Hello! This morning I woke up ready for a long run, but I’m still a little tight from the 50k. Between the longer distance with the tough terrain (and getting sick this week) it has taken me A LOT longer to recover from last Saturday’s race than normal.
So I did 11 miles and called it good.
Run Eat (watermelon) Repeat
It was such a gorgeous day I had a walking date planned with Katie and Skinny Runner.
On the way home I stopped at Trader Joe’s for some very important supplies (read: wine). I looked over at Road Runner Sports (in the same parking lot) and saw they had tents outside.
Hello, I almost forgot I had to get my bib for the Laguna Hills Memorial Day Half! Ha! Grabbed it easy peasy.
Then, I hit up TJ’s for wine for some watermelon sangria.
Aaaand, I finally got a massage. The back of my right quad has been super tight since last Saturday so I needed it!
Now I have some Slutty Brownies in the oven and I’m relaxing. This is fantastic!!!
Question: Is it good Memorial Day weekend weather in your world?
Fruit-filled wine seems is a GREAT idea. It’s been super sunny all weekend where we are (San Diego). Loving it!
Great run! We have pretty good weather here this weekend, looking forward to getting outside soon. Have a great Memorial Day!
Watermelon is my new go to hydration choice after my runs lately!
Where can i get those procompression visors?
I don’t see those sold in their website.
Slutty brownies are soooo good! Are you going to share your watermelon sangria recipe?
Watermelon and blondies, yum! The weather was perfect today 🙂
Immediately after seeing your post my bf was reading over my shoulder so he googled slutty brownies and we made them for our friend that had shoulder surgery. I’m pretty sure they are a cure all.
Have can you feel the back of your quad? Do you mean your HAMSTRING?
Yes, I just keep saying that because it’s kinda joke – I say that I have no hamstrings and run on all quads since they’re so big and my back area is so ‘soft’.
We had pretty yucky weather this weekend. I’m up in Vermont for the Vermont City Marathon and it was 42 degrees and rainy! Last year this time it was mid 70’s and sunny, to give some perspective. There was even some snow a few miles north of here! Despite the terrible weather I had a PR!
A massage is so helpful for recovery. I think it is great you’re treating yourself to a little break. Good plan to listen to your body and partake in some well deserved wine and brownies. My body tells me to partake in that all the time too:)
Slutty brownies? No idea, but I’m totally in. Also, YES! Watermelon sangria! I’m not a big drinker but after the stress of this weekend, its on like Donkey Kong.
it’s been so gorgeous here the last few weeks, then it started to pour yesterday and it hasn’t stopped. i could use some watermelon sangria!
It is gorgeous weather here right now. Did an early trail run yesterday!
The Kidless Kronicles
It’s been a gorgeous wkend in the Deep South. Blue skies, 90s, etc. love! Slutty brownies?! You can’t mention those things without a recipe!!! 😉
It’s gorgeous here in MD. Today, there’s not a cloud in the sky. It’s a bit chilly and windy, but it felt great during my 14 mile bike ride this morning (on my shiny new road bike!!!)
Yesterday the weather was lousy but today’s looking up! I have a 10K at the a winery and I’m hoping it’ll be 60s and sunny
The weather here in New York was so beyond freezing, rainy and cold yesterday! I can’t recall a Memorial Day weekend in recent years like this, it is usually in the 80’s. Today we get lucky – no rain and 60s lol. I will take it!…I had the same issue with the back of my quad/high hamstring area a few weeks ago after running a half. Hope yours is better, mine took about a week. It was pretty painful.
We’re finally getting some good weather here after the longest winter ever. I got a massage on Friday – she worked my IT band so hard it’s bruised! Hurts so good.
Stop withholding the slutty brownie recipes and there won’t be no problems Monica lol.
Sounds like a good day. Watermelon Sangria yummmm!
Massages are awesome sauce!
Weather is pretty hot and what most deem perfect here in sunny florida.
It’s warm and humid over here…I’m hibernating at home with the air-cond blasting!
I saw this on Pinterest tonight and thought of you immediately! So pretty!!
I totes only know what slutty brownies are from the Bravo tv show Don’t be tardy .. dont judge me
Sounds like an amazing day! Good thing you drove buy and remembered to pick up your packet! 😉
oo! I want a recipe for slutty brownies! weather here in tennessee is perfect. i’m trying to take advantage of it before the unbearable heat/humidity sets in…
same in florida though it’s getting there!
did you put cuties into your watermelon sangria? either way, it looks delicious!!
good luck racing tomorrow! =)
Your watermelon always looks so good. I always like it more when someone else picks it out, pays for it, and cuts it. 🙂
It was in the mid 50s here and cloudy today.
I’m eating a diva brownie right now (and maybe have my eye on a mud pie brownie inches away from my laptop), but a watermelon sangria sounds amazing. I need an adult beverage in my life, stat. Thanks for the reminder.
What shorts do you wear running? I am looking for a pair of tight like short, kind of like the ones in your first picture. What brand are those?
Those are Brooks shorts. They are awesome because they have a liner so they don’t ride up. I’m doing a summer gear post soon.
Ok I need Slutty Brownie recipe STAT! I’ve totally got the “I’ve got my period chocolate cravings” and this looks PERFECT!
Ooo…recipe for the Slutty Brownies?
And the weather is perfect! Today we had ideal conditions for a long run. I have never run a 16 mile distance so effortlessly. Tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer for my birthday party 🙂
happy birthday 🙂