Hi! How are you? I am tired. That’s what happens when you wake up before Santa Claus though. (That’s not a saying, I don’t know why I said that – probably because of the tired.) Since I was up bright and early I hit the road for 10 miles. I was taking it easy and mainly wanted to get some miles on tired legs.
It was pretty slow until the last few miles… while I was stopped at a water fountain a guy passed me. No big.

Except he kept looking back at me to see how far back I was. Again, no big.
But he kept looking back to check if I was going to pass him, and I thought, “C’mon guy, running isn’t my best angle stop looking at me…”

So, I decided to just pass him. I didn’t want to, I only had about 3 miles left and didn’t want to push it. But I also didn’t want anyone looking at my sad sweaty carcass while running – so by some Christmas miracle I was able to pass him, despite the fact that my legs were tired and I was listening to a random podcast about female issues and running.
And that’s why I ran so fast. The end.
After my run I decided to skip ‘real’ structured yoga and decided to do some deep stretching and a few yoga moves.

I did the #1 yoga move for runners… pigeon. It’s a great hip stretch – an area that is notoriously tight for runners. This is my favorite yoga pose because it stretches my IT band – being too tight there causes knee pain!
But I took pigeon pose up a notch by flapping my wings. I was really channeling the pigeon here and it was like I was flying.. except instead of flying I was super heavy and tight and I just wanted to sit on the couch to watch Bravo reruns.

I flapped and flapped until my wings compelled me to get in the shower. Then, I headed to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner.
We had SO MANY DOGS there!!! My brother brought his pup and it was practically a Dalmatian Plantation!!

The Mikster and I played grocery store and discussed the virtues of buying organic and the dirty dozen. Next time we’ll talk about GMOs.

Most of the day was pretty indulgent on the food front, but I did have this super delicious and healthy snack mid-afternoon.

It was a very fun, delicious day!!
And the cherry on top…
I have PB in my purse. Never leave home without it!! (It’s not organic PB though, don’t tell my niece.)

I love the pigeon stretch. Did it today after my run! 🙂
No bag of PB… but now I kind of wish I did 🙂
I did have PB in my purse once and I dragged my headphones through it and they got all sticky and then stopped working, so I vowed to never have PB in my purse again! LOL I have PB to go containers on my counter and I am paranoid to put one in my purse!! AH! I think I might take the leap today.
I’ve had similar experiences at races. Usually small races where there aren’t many runners and as someone who’s not the fastest, but maintains a steady pace, there’s always someone who doesn’t want to be last so when they see me catching up (looking back at me constantly), ready to pass, they will sprint and then start walking and the whole thing gets repeated over and over again. Not sure why it irks me so much, but i’m not their pacer and it’s tiring feeling like their only goal is to finish ahead of you.
If you have no already, check out the Sword & Scale podcast. You may never sleep again, but it is great true crime stories.
Honestly that guy running ahead of you sounds like a creep. glad your safe.
I always carry a tablespoon or two of PB in my lunch box. Lol
Just splendid! To smoothly run, this yoga must be worked which is essential to all. But I think that you should add also more. So, I hope that you do it next time. Well done, mate!
No peanut butter but i always have a KIND bar. 🙂
I love random yoga poses!
Every so often, I opt for just a free form “whatever feels good” yoga session. No structure, just feeling!
Those are actually becoming my absolute favorite yoga sessions to do — I always feel relaxed and recharged… and since I target what feels tight I always feel loose!