person who professionally maintains knives, not a device). See if they’ll take a look at your old knives. If the knives are of reasonably good quality (looks like they are), they can probably be sharpened/renewed. You can then donate them (or sell them) in good conscience, or if the cost of sharpening is too high and you don’t want to pay it, the sharpener might take them off your hands to resell themself.
I agree about the “knife sharpener” person.
I would recommend donating the knives to a homeless shelter, they are always in need of kitchenware. I would skip the watermelon, I think that is a sign of the fruit being rotten 🙁
I would probably eat the inside of the melon and toss the outside edible part. Just scoop it out. As for the knives, I’m not sure…I get what you mean. I would probably still donate them to a local Goodwill or something because if they don’t think they’re usable, they will toss them but then again they might resell them? I guess you could clean them off so none of your fingerprints are left on them before tossing them! Use gloves. 🙂
Hmm. I’m picky about fruit so I might avoid the melon. Keep the knives.