I kinda cheated on my No Eating After Dinner rule because I planned dinner to be very snacky. So, it ended up feeling like I was eating after dinner! But, I can only show you wrappers because my camera completely ate all the pictures I took today. Boo 🙁 I really need a new camera, but I won’t be saved up for two more months…
Dinner was a meal of many parts, first up: Luna Bar. I hadn’t had this flavor in the longest time so it was like it was new again 🙂
Then, I roasted up some brussel sprouts. I can’t help but eat the whole pan every time I roast them, so I only made half the bag tonight.
And the grand finale was popcorn. I have been seeing popcorn on TV, other blogs, in my head and really have been craving it. I also have a problem eating a whole bag of popcorn so I stopped the popping before it was done. Even if I don’t want to eat the whole bag, I want to feel like I ate the whole bag. I know it sounds messed up, but that’s what it is.
Rewind to lunch… I heated up some boxed soup for lunch. On the side I had a wrap with LC and carrots with hummus. I didn’t picture the hummus because I was scraping the container on this one. Wait, I can’t show you the pics of anything except the soup box because of my cam troubles 🙁
Then, I hit up Costco because the cherries I was eyeing yesterday finally broke me. I am no match for their Siren’s song. I ate a lot a lot on the drive home. This is a file pic because I don’t want to dig the pits out of the trash…
I also hit up a store to bring home an old friend – more on that tomorrow 😉See you in the morning!
A lot of count downs are going on in my head tonight…
I am seriously counting down the the hours and minutes until LOST is on tomorrow!
I’m also counting down the minutes until I’m in California (Wednesday)!!
Plus counting down the time until Ben and I can discuss where to next. We promised each other we would not worry about it until February and today is Feb. 1st!!! Anyone know of any good mechanical engineering jobs in CA or FL?
Popping half the bag is a GREAT idea!!!
I am the same with Brussels sprouts! If I don’t put them away almost immediately after they’re roasted, I will eat every last bite. They’re just so tasty!
Yes I am counting the minutes until LOST too!!!
hey monica… i saw you mentioned that you only cooked half a “bag” of brussel sprouts… do you buy them in bulk or do they come frozen? I am having a hard time getting them each week from my fruit/veggie store and i can never find them in the produce section at the regular super market. do they come frozen? (i wonder if they would taste as good?) or do you purchase them from costco maybe??
i love the smores flavor luna bar, i love roasted brussel sprouts, and i love to spend money at road runner sports. im in love!
I’m now really interested in these Luna Bars. We don’t have them here so I’m really intrigued.
Amanda – thanks! Yeah, we’re familiar with the fact that NG is all over the place in Redondo/El Segundo. It’s a bit of a commute from our condo, but we’re exploring it 🙂
Thanks again!
Hi! I’m an engineer in Baltimore and have been following your blog for a few months. I’m not sure what background Ben has or if he has any clearances but I did a quick search of Northrop Grumman’s job openings and there are some different types of mechanical openings in different areas of CA… Sunnyvale, Redondo Beach, El Segundo etc. He can go online and search the careers page and apply from there if he’s interested in any. Good luck!
Monica – I roast them at 425 until they look perfectly charred.
How do you make your brussel sprouts? They look delish!
P.S. Trader joe’s sells these 130 cal mini popcorn bags! Cheap and portion-control!
Sometimes I’m just not in the mood for a “real” dinner and prefer to have more a snacky-type meal. It’s great that you planned it that way…I sometimes don’t plan ahead as well as I should and the snacking gets out of control!
nutty bits…heh heh heh
I’m SO PISSED at myself for slacking off on last season. I still haven’t caught up. I feel like I’m letting the show down 🙁
Gah naughty camera 🙁
LOVE those sprouts!! Roasted is the ultimate way to do them 🙂
sorry your camera ate your pics 🙁 your obsession with sprouts has me intrigued; i haven’t tried them since age 5 but I think I’ll need to give them another shot!
Ok, now I’m craving popcorn… time to pull the trusty 100 cal bags that are stashed in the pantry for just this reason. The good thing about popcorn is you can eat a TON for so few cals.
I totally get you with the popcorn – there are some things that just break my heart to stop eating, but putting less in front of me in the first place is easy!
I love cherries! And those clusters (the nutty bits) look delish.
<3 jess
I cannot wait for Lost as well. It is such an amazing show.
I am weirdly craving brussel sprouts now…Thanks 🙂
yay lost!! i’m sooo excited. like i probably won’t sleep tonight and definitely won’t be productive tmrw haha
Funny enough, S’more is the only flavor Luna bar I *don’t* like. Something about the taste/smell combo turns my stomach… even though REAL S’mores are amazing. 😉
Hi! Where are you going in Ca? I live in San Diego. Your brussel sprouts look amazing!
I’ll be north of that just south of LA 🙁
I know that Harris is a big time place for ME’s in Florida and so is Belkin in West Palm.
Just wanted to let you know I have discovered an AWESOME evening tea that I’ve been drinking to help with the no after dinner snacking. It’s called Tulsi Jasmine, and I add a little stevia. It actually tastes like a dessert!