Hello! How are you? Over here it’s pretty good. I created an easy workout and healthy dinner last night that I wanted to share. But first – I saw something on the running path that I’ve never seen before. It’s mostly weird because I’ve lived here for about 6 years now and run this path about 4 to 5 days a week that entire time – anything new is kinda weird, right?
Well, I was just running along listening to my podcast of the day when I saw a very tattooed lady riding a pretty white and brown horse coming toward me on the running path. I love it!

I gave a little wave and said ‘good morning’ but I don’t think she heard me because she didn’t respond. So, I didn’t want to stop and take a picture right in her face because I wasn’t sure what scares a horse (I think I’ve watched too many movies?), but I snapped one when they passed. On the way back I saw a BIG pile of poo that was obviously from the horse and I spared you a picture of that. You’re welcome.

Speaking of random things – I know getting mystery bruises is common but I think I’m going for a record here. I got the big one on the left a few days ago and even showed it to my mom. This morning a few other ones are popping up. I must be smacking my arm into something and don’t realize!

Maybe I’m being clumsy because my brain is disoriented from heat stroke? I didn’t turn on the AC the day I went to the US Open of Surfing since I was going to be gone all day.
When I got home at 7pm I saw that the inside and outside were exactly the same temperature – almost 90 degrees. So much for insulation! I decided to visit the First Defense Insulation website to explore options to improve my home’s thermal efficiency. However, if you’re in need of insulation installation services, look no further than this home insulation near me, for they offer professional solutions at competitive rates, and their skilled team is committed to ensuring a seamless process from start to finish. This way, you can promptly enjoy the benefits of well-insulated ceilings and a more comfortable environment.

The good thing about summer is all my favorite fruits are in season – watermelon, mango, margaritas… and I’ve been filling up on them.

Ben said he was antsy the other day and wanted to workout. I run or do a 21 day fix workout or something early in the day so I didn’t really want to do anything – plus I was throwing together dinner. So, I used one of the oldest tricks in the book – a deck of cards workout.

I assigned each shape an exercise and told him to do the number of reps the card had with face cards being worth 10. It is fun because you don’t know what’s the next move and it’s easy because all the moves are familiar – just make sure you have good form.

What’s not easy (for me at least) is drawing the shapes. Ha! How tragic is my artwork?!

I just had him keep picking cards until I was done making dinner.

And dinner was super easy too! I like easy stuff. I’m lazy.
I baked a few boneless skinless chicken breasts with seasoning, sesame ginger dressing and hot sauce. I threw some frozen veggies in the microwave. And when the chicken was almost done added a baking sheet of potatoes to the oven to cook.
Protein. Carbs. Veggies. Check check and check.

Then, I made a banana mug cake for dessert and everything was right in the world.
My mom used to bruise easily and has really improved by taking extra vitamin C. Don’t know if that helps you remember *how* you got the bruise, but might help you get fewer! 🙂 This article also talks about eating more leafy greens, but as a runner I’ll bet you already do that.
Thanks! That’s a good tip!
Just chipmunks, deer, rabbits and snakes. No horses.
We have a horse trail near the running path, so we see horses once in a while. I’ve seen a skunk, raccoons, bunnies, a coyote (freaked me out!!) rats, and a road runner. More animals have come closer to the city with the drought.
I live in Mammoth Lakes….you never know what you are going to see on the trails here….I have run into herds of deer (almost literally), a fox, bear cubs, a skunk, people on horseback. I have even been buzzed by a golden eagle once. It’s truly wild kingdom, but it’s beautiful!
I’m in Missouri and run trails so yeah!
no, I’ve never seen a horse or any crazy animals (maybe peacocks and pigs…) during my runs! Just makes me wonder- did that lady every come back to pick up the huge pile of poo? I’ve seen most dog-owners to pick up after their dog’s poop to keep the roads/sidewalks clean…
haha Most of the time you don’t know a horse while you’re riding because it’s pooping as it walks – doesn’t have to stop like dogs (and we ) do! Or doo. 🙂 Reminds me of high school band a thousand years ago: we were the *second* largest school in a 2-school county, so we had to march in the *back* of the rodeo parade. Funny how we all threw away our white shoes and bought new ones for the next season…
Somehow I lost part of the first sentence – should be “you don’t know a horse is pooping while you’re riding because it’s pooping as it walks”.
You do realize there is a horse stable on Trabuco near Lake Forest right?! hahahaha 🙂 I run on the trail near there and see horses fairly often because the trails are mainly dirt near me. Years ago, I even got lucky at my son’s birthday party at the park behind the stable and a guy stopped and gave all the kids rides on his horse! Best. Party. Ever. and it was free-thirty! If you run down toward my end of town you may see horses more often…or you can just swing by the stables and check them out!
i saw a pet rabbit out in street this morning. apparently my neighbor lets her rabbit out by itself! i was trying to catch it b/c i thought it had escaped, but he was just out on his own. I’ve also seen bobcats and coyotes out on the trails.
Today I saw the scariest thing on my run. I was zoning out, when all of a sudden a black bear came out of the woods directly in front of me with her 2 baby cubs. She stood up on her hind legs and opened her mouth and let out some sort of noise. She was like 2 feet in front of me and staring straight at me. I honestly thought that was the end of me. I didn’t know what I was going to do….she backed down and turned and looked the other way. I turned around and slowly started to walk away. When I saw she was meandering the other way, I bolted. Then I started sobbing when I got back to the road. It was the scariest moment of my life 🙁
No!!! Are you serious?! This is so scary. I can’t imagine.
Yes, dead serious. Happened this morning. I run that trail most mornings and walk my dog on it in the evenings. Never encountered a bear…I was an emotional mess the rest of the day. Horrible!
So happy you are alright!!
I’ve seen several foxes while running…. No no, the little fuzzy animals kind!
Depending on where I run in the past I’ve seen bats, owls, great herons, deer, cats (saw stray kittens once but when I came back they were gone), and lately here in SC there are a bunch of cicadas which are as big as a small bird and make a lot of noise when you run past them.
HA! I am kind of surprised you passed up the poo picture….isn’t that what Instagram is all about ? Lots of crappy pictures?? hahhahhaha!!
I’m always getting random bruises especially on my legs. My hubby thinks I have memory problems because I rarely remember where they came from.
Oh, man, I wish you’d’ve gotten a closeup of the horse! Maybe next time?