There was a mix up with some stuff this morning plus Ben called in sick to work so I wasn’t able to leave for my run until 11am. That is super super late for me. By that time I was hungry so made a wrap with egg whites and ketchup before I left.
Then, I was off on my 4 mile run! Ben offered to take a picture of me because he thought I looked ridiculous. Little does he know this is how I always look on my runs now! When I got back I took a quick shower and was hungry for lunch right about 12:45pm – I’m glad the late run didn’t completely throw off my day 🙂
I made a massive salad with a cole slaw mix, tomatoes, trail mix (nuts and dried fruit) and TJ’s PB dressing. I also topped it with some falafels (am I supposed to pluralize that word?). With an apple on the side :)This was a major volume meal – my fave kind.
I’m watching “Little Miss Perfect” a show about pageants. I have never put any thought into what I think about pageants. I know some people think it’s really bad stuff for little girls, but as kid I think I would have loved it. I was such a cheese ball (am still kinda am, I guess). Don’t hate on the crimped hair either.There are some things I “conveniently” left out of my Florida recap from this weekend. I’m here to admit a trip to Taco Bell, fair-like fried food and more….
This weekend (in FL) we were out and about between the art show and visiting peeps and I was super hungry! The best option was Taco Bell and I was happy with that. I ordered a salad and switched out the beef for chicken (normally I opt out of the chicken, but all I had been eating was empty carbs all day and figured I needed it). I also ordered an extra pintos and cheese on the side.
After a bite of the shell (I’m only human!) I dumped the salad in the container, added the beans and hot sauce and mixed it up. Ben made fun of me for being able to find something “healthy” even at Taco Bell, but that’s just how I roll. I’m glad I made smart choices at Taco Bell, because I ended up trying a Crab Fritter at the art show
Crab Fritter = Doughy Fried mess
and of course, kettle corn.
And a pirate shot Ben. That’s what he gets for making pirate jokes like this:
Q: What’s the pirate’s girlfriend’s name?
A: Arrrrrlene!
See ya later 🙂
Dude! That is hardly something to worry about, you made a healthy choice at the ‘bell and kettle corn and a couple of crab fritters are not going to un-do your life!
Dont be so hard on yourself!
Oooh! Those crab fritters are like Takuyaki balls. I love those to death!
rondell says you looked like Punky Brewster, when you were a kid. Hey was anyone kicking you in MD like 2 weeks ago?
I don’t get it? It was good talking to you yesterday 🙂
Congrats on the recipe contest to you, too! i need to try out that pie. Would it be ironic to make it with vegan eggnog?
Congrats on the Egg Nog pie win!!!!
You were such a cute kid!!!! And I love that you made your meal at taco bell healthy. That’s tough to do!
Taco Bell’s funny, because it has a rep for being so gross, but it’s actually one of the best fast food places in terms of finding something healthier/vegetarian. They have that fresco menu, and they’ll swap out anything for you if you ask (ie beans instead of beef).
Lots of deliciousness in this post!
You were such a cute kid! If i went to taco bell there’s no way I would get a salad haha! I definitely would have gone for a fatty bean and cheese burrito!
11am is my favorite time to run! i wish i could head out at that time more often.
i <3 that blast from the past pic too.
DOOD I am such a sucker for poppy corn!
New Giveaway, music + fitness –
What a great example of healthy eating at ANY restaurant! Taco Bell- I’m impressed!
Congrats on the Eggland’s Best contest!! 😀
And MAN, those fritters look good!
Love the pic of you when you were a kid— so cute! Congrats also for winning the contest!
Cute pic of you! So you went to taco bell? Whatever man, you got a salad!! It could’ve been worse, right?
Congrats on winning the egglands best contest!!! I made your pie on Thanksgiving and everyone LOVED it! Me included 🙂
Those crab fritters look awesome!! Good job on finding something healthy at TB. I like to get grilled steak soft tacos or regular tacos and order then al fresco.
I love the picture of you from when you were younger-it’s so cute!