I heard it was #NationalBestFriendDay and I have to give a shout out to my favorite friend in the world.
The day Cindy and I met in first grade she went home and told her mom, “Mom! I met a girl with red these and red these!” (As she pointed to her eyebrows and eyelashes.)
Apparently I was the first redhead she ever saw. And she decided to keep me, (even though I’m rough).
This is the original blast in a glass. And I love vodka her.
Flashback post – Here are 10 Things I Learned from My Best Friend
Question: When did you meet your best friend?
Who started this crap about today being Best Friend Day?
Best Friend Day is June 8th.
Who started this crap about today being Best Friday Day?
Best Friend Day is June 8th.
Ha! I don’t even know but it was trending yesterday!!
Right!! I would think people would know how to use google by now.
I met Brandi in the sixth grade, and we’ve been best friends ever since. We were roommates in college, she moved with me to Hawaii when I got transferred for work, she was my maid of honor in my wedding, and she was with me through the messiness of a divorce too. We’ve cried together, we’ve laughed together, and now we run together because we only live 3 hours apart – the closest since Hawaii! 😀
I met my BFF 16 years ago at Church…and there is no doubt in my mind that we will grow old together!
adorable! my best friend and I met in 8th grade!
I met my best friend when we were 4 years old….which would be 44 years ago! And we are still best friends. We don’t see each other much anymore but we still stay in touch. We’ve been there through a lot of stuff with each other and we always will be.
My best friend and I were cast as Velma and Roxie in the musical Chicago at a local theatre company and we have been besties ever since!
Is it beyond cheesy to say my husband is my best friend? Met him a little less than 5 years ago, on a ski trip with my grandfather. Talk about a set up!
I met my crew around 6th grade and they rock.
i met my best friend in kindergarten =)
Yesterday was actually national cat day, so you better dedicate your next post to Las Vegas! 🙂
Don’t tell him or he’ll be mad at me!
Back in 8th grade (I believe) over Iced animal crackers. I had a baggie of them at lunch and shared them!
You two are adorable!
I’m super lame. My best friend is my hubby, whom I met in high school. We have a cute story about how we met at a band concert when my mouthpiece fell out of my baritone backstage. << nerd
Ha! DYING reading your “red these and red these” story! That’s hysterical!
I miss those days of ONE HARD AND FAST BFF…
Mine grew up across the street from me 🙂 I have another one that I met in 7th grade. It was a weird way to meet a friend lol but we have remained best friends and she was my MOH in my wedding.
On the 3rd day of University. We end up sharing a taxi together, she made me laugh right off and I’ve never wanted rid of her since! She’s so full of fun and strength, we’ve been through a hell of a lot together and I miss her like mad now that she lives far away.
At nursery school. Although we live far apart, we stay in touch by text and email, meeting up when possible 🙂
My sis is my BFF. So Iguess, the answer is since her birth. 🙂
Aww, I love my best friend. Third grade. She has my heart, forever. Even if that beezy did up and move to Australia 😉
I met my best friend in 2nd grade. Even though I moved across the country we’re still close as ever. We write each other creepy love notes The Notebook style because we’re cool like that.
Your Vegas pics always crack me up. I say a Meet Eat (Drink) Repeat in Vegas is needed.
Hehe, I love what she said to her mom 😀
And I met my best friend the summer after high school.
National Best Friend’s day is actually on June 8
If that’s true I am going to die at the coincidence – that’s her b-day!
Google it. June 8.
I met my best friend at work. We clicked instantly and now I couldn’t imagine life without her 🙂 Miss her though – we live far apart now since I moved…hopefully we will be back together soon!
Love the 10 things I learned post! Congrats on an awesome friendship!
I feel like I have different best friends. There’s my husband (cheese factor), who I met in college. My childhood best friend, who I met in kinder and still hang out with today. My work best friend. My made-as-an-adult best friend. I have a hard time limiting it!
You two are cute!
I met my bestie in 4th grade. We even went to college together, lived in the same dorm freshman year, and the same suite sophomore year.
My moms my best friend and I’d have I say I met her on my BIRTH day!
Yay besties!
I was 4. She lived across the street. She was there for life’s biggest moments and most of the small ones too. Of course we grew up and she moved to Arizona. We still talked and I saw her when she came back to Kansas and went there to see her and her family. Sadly my last trip was in March after she had a stroke. i was with her when she died. I am grateful for the 42 years of joy and love she brought to my life. I miss her every day.
Kelly I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a friend so young is rough.